-- The Agda standard library
-- Fancy display functions for List-based tables
-- The functions in this module assume some (unenforced) invariants.
-- If you cannot guarantee that your data respects these invariants,
-- you should instead use Text.Tabular.List.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --cubical-compatible #-}

module Text.Tabular.Base where

open import Data.Bool.Base using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Char.Base using (Char)
open import Data.List.Base as List
  using (List; []; _∷_; _?∷_; _++_; _∷ʳ?_; null; map; intersperse)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just; maybe)
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.String.Base as String
  using (String; fromChar; unlines; replicate; length)
open import Function.Base
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality

open String
  using ( Alignment
        ; Left
        ; Center
        ; Right
        ) public

record TabularLine : Set where
    left  : Maybe String
    cont  : Maybe Char
    sep   : String
    right : Maybe String
open TabularLine

record TabularConfig : Set where
    top : Maybe TabularLine
    sep : Maybe TabularLine
    row : TabularLine
    bot : Maybe TabularLine
open TabularConfig

unicode : TabularConfig
unicode .top = just λ where
  .left   just "┌"
  .cont   just '─'
  .sep    "┬"
  .right  just "┐"
unicode .sep = just λ where
  .left   just "├"
  .cont   just '─'
  .sep    "┼"
  .right  just "┤"
unicode .row = λ where
  .left   just "│"
  .cont   nothing
  .sep    "│"
  .right  just "│"
unicode .bot = just λ where
  .left   just "└"
  .cont   just '─'
  .sep    "┴"
  .right  just "┘"

ascii : TabularConfig
ascii .top = just λ where
  .left   just "+"
  .cont   just '-'
  .sep    "-"
  .right  just "+"
ascii .sep = just λ where
  .left   just "|"
  .cont   just '-'
  .sep    "+"
  .right  just "|"
ascii .row = λ where
  .left   just "|"
  .cont   nothing
  .sep    "|"
  .right  just "|"
ascii .bot = just λ where
  .left   just "+"
  .cont   just '-'
  .sep    "-"
  .right  just "+"

compact : TabularConfig  TabularConfig
compact c = record c { sep = nothing }

  dropBorder : TabularLine  TabularLine
  dropBorder l = record l { left = nothing; right = nothing }

noBorder : TabularConfig  TabularConfig
noBorder c .top = nothing
noBorder c .sep = Maybe.map dropBorder (c .sep)
noBorder c .row = dropBorder (c .row)
noBorder c .bot = nothing

  space : TabularLine  TabularLine
  space l = let pad = maybe fromChar " " (l .cont) in λ where
    .left   Maybe.map (String._++ pad) (l .left)
    .cont   l .cont
    .sep    pad String.++ l .sep String.++ pad
    .right  Maybe.map (pad String.++_) (l .right)

addSpace : TabularConfig  TabularConfig
addSpace c .top = Maybe.map space (c .top)
addSpace c .sep = Maybe.map space (c .sep)
addSpace c .row = space (c .row)
addSpace c .bot = Maybe.map space (c .bot)

whitespace : TabularConfig
whitespace .top = nothing
whitespace .sep = nothing
whitespace .row = λ where
  .left   nothing
  .cont   nothing
  .sep    " "
  .right  nothing
whitespace .bot = nothing

-- /!\ Invariants:
-- * the table is presented as a list of rows
-- * header has the same length as each one of the rows
--   i.e. we have a rectangular table
-- * all of the strings in a given column have the same length

unsafeDisplay : TabularConfig  List (List String)  List String
unsafeDisplay _ []              = []
unsafeDisplay c (header  rows) =
  map String.concat $ th ++ (trs ∷ʳ? lbot)

  cellsOf : Maybe Char  List String  List String
  cellsOf nothing  = id
  cellsOf (just c) = map  cell  replicate (length cell) c)

  lineOf : TabularLine  List String  List String
  lineOf l xs = l .left
            ?∷  intersperse (l .sep) (cellsOf (l .cont) xs)
            ∷ʳ? l .right

  mlineOf : Maybe TabularLine  List String  Maybe (List String)
  mlineOf l xs = Maybe.map  l  lineOf l xs) l

  ltop : Maybe (List String)
  lsep : Maybe (List String)
  tr   : List String  List String
  lbot : Maybe (List String)

  ltop = mlineOf (c. top) header
  lsep = mlineOf (c. sep) header
  tr   = lineOf (c. row)
  lbot = mlineOf (c. bot) header

  th  = ltop ?∷ tr header  []
  trs = if null rows then id else (maybe _∷_ id lsep)
      $ maybe intersperse id lsep
      $ map tr rows