{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.Vec.Properties where
open import Algebra.Definitions
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false)
open import Data.Fin.Base as Fin
using (Fin; zero; suc; toℕ; fromℕ<; _↑ˡ_; _↑ʳ_)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List)
import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.Nat.Base using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _≤_; _<_; s≤s; pred; s<s⁻¹; _≥_;
s≤s⁻¹; z≤n)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
using (+-assoc; m≤n⇒m≤1+n; m≤m+n; ≤-refl; ≤-trans; ≤-irrelevant; ≤⇒≤″; suc-injective; +-comm; +-suc; +-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product
using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; <_,_>; uncurry)
open import Data.Sum.Base using ([_,_]′)
open import Data.Sum.Properties using ([,]-map)
open import Data.Vec.Base
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Equality.Cast as VecCast
using (_≈[_]_; ≈-sym; ≈-cong′; module CastReasoning)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; id; _$_; const; _ˢ_; flip)
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; mk↔ₛ′)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
using (_≡_; _≢_; _≗_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; subst)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core using (Dec; does; yes; _×-dec_; map′)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core using (contradiction)
import Data.Nat.GeneralisedArithmetic as ℕ
m+n+o≡n+[m+o] : ∀ m n o → m + n + o ≡ n + (m + o)
m+n+o≡n+[m+o] m n o = trans (cong (_+ o) (+-comm m n)) (+-assoc n m o)
a b c d p : Level
A B C D : Set a
w x y z : A
m n o : ℕ
ws xs ys zs : Vec A n
∷-injectiveˡ : x ∷ xs ≡ y ∷ ys → x ≡ y
∷-injectiveˡ refl = refl
∷-injectiveʳ : x ∷ xs ≡ y ∷ ys → xs ≡ ys
∷-injectiveʳ refl = refl
∷-injective : x ∷ xs ≡ y ∷ ys → x ≡ y × xs ≡ ys
∷-injective refl = refl , refl
≡-dec : DecidableEquality A → DecidableEquality (Vec A n)
≡-dec _≟_ [] [] = yes refl
≡-dec _≟_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = map′ (uncurry (cong₂ _∷_))
∷-injective (x ≟ y ×-dec ≡-dec _≟_ xs ys)
[]=-injective : ∀ {i} → xs [ i ]= x → xs [ i ]= y → x ≡ y
[]=-injective here here = refl
[]=-injective (there xsᵢ≡x) (there xsᵢ≡y) = []=-injective xsᵢ≡x xsᵢ≡y
unfold-take : ∀ n x (xs : Vec A (n + m)) → take (suc n) (x ∷ xs) ≡ x ∷ take n xs
unfold-take n x xs = refl
take-zipWith : ∀ (f : A → B → C) →
(xs : Vec A (m + n)) (ys : Vec B (m + n)) →
take m (zipWith f xs ys) ≡ zipWith f (take m xs) (take m ys)
take-zipWith {m = zero} f xs ys = refl
take-zipWith {m = suc m} f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = cong (f x y ∷_) (take-zipWith f xs ys)
take-map : ∀ (f : A → B) (m : ℕ) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) →
take m (map f xs) ≡ map f (take m xs)
take-map f zero xs = refl
take-map f (suc m) (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) (take-map f m xs)
unfold-drop : ∀ n x (xs : Vec A (n + m)) →
drop (suc n) (x ∷ xs) ≡ drop n xs
unfold-drop n x xs = refl
drop-zipWith : (f : A → B → C) →
(xs : Vec A (m + n)) (ys : Vec B (m + n)) →
drop m (zipWith f xs ys) ≡ zipWith f (drop m xs) (drop m ys)
drop-zipWith {m = zero} f xs ys = refl
drop-zipWith {m = suc m} f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = drop-zipWith f xs ys
drop-map : ∀ (f : A → B) (m : ℕ) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) →
drop m (map f xs) ≡ map f (drop m xs)
drop-map f zero xs = refl
drop-map f (suc m) (x ∷ xs) = drop-map f m xs
take++drop≡id : ∀ (m : ℕ) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) → take m xs ++ drop m xs ≡ xs
take++drop≡id zero xs = refl
take++drop≡id (suc m) (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (take++drop≡id m xs)
truncate-refl : (xs : Vec A n) → truncate ≤-refl xs ≡ xs
