-- The Agda standard library
-- Reflexive closures

module Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Reflexive where

open import Data.Unit
open import Level
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Constant using (Const)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl)

-- Reflexive closure

data Refl {a } {A : Set a} (_∼_ : Rel A ) : Rel A (a  ) where
  [_]  :  {x y} (x∼y : x  y)  Refl _∼_ x y
  refl : Reflexive (Refl _∼_)

[]-injective :  {a } {A : Set a} {_∼_ : Rel A } {x y p q} 
               (Refl _∼_ x y  [ p ])  [ q ]  p  q
[]-injective refl = refl

-- Map.

map :  {a a′  ℓ′} {A : Set a} {A′ : Set a′}
        {_R_ : Rel A } {_R′_ : Rel A′ ℓ′} {f : A  A′} 
      _R_ =[ f ]⇒ _R′_  Refl _R_ =[ f ]⇒ Refl _R′_
map R⇒R′ [ xRy ] = [ R⇒R′ xRy ]
map R⇒R′ refl    = refl

-- The reflexive closure has no effect on reflexive relations.

drop-refl :  {a } {A : Set a} {_R_ : Rel A } 
            Reflexive _R_  Refl _R_  _R_
drop-refl rfl [ x∼y ] = x∼y
drop-refl rfl refl    = rfl

-- Example: Maybe

module Maybe where

  Maybe :  {}  Set   Set 
  Maybe A = Refl (Const A) tt tt

  nothing :  {a} {A : Set a}  Maybe A
  nothing = refl

  just :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  Maybe A
  just = [_]