-- The Agda standard library
-- The free monad construction on containers

module Data.Container.FreeMonad where

open import Level
open import Data.Sum using (inj₁; inj₂ ; [_,_]′)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Container
open import Data.Container.Combinator using (const; _⊎_)
open import Data.W
open import Category.Monad

infixl 1 _⋆C_
infix  1 _⋆_


-- The free monad construction over a container and a set is, in
-- universal algebra terminology, also known as the term algebra over a
-- signature (a container) and a set (of variable symbols). The return
-- of the free monad corresponds to variables and the bind operator
-- corresponds to (parallel) substitution.

-- A useful intuition is to think of containers describing single
-- operations and the free monad construction over a container and a set
-- describing a tree of operations as nodes and elements of the set as
-- leafs. If one starts at the root, then any path will pass finitely
-- many nodes (operations described by the container) and eventually end
-- up in a leaf (element of the set) -- hence the Kleene star notation
-- (the type can be read as a regular expression).

_⋆C_ :  {x s p}  Container s p  Set x  Container (s  x) p
C ⋆C X = const X  C

_⋆_ :  {x s p}  Container s p  Set x  Set (x  s  p)
C  X = μ (C ⋆C X)

module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} where

  inn :  {x} {X : Set x}   C  (C  X)  C  X
  inn (s , f) = sup (inj₂ s , f)

  rawMonad :  {x}  RawMonad {s  p  x} (C ⋆_)
  rawMonad = record { return = return; _>>=_ = _>>=_ }
    return :  {X}  X  C  X
    return x = sup (inj₁ x , λ ())

    _>>=_ :  {X Y}  C  X  (X  C  Y)  C  Y
    sup (inj₁ x , _) >>= k = k x
    sup (inj₂ s , f) >>= k = inn (s , λ p  f p >>= k)