-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties satisfied by join semilattices

open import Relation.Binary.Lattice

module Relation.Binary.Properties.JoinSemilattice
  {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (J : JoinSemilattice c ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where

open JoinSemilattice J

import Algebra.FunctionProperties as P; open P _≈_
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (_∘_; flip)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Properties.Poset poset

-- The join operation is monotonic.

∨-monotonic : _∨_ Preserves₂ _≤_  _≤_  _≤_
∨-monotonic {x} {y} {u} {v} x≤y u≤v =
  let _     , _     , least  = supremum x u
      y≤y∨v , v≤y∨v , _      = supremum y v
  in least (y  v) (trans x≤y y≤y∨v) (trans u≤v v≤y∨v)

∨-cong : _∨_ Preserves₂ _≈_  _≈_  _≈_
∨-cong x≈y u≈v = antisym (∨-monotonic (reflexive x≈y) (reflexive u≈v))
                         (∨-monotonic (reflexive (Eq.sym x≈y))
                                      (reflexive (Eq.sym u≈v)))

-- The join operation is commutative, associative and idempotent.

∨-comm : Commutative _∨_
∨-comm x y =
  let x≤x∨y , y≤x∨y , least  = supremum x y
      y≤y∨x , x≤y∨x , least′ = supremum y x
  in antisym (least (y  x) x≤y∨x y≤y∨x) (least′ (x  y) y≤x∨y x≤x∨y)

∨-assoc : Associative _∨_
∨-assoc x y z =
  let x∨y≤[x∨y]∨z , z≤[x∨y]∨z   , least  = supremum (x  y) z
      x≤x∨[y∨z]   , y∨z≤x∨[y∨z] , least′ = supremum x (y  z)
      y≤y∨z       , z≤y∨z       , _      = supremum y z
      x≤x∨y       , y≤x∨y       , _      = supremum x y
  in antisym (least  (x  (y  z)) (∨-monotonic refl y≤y∨z)
                     (trans z≤y∨z y∨z≤x∨[y∨z]))
             (least′ ((x  y)  z) (trans x≤x∨y x∨y≤[x∨y]∨z)
                     (∨-monotonic y≤x∨y refl))

∨-idempotent : Idempotent _∨_
∨-idempotent x =
  let x≤x∨x , _ , least = supremum x x
  in antisym (least x refl refl) x≤x∨x

-- The dual construction is a meet semilattice.

dualIsMeetSemilattice : IsMeetSemilattice _≈_ (flip _≤_) _∨_
dualIsMeetSemilattice = record
  { isPartialOrder = invIsPartialOrder
  ; infimum        = supremum

dualMeetSemilattice : MeetSemilattice c ℓ₁ ℓ₂
dualMeetSemilattice = record
  { _∧_               = _∨_
  ; isMeetSemilattice = dualIsMeetSemilattice