-- The Agda standard library
-- Some code related to indexed containers that uses heterogeneous
-- equality

-- The notation and presentation here is perhaps close to those used
-- by Hancock and Hyvernat in "Programming interfaces and basic
-- topology" (2006).

{-# OPTIONS --with-K --safe #-}

module Data.Container.Indexed.WithK where

open import Axiom.Extensionality.Heterogeneous using (Extensionality)
open import Data.Container.Indexed hiding (module PlainMorphism)
open import Data.Product.Base
  using (_,_; -,_; _×_; ; proj₁; proj₂; Σ-syntax)
open import Function.Base renaming (id to ⟨id⟩; _∘_ to _⟨∘⟩_)
open import Level
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; _⊆_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as P using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H using (_≅_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous


-- Equality, parametrised on an underlying relation.

Eq :  {i o c r } {I : Set i} {O : Set o} (C : Container I O c r)
     (X Y : Pred I )  IREL X Y   IREL ( C  X) ( C  Y) _
Eq C _ _ _≈_ {o₁} {o₂} (c , k) (c′ , k′) =
  o₁  o₂ × c  c′ × (∀ r r′  r  r′  k r  k′ r′)


  -- Note that, if propositional equality were extensional, then Eq _≅_
  -- and _≅_ would coincide.

  Eq⇒≅ :  {i o c r } {I : Set i} {O : Set o}
         {C : Container I O c r} {X : Pred I } {o₁ o₂ : O}
         {xs :  C  X o₁} {ys :  C  X o₂}  Extensionality r  
         Eq C X X  x₁ x₂  x₁  x₂) xs ys  xs  ys
  Eq⇒≅ {xs = c , k} {.c , k′} ext (refl , refl , k≈k′) =
    H.cong (_,_ c) (ext  _  refl)  r  k≈k′ r r refl))

setoid :  {i o c r s} {I : Set i} {O : Set o} 
         Container I O c r  IndexedSetoid I s _  IndexedSetoid O _ _
setoid C X = record
  { Carrier       =  C  X.Carrier
  ; _≈_           = _≈_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = refl , refl , λ { r .r refl  X.refl }
    ; sym   = sym
    ; trans = λ { {_} {i = xs} {ys} {zs}  trans {_} {i = xs} {ys} {zs}  }
  module X = IndexedSetoid X

  _≈_ : IRel ( C  X.Carrier) _
  _≈_ = Eq C X.Carrier X.Carrier X._≈_

  sym : Symmetric ( C  X.Carrier) _≈_
  sym {_} {._} {_ , _} {._ , _} (refl , refl , k) =
    refl , refl , λ { r .r refl  X.sym (k r r refl) }

  trans : Transitive ( C  X.Carrier) _≈_
  trans {._} {_} {._} {_ , _} {._ , _} {._ , _}
    (refl , refl , k) (refl , refl , k′) =
      refl , refl , λ { r .r refl  X.trans (k r r refl) (k′ r r refl) }

-- Functoriality

module Map where

  identity :  {i o c r s} {I : Set i} {O : Set o} (C : Container I O c r)
             (X : IndexedSetoid I s _)  let module X = IndexedSetoid X in
              {o} {xs :  C  X.Carrier o}  Eq C X.Carrier X.Carrier
             X._≈_ xs (map C {X.Carrier} ⟨id⟩ xs)
  identity C X = IndexedSetoid.refl (setoid C X)

  composition :  {i o c r s ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {I : Set i} {O : Set o}
                (C : Container I O c r) {X : Pred I ℓ₁} {Y : Pred I ℓ₂}
                (Z : IndexedSetoid I s _)  let module Z = IndexedSetoid Z in
                {f : Y  Z.Carrier} {g : X  Y} {o : O} {xs :  C  X o} 
                Eq C Z.Carrier Z.Carrier Z._≈_
                  (map C {Y} f (map C {X} g xs))
                  (map C {X} (f ⟨∘⟩ g) xs)
  composition C Z = IndexedSetoid.refl (setoid C Z)

-- Plain morphisms

module PlainMorphism {i o c r} {I : Set i} {O : Set o} where

  open Data.Container.Indexed.PlainMorphism

  -- Naturality.

