-- The Agda standard library
-- Homogeneously-indexed binary relations
-- This file contains some core definitions which are reexported by
-- Relation.Binary.Indexed.Homogeneous

module Relation.Binary.Indexed.Homogeneous.Core where

open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_)
open import Relation.Binary as B using (REL; Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl)
import Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous as I
open import Relation.Unary.Indexed using (IPred)

-- Homegeneously indexed binary relations

-- Heterogeneous types

IREL :  {i a b} {I : Set i}  (I  Set a)  (I  Set b)  ( : Level)  Set _
IREL A B  =  {i}  REL (A i) (B i) 

-- Homogeneous types

IRel :  {i a} {I : Set i}  (I  Set a)  ( : Level)  Set _

-- Simple properties

module _ {i a} {I : Set i} (A : I  Set a) where

  syntax Implies A _∼₁_ _∼₂_ = _∼₁_ ⇒[ A ] _∼₂_

  Implies :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IRel A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Implies _∼₁_ _∼₂_ =  {i}  _∼₁_ B.⇒ (_∼₂_ {i})

  Reflexive :  {}  IRel A   Set _
  Reflexive _∼_ =  {i}  B.Reflexive (_∼_ {i})

  Symmetric :  {}  IRel A   Set _
  Symmetric _∼_ =  {i}  B.Symmetric (_∼_ {i})

  Transitive :  {}  IRel A   Set _
  Transitive _∼_ =  {i}  B.Transitive (_∼_ {i})

  Antisymmetric :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IRel A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Antisymmetric _≈_ _∼_ =  {i}  B.Antisymmetric _≈_ (_∼_ {i})

  Decidable :  {}  IRel A   Set _
  Decidable _∼_ =  {i}  B.Decidable (_∼_ {i})

  Respects :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IPred A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Respects P _∼_ =  {i} {x y : A i}  x  y  P x  P y

  Respectsˡ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IRel A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Respectsˡ P _∼_  =  {i} {x y z : A i}  x  y  P x z  P y z

  Respectsʳ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IRel A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Respectsʳ P _∼_ =  {i} {x y z : A i}  x  y  P z x  P z y

  Respects₂ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  IRel A ℓ₁  IRel A ℓ₂  Set _
  Respects₂ P _∼_ = (Respectsʳ P _∼_) × (Respectsˡ P _∼_)

-- Conversion between homogeneous and heterogeneously indexed relations

module _ {i a b} {I : Set i} {A : I  Set a} {B : I  Set b} where

  OverPath :  {}  IREL A B    {i j}  i  j  REL (A i) (B j) 
  OverPath _∼_ refl = _∼_

  toHetIndexed :  {}  IREL A B   I.IREL A B (i  )
  toHetIndexed _∼_ {i} {j} x y = (p : i  j)  OverPath _∼_ p x y

  fromHetIndexed :  {}  I.IREL A B   IREL A B 
  fromHetIndexed _∼_ = _∼_

-- Lifting to non-indexed binary relations

module _ {i a} {I : Set i} (A : I  Set a) where

  Lift :  {}  IRel A   Rel (∀ i  A i) _
  Lift _∼_ x y =  i  x i  y i