-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of n-ary products

module Data.Product.N-ary.Properties where

open import Data.Nat.Base hiding (_^_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Product.N-ary
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; _∷_)
open import Function.Inverse using (_↔_; inverse)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
open ≡-Reasoning

-- Basic proofs

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  cons-head-tail-identity :  n (as : A ^ suc n)  cons n (head n as) (tail n as)  as
  cons-head-tail-identity 0       as = P.refl
  cons-head-tail-identity (suc n) as = P.refl

  head-cons-identity :  n a (as : A ^ n)  head n (cons n a as)  a
  head-cons-identity 0       a as = P.refl
  head-cons-identity (suc n) a as = P.refl

  tail-cons-identity :  n a (as : A ^ n)  tail n (cons n a as)  as
  tail-cons-identity 0       a as = P.refl
  tail-cons-identity (suc n) a as = P.refl

  append-cons-commute :  m n a (xs : A ^ m) ys 
    append (suc m) n (cons m a xs) ys  cons (m + n) a (append m n xs ys)
  append-cons-commute 0       n a xs ys = P.refl
  append-cons-commute (suc m) n a xs ys = P.refl

  append-splitAt-identity :  m n (as : A ^ (m + n))  uncurry (append m n) (splitAt m n as)  as
  append-splitAt-identity 0       n as = P.refl
  append-splitAt-identity (suc m) n as = begin
    let x         = head (m + n) as in
    let (xs , ys) = splitAt m n (tail (m + n) as) in
    append (suc m) n (cons m (head (m + n) as) xs) ys
      ≡⟨ append-cons-commute m n x xs ys 
    cons (m + n) x (append m n xs ys)
      ≡⟨ P.cong (cons (m + n) x) (append-splitAt-identity m n (tail (m + n) as)) 
    cons (m + n) x (tail (m + n) as)
      ≡⟨ cons-head-tail-identity (m + n) as 

-- Conversion to and from Vec

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  toVec :  n  A ^ n  Vec A n
  toVec 0       _  = Vec.[]
  toVec (suc n) xs = head n xs Vec.∷ toVec n (tail n xs)

  fromVec :  {n}  Vec A n  A ^ n
  fromVec         Vec.[]       = []
  fromVec {suc n} (x Vec.∷ xs) = cons n x (fromVec xs)

  fromVec∘toVec :  n (xs : A ^ n)  fromVec (toVec n xs)  xs
  fromVec∘toVec 0       _  = P.refl
  fromVec∘toVec (suc n) xs = begin
    cons n (head n xs) (fromVec (toVec n (tail n xs)))
      ≡⟨ P.cong (cons n (head n xs)) (fromVec∘toVec n (tail n xs)) 
    cons n (head n xs) (tail n xs)
      ≡⟨ cons-head-tail-identity n xs 

  toVec∘fromVec :  {n} (xs : Vec A n)  toVec n (fromVec xs)  xs
  toVec∘fromVec         Vec.[]       = P.refl
  toVec∘fromVec {suc n} (x Vec.∷ xs) = begin
    head n (cons n x (fromVec xs)) Vec.∷ toVec n (tail n (cons n x (fromVec xs)))
      ≡⟨ P.cong₂  x xs  x Vec.∷ toVec n xs) hd-prf tl-prf 
    x Vec.∷ toVec n (fromVec xs)
      ≡⟨ P.cong (x Vec.∷_) (toVec∘fromVec xs) 
    x Vec.∷ xs

      hd-prf = head-cons-identity n x (fromVec xs)
      tl-prf = tail-cons-identity n x (fromVec xs)

  ↔Vec :  n  A ^ n  Vec A n
  ↔Vec n = inverse (toVec n) fromVec (fromVec∘toVec n) toVec∘fromVec