truncate-refl [] = refl
truncate-refl (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (truncate-refl xs)
truncate-trans : ∀ {p} (m≤n : m ≤ n) (n≤p : n ≤ p) (xs : Vec A p) →
truncate (≤-trans m≤n n≤p) xs ≡ truncate m≤n (truncate n≤p xs)
truncate-trans z≤n n≤p xs = refl
truncate-trans (s≤s m≤n) (s≤s n≤p) (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (truncate-trans m≤n n≤p xs)
truncate-irrelevant : (m≤n₁ m≤n₂ : m ≤ n) → truncate {A = A} m≤n₁ ≗ truncate m≤n₂
truncate-irrelevant m≤n₁ m≤n₂ xs = cong (λ m≤n → truncate m≤n xs) (≤-irrelevant m≤n₁ m≤n₂)
truncate≡take : (m≤n : m ≤ n) (xs : Vec A n) .(eq : n ≡ m + o) →
truncate m≤n xs ≡ take m (cast eq xs)
truncate≡take z≤n _ eq = refl
truncate≡take (s≤s m≤n) (x ∷ xs) eq = cong (x ∷_) (truncate≡take m≤n xs (suc-injective eq))
take≡truncate : ∀ m (xs : Vec A (m + n)) →
take m xs ≡ truncate (m≤m+n m n) xs
take≡truncate zero _ = refl
take≡truncate (suc m) (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (take≡truncate m xs)
padRight-refl : (a : A) (xs : Vec A n) → padRight ≤-refl a xs ≡ xs
padRight-refl a [] = refl
padRight-refl a (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (padRight-refl a xs)
padRight-replicate : (m≤n : m ≤ n) (a : A) → replicate n a ≡ padRight m≤n a (replicate m a)
padRight-replicate z≤n a = refl
padRight-replicate (s≤s m≤n) a = cong (a ∷_) (padRight-replicate m≤n a)
padRight-trans : ∀ {p} (m≤n : m ≤ n) (n≤p : n ≤ p) (a : A) (xs : Vec A m) →
padRight (≤-trans m≤n n≤p) a xs ≡ padRight n≤p a (padRight m≤n a xs)
padRight-trans z≤n n≤p a [] = padRight-replicate n≤p a
padRight-trans (s≤s m≤n) (s≤s n≤p) a (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (padRight-trans m≤n n≤p a xs)
truncate-padRight : (m≤n : m ≤ n) (a : A) (xs : Vec A m) →
truncate m≤n (padRight m≤n a xs) ≡ xs
truncate-padRight z≤n a [] = refl
truncate-padRight (s≤s m≤n) a (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (truncate-padRight m≤n a xs)
[]=⇒lookup : ∀ {i} → xs [ i ]= x → lookup xs i ≡ x
[]=⇒lookup here = refl
[]=⇒lookup (there xs[i]=x) = []=⇒lookup xs[i]=x
lookup⇒[]= : ∀ (i : Fin n) xs → lookup xs i ≡ x → xs [ i ]= x
lookup⇒[]= zero (_ ∷ _) refl = here
lookup⇒[]= (suc i) (_ ∷ xs) p = there (lookup⇒[]= i xs p)
[]=↔lookup : ∀ {i} → xs [ i ]= x ↔ lookup xs i ≡ x
[]=↔lookup {xs = ys} {i = i} =
mk↔ₛ′ []=⇒lookup (lookup⇒[]= i ys) ([]=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= _ i) lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup
lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup : ∀ {i} (p : xs [ i ]= x) →
lookup⇒[]= i xs ([]=⇒lookup p) ≡ p
lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup here = refl
lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup (there p) = cong there (lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup p)
[]=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= : ∀ xs (i : Fin n) (p : lookup xs i ≡ x) →
[]=⇒lookup (lookup⇒[]= i xs p) ≡ p
[]=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= (x ∷ xs) zero refl = refl
[]=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= (x ∷ xs) (suc i) p = []=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= xs i p
lookup-truncate : (m≤n : m ≤ n) (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin m) →
lookup (truncate m≤n xs) i ≡ lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i m≤n)
lookup-truncate (s≤s m≤m+n) (_ ∷ _) zero = refl
lookup-truncate (s≤s m≤m+n) (_ ∷ xs) (suc i) = lookup-truncate m≤m+n xs i
lookup-take-inject≤ : (xs : Vec A (m + n)) (i : Fin m) →
lookup (take m xs) i ≡ lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i (m≤m+n m n))
lookup-take-inject≤ {m = m} {n = n} xs i = begin
lookup (take _ xs) i
≡⟨ cong (λ ys → lookup ys i) (take≡truncate m xs) ⟩
lookup (truncate _ xs) i
≡⟨ lookup-truncate (m≤m+n m n) xs i ⟩
lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i (m≤m+n m n))
