-- The Agda standard library
-- Foldable functors

-- Note that currently the Foldable laws are not included here.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Foldable where

open import Algebra.Bundles.Raw using (RawMonoid)
open import Algebra.Bundles using (Monoid)
import Algebra.Construct.Flip.Op as Op
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; [_]; _++_)
open import Effect.Functor as Fun using (RawFunctor)
open import Function.Base using (id; flip)
open import Function.Endo.Propositional using (∘-id-monoid)
open import Level using (Level; Setω)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)

    f g c  : Level
    A : Set f
    C : Set c

-- The type of raw Foldables:
-- all fields can be given non-default implementations

record RawFoldable (F : Set f  Set g) : Setω where
    foldMap : (M : RawMonoid c ) (open RawMonoid M) 
              (A  Carrier)  F A  Carrier

  fold : (M : RawMonoid f ) (open RawMonoid M)  F Carrier  Carrier
  fold M = foldMap M id

    foldr : (A -> C -> C) -> C -> F A -> C
    foldl : (C -> A -> C) -> C -> F A -> C
    toList : F A  List A

-- The type of raw Foldables, with default implementations a la haskell

record RawFoldableWithDefaults (F : Set f  Set g) : Setω where
    foldMap : (M : RawMonoid c ) (open RawMonoid M) 
              (A  Carrier)  F A  Carrier

  foldr : (A -> C -> C) -> C -> F A -> C
  foldr {C = C} f z t = foldMap M₀ f t z
    where M = ∘-id-monoid C ; M₀ = Monoid.rawMonoid M

  foldl : (C -> A -> C) -> C -> F A -> C
  foldl {C = C} f z t = foldMap M₀ (flip f) t z
    where M = Op.monoid (∘-id-monoid C) ; M₀ = Monoid.rawMonoid M

  toList : F A  List A
  toList {A = A} = foldMap (List.++-[]-rawMonoid A) [_]

  rawFoldable : RawFoldable F
  rawFoldable = record
    { foldMap = foldMap
    ; foldr = foldr
    ; foldl = foldl
    ; toList = toList