-- The Agda standard library
-- Automatic solver for equations over product and sum types
-- See examples at the bottom of the file for how to use this solver

module Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms.Solver where

open import Algebra using (CommutativeSemiring)
import Algebra.Operations.Semiring as SemiringOperations
import Algebra.Solver.Ring.NaturalCoefficients
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Nat using (zero; suc; _≟_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Level using (Level; Lift; lift; lower)
open import Function using (id; _$_; const)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence as Eq using (_⇔_; Equivalence)
open import Function.Inverse as Inv using (_↔_; Inverse; inverse)
open import Function.Related as Related
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Decidable using (True)

-- A decision procedure used by the solver below.


  coefficient-dec :
    let open CommutativeSemiring (×-⊎-commutativeSemiring s )
        open SemiringOperations semiring renaming (_×_ to Times)

     m n  Dec (Times m 1# ∼[  s  ] Times n 1#)

  coefficient-dec equivalence  m n with m | n
  ... | zero  | zero  = yes (Eq.equivalence id id)
  ... | zero  | suc _ = no   eq  lower (Equivalence.from eq ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _))
  ... | suc _ | zero  = no   eq  lower (Equivalence.to   eq ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _))
  ... | suc _ | suc _ = yes (Eq.equivalence  _  inj₁ _)  _  inj₁ _))
  coefficient-dec bijection  m n = Decidable.map′ to (from m n) (m  n)
    open CommutativeSemiring (×-⊎-commutativeSemiring bijection )
      using (1#; semiring)
    open SemiringOperations semiring renaming (_×_ to Times)

    to :  {m n}  m  n  Times m 1#  Times n 1#
    to {m} P.refl = K-refl

    from :  m n  Times m 1#  Times n 1#  m  n
    from zero    zero    _   = P.refl
    from zero    (suc n) 0↔+ = ⊥-elim $ lower $ Inverse.from 0↔+ ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _
    from (suc m) zero    +↔0 = ⊥-elim $ lower $ Inverse.to   +↔0 ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _
    from (suc m) (suc n) +↔+ = P.cong suc $ from m n (pred↔pred +↔+)
      open P.≡-Reasoning

      ↑⊤ : Set 
      ↑⊤ = Lift  

      inj₁≢inj₂ :  {A : Set } {x : ↑⊤  A} {y} 
                  x  inj₂ y  x  inj₁ (lift tt)  
      inj₁≢inj₂ {x = x} {y} eq₁ eq₂ =
        P.subst [ const  , const  ] (begin
          inj₂ y  ≡⟨ P.sym eq₁ 
          x       ≡⟨ eq₂ 
          inj₁ _  )

      g′ : {A B : Set }
           (f : (↑⊤  A)  (↑⊤  B)) (x : A) (y z : ↑⊤  B) 
           Inverse.to f ⟨$⟩ inj₂ x  y 
           Inverse.to f ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _  z 
      g′ _ _ (inj₂ y)       _  _   _   = y
      g′ _ _ (inj₁ _) (inj₂ z) _   _   = z
      g′ f _ (inj₁ _) (inj₁ _) eq₁ eq₂ = ⊥-elim $
        inj₁≢inj₂ (Inverse.to-from f eq₁) (Inverse.to-from f eq₂)

      g : {A B : Set }  (↑⊤  A)  (↑⊤  B)  A  B
      g f x = g′ f x _ _ P.refl P.refl

      g′∘g′ :  {A B} (f : (↑⊤  A)  (↑⊤  B))
              x y₁ z₁ y₂ z₂ eq₁₁ eq₂₁ eq₁₂ eq₂₂ 
              g′ (reverse f) (g′ f x y₁ z₁ eq₁₁ eq₂₁) y₂ z₂ eq₁₂ eq₂₂ 
      g′∘g′ f x (inj₂ y₁) _ (inj₂ y₂) _ eq₁₁ _ eq₁₂ _ =
        P.cong [ const y₂ , id ] (begin
          inj₂ y₂                     ≡⟨ P.sym eq₁₂ 
          Inverse.from f ⟨$⟩ inj₂ y₁  ≡⟨ Inverse.to-from f eq₁₁ 
          inj₂ x                      )
      g′∘g′ f x (inj₁ _) (inj₂ _) (inj₁ _) (inj₂ z₂) eq₁₁ _ _ eq₂₂ =
        P.cong [ const z₂ , id ] (begin
          inj₂ z₂                    ≡⟨ P.sym eq₂₂ 
          Inverse.from f ⟨$⟩ inj₁ _  ≡⟨ Inverse.to-from f eq₁₁ 
          inj₂ x                     )
      g′∘g′ f _ (inj₂ y₁) _ (inj₁ _) _ eq₁₁ _ eq₁₂ _ =
        ⊥-elim $ inj₁≢inj₂ (Inverse.to-from f eq₁₁) eq₁₂
      g′∘g′ f _ (inj₁ _) (inj₂ z₁) (inj₂ y₂) _ _ eq₂₁ eq₁₂ _ =
        ⊥-elim $ inj₁≢inj₂ eq₁₂ (Inverse.to-from f eq₂₁)
      g′∘g′ f _ (inj₁ _) (inj₂ _) (inj₁ _) (inj₁ _) eq₁₁ _ _ eq₂₂ =
        ⊥-elim $ inj₁≢inj₂ (Inverse.to-from f eq₁₁) eq₂₂
      g′∘g′ f _ (inj₁ _) (inj₁ _) _ _ eq₁₁ eq₂₁ _ _ =
        ⊥-elim $ inj₁≢inj₂ (Inverse.to-from f eq₁₁)
                           (Inverse.to-from f eq₂₁)

      g∘g :  {A B} (f : (↑⊤  A)  (↑⊤  B)) x 
            g (reverse f) (g f x)  x
      g∘g f x = g′∘g′ f x _ _ _ _ P.refl P.refl P.refl P.refl

      pred↔pred : {A B : Set }  (↑⊤  A)  (↑⊤  B)  A  B
      pred↔pred X⊎↔X⊎ = inverse (g X⊎↔X⊎) (g (reverse X⊎↔X⊎))
                                (g∘g X⊎↔X⊎) (g∘g (reverse X⊎↔X⊎))

-- The solver

module ×-⊎-Solver (k : Symmetric-kind) {} =
    (×-⊎-commutativeSemiring k )
    (coefficient-dec k )

-- Tests


  -- A test of the solver above.

  test : { : Level} (A B C : Set ) 
         (Lift   × A × (B  C))  (A × B  C × (Lift    A))
  test = solve 3  A B C  con 1 :* (A :* (B :+ C)) :=
                            A :* B :+ C :* (con 0 :+ A))
    where open ×-⊎-Solver bijection