  Natural :  {} {C₁ C₂ : Container I O c r} 
            ((X : Pred I )   C₁  X   C₂  X)  Set _
  Natural {C₁ = C₁} {C₂} m =
     {X} Y  let module Y = IndexedSetoid Y in (f : X  Y.Carrier) 
     {o} (xs :  C₁  X o) 
      Eq C₂ Y.Carrier Y.Carrier Y._≈_
        (m Y.Carrier $ map C₁ {X} f xs) (map C₂ {X} f $ m X xs)

  -- Natural transformations.

  NT :  {} (C₁ C₂ : Container I O c r)  Set _
  NT {} C₁ C₂ =  λ (m : (X : Pred I )   C₁  X   C₂  X) 
                 Natural m

  -- Container morphisms are natural.

  natural :  {} (C₁ C₂ : Container I O c r) (m : C₁  C₂)  Natural {}  m 
  natural _ _ m {X} Y f _ = refl , refl , λ { r .r refl  lemma (coherent m) }
    module Y = IndexedSetoid Y

    lemma :  {i j} (eq : i  j) {x} 
            P.subst Y.Carrier eq (f x) Y.≈ f (P.subst X eq x)
    lemma refl = Y.refl

  -- In fact, all natural functions of the right type are container
  -- morphisms.

  complete :  {C₁ C₂ : Container I O c r} (nt : NT C₁ C₂) 
              λ m  (X : IndexedSetoid I _ _) 
                     let module X = IndexedSetoid X in
                      {o} (xs :  C₁  X.Carrier o) 
                     Eq C₂ X.Carrier X.Carrier X._≈_
                       (proj₁ nt X.Carrier xs) ( m  X.Carrier {o} xs)
  complete {C₁} {C₂} (nt , nat) = m ,  X xs  nat X
     { (r , eq)  P.subst (IndexedSetoid.Carrier X) eq (proj₂ xs r) })
    (proj₁ xs ,  r  r , refl)))

    m : C₁  C₂
    m = record
      { command  = λ      c₁        proj₁        (lemma c₁)
      ; response = λ {_} {c₁}  r₂   proj₁ (proj₂ (lemma c₁) r₂)
      ; coherent = λ {_} {c₁} {r₂}  proj₂ (proj₂ (lemma c₁) r₂)
      lemma :  {o} (c₁ : Command C₁ o)  Σ[ c₂  Command C₂ o ]
              ((r₂ : Response C₂ c₂)  Σ[ r₁  Response C₁ c₁ ]
              next C₁ c₁ r₁  next C₂ c₂ r₂)
      lemma c₁ = nt  i  Σ[ r₁  Response C₁ c₁ ] next C₁ c₁ r₁  i)
                    (c₁ , λ r₁  r₁ , refl)

  -- Composition commutes with ⟪_⟫.

  ∘-correct : {C₁ C₂ C₃ : Container I O c r}
              (f : C₂  C₃) (g : C₁  C₂) (X : IndexedSetoid I (c  r) _) 
              let module X = IndexedSetoid X in
               {o} {xs :  C₁  X.Carrier o} 
              Eq C₃ X.Carrier X.Carrier X._≈_
                ( f  g  X.Carrier xs)
                ( f  X.Carrier ( g  X.Carrier xs))
  ∘-correct f g X = refl , refl , λ { r .r refl  lemma (coherent g)
                                                        (coherent f) }
    module X = IndexedSetoid X

    lemma :  {i j k} (eq₁ : i  j) (eq₂ : j  k) {x} 
      P.subst X.Carrier (P.trans eq₁ eq₂) x
      P.subst X.Carrier eq₂ (P.subst X.Carrier eq₁ x)
    lemma refl refl = X.refl

-- All and any

-- Membership.

infix 4 _∈_

_∈_ :  {i o c r } {I : Set i} {O : Set o}
      {C : Container I O c r} {X : Pred I (i  )}  IREL X ( C  X) _
_∈_ {C = C} {X} x xs =  C {X = X} ((x ≅_) ⟨∘⟩ proj₂) (-, xs)