-- The Agda standard library
-- The Colist type and some operations

module Codata.Colist where

open import Size
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Product using (_×_ ; _,_)
open import Data.These using (These; this; that; these)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just)
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty using (List⁺; _∷_)
open import Data.BoundedVec as BVec using (BoundedVec)
open import Function

open import Codata.Thunk using (Thunk; force)
open import Codata.Conat as Conat using (Conat ; zero ; suc)
open import Codata.Delay as Delay using (Delay ; now ; later)
open import Codata.Stream using (Stream ; _∷_)

data Colist {} (A : Set ) (i : Size) : Set  where
  []  : Colist A i
  _∷_ : A  Thunk (Colist A) i  Colist A i

module _ {} {A : Set } where

 length :  {i}  Colist A i  Conat i
 length []       = zero
 length (x  xs) = suc λ where .force  length (xs .force)

 replicate :  {i}  Conat i  A  Colist A i
 replicate zero    a = []
 replicate (suc n) a = a  λ where .force  replicate (n .force) a

 infixr 5 _++_ _⁺++_
 _++_ :  {i}  Colist A i  Colist A i  Colist A i
 []       ++ ys = ys
 (x  xs) ++ ys = x  λ where .force  xs .force ++ ys

 lookup :   Colist A   Maybe A
 lookup n       []       = nothing
 lookup zero    (a  as) = just a
 lookup (suc n) (a  as) = lookup n (as .force)

 colookup :  {i}  Conat i  Colist A i  Delay (Maybe A) i
 colookup n       []       = now nothing
 colookup zero    (a  as) = now (just a)
 colookup (suc n) (a  as) =
   later λ where .force  colookup (n .force) (as .force)

 take :  (n : )  Colist A   BoundedVec A n
 take zero    xs       = BVec.[]
 take n       []       = BVec.[]
 take (suc n) (x  xs) = x BVec.∷ take n (xs .force)

 cotake :  {i}  Conat i  Stream A i  Colist A i
 cotake zero    xs       = []
 cotake (suc n) (x  xs) = x  λ where .force  cotake (n .force) (xs .force)

 fromList : List A  Colist A 
 fromList []       = []
 fromList (x  xs) = x  λ where .force  fromList xs

 _⁺++_ :  {i}  List⁺ A  Thunk (Colist A) i  Colist A i
 (x  xs) ⁺++ ys = x  λ where .force  fromList xs ++ ys .force

 fromStream :  {i}  Stream A i  Colist A i
 fromStream = cotake Conat.infinity

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

 map :  {i} (f : A  B)  Colist A i  Colist B i
 map f []       = []
 map f (a  as) = f a  λ where .force  map f (as .force)

 unfold :   {i}  (A  Maybe (A × B))  A  Colist B i
 unfold next seed with next seed
 ... | nothing          = []
 ... | just (seed′ , b) = b  λ where .force  unfold next seed′

 scanl :  {i}  (B  A  B)  B  Colist A i  Colist B i
 scanl c n []       = n  λ where .force  []
 scanl c n (a  as) = n  λ where .force  scanl c (c n a) (as .force)

module _ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} where

  alignWith :  {i}  (These A B  C)  Colist A i  Colist B i  Colist C i
  alignWith f []         bs       = map (f ∘′ that) bs
  alignWith f as@(_  _) []       = map (f ∘′ this) as
  alignWith f (a  as)   (b  bs) =
    f (these a b)  λ where .force  alignWith f (as .force) (bs .force)

  zipWith :  {i}  (A  B  C)  Colist A i  Colist B i  Colist C i
  zipWith f []       bs       = []
  zipWith f as       []       = []
  zipWith f (a  as) (b  bs) =
    f a b  λ where .force  zipWith f (as .force) (bs .force)

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

  align :  {i}  Colist A i  Colist B i  Colist (These A B) i
  align = alignWith id

  zip :  {i}  Colist A i  Colist B i  Colist (A × B) i
  zip = zipWith _,_

  ap :  {i}  Colist (A  B) i  Colist A i  Colist B i
  ap = zipWith _$′_

-- Legacy

open import Codata.Musical.Notation using (; ♯_)
import Codata.Musical.Colist as M

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  fromMusical :  {i}  M.Colist A  Colist A i
  fromMusical M.[]       = []
  fromMusical (x M.∷ xs) = x  λ where .force  fromMusical ( xs)

  toMusical : Colist A   M.Colist A
  toMusical []       = M.[]
  toMusical (x  xs) = x M.∷  toMusical (xs .force)