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
updateAt-updates : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
xs [ i ]= x → (updateAt xs i f) [ i ]= f x
updateAt-updates zero (x ∷ xs) here = here
updateAt-updates (suc i) (x ∷ xs) (there loc) = there (updateAt-updates i xs loc)
updateAt-minimal : ∀ (i j : Fin n) {f : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
i ≢ j → xs [ i ]= x → (updateAt xs j f) [ i ]= x
updateAt-minimal zero zero (x ∷ xs) 0≢0 here = contradiction refl 0≢0
updateAt-minimal zero (suc j) (x ∷ xs) _ here = here
updateAt-minimal (suc i) zero (x ∷ xs) _ (there loc) = there loc
updateAt-minimal (suc i) (suc j) (x ∷ xs) i≢j (there loc) =
there (updateAt-minimal i j xs (i≢j ∘ cong suc) loc)
updateAt-id-local : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
f (lookup xs i) ≡ lookup xs i →
updateAt xs i f ≡ xs
updateAt-id-local zero (x ∷ xs) eq = cong (_∷ xs) eq
updateAt-id-local (suc i) (x ∷ xs) eq = cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-id-local i xs eq)
updateAt-id : ∀ (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) → updateAt xs i id ≡ xs
updateAt-id i xs = updateAt-id-local i xs refl
updateAt-updateAt-local : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f g h : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
f (g (lookup xs i)) ≡ h (lookup xs i) →
updateAt (updateAt xs i g) i f ≡ updateAt xs i h
updateAt-updateAt-local zero (x ∷ xs) fg=h = cong (_∷ xs) fg=h
updateAt-updateAt-local (suc i) (x ∷ xs) fg=h = cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-updateAt-local i xs fg=h)
updateAt-updateAt : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f g : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
updateAt (updateAt xs i g) i f ≡ updateAt xs i (f ∘ g)
updateAt-updateAt i xs = updateAt-updateAt-local i xs refl
updateAt-cong-local : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f g : A → A} (xs : Vec A n) →
f (lookup xs i) ≡ g (lookup xs i) →
updateAt xs i f ≡ updateAt xs i g
updateAt-cong-local zero (x ∷ xs) f=g = cong (_∷ xs) f=g
updateAt-cong-local (suc i) (x ∷ xs) f=g = cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-cong-local i xs f=g)
updateAt-cong : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f g : A → A} → f ≗ g → (xs : Vec A n) →
updateAt xs i f ≡ updateAt xs i g
updateAt-cong i f≗g xs = updateAt-cong-local i xs (f≗g (lookup xs i))
updateAt-commutes : ∀ (i j : Fin n) {f g : A → A} → i ≢ j → (xs : Vec A n) →
updateAt (updateAt xs j g) i f ≡ updateAt (updateAt xs i f) j g
updateAt-commutes zero zero 0≢0 (x ∷ xs) = contradiction refl 0≢0
updateAt-commutes zero (suc j) i≢j (x ∷ xs) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) zero i≢j (x ∷ xs) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) (suc j) i≢j (x ∷ xs) =
cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-commutes i j (i≢j ∘ cong suc) xs)
lookup∘updateAt : ∀ (i : Fin n) {f : A → A} xs →
lookup (updateAt xs i f) i ≡ f (lookup xs i)
lookup∘updateAt i xs =
[]=⇒lookup (updateAt-updates i xs (lookup⇒[]= i _ refl))
lookup∘updateAt′ : ∀ (i j : Fin n) {f : A → A} → i ≢ j → ∀ xs →
lookup (updateAt xs j f) i ≡ lookup xs i
lookup∘updateAt′ i j xs i≢j =
[]=⇒lookup (updateAt-minimal i j i≢j xs (lookup⇒[]= i _ refl))
[]%=-id : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) → xs [ i ]%= id ≡ xs
[]%=-id xs i = updateAt-id i xs
[]%=-∘ : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) {f g : A → A} →
xs [ i ]%= f
[ i ]%= g
≡ xs [ i ]%= g ∘ f
[]%=-∘ xs i = updateAt-updateAt i xs
[]≔-idempotent : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) →
(xs [ i ]≔ x) [ i ]≔ y ≡ xs [ i ]≔ y
[]≔-idempotent xs i = updateAt-updateAt i xs
[]≔-commutes : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i j : Fin n) → i ≢ j →
(xs [ i ]≔ x) [ j ]≔ y ≡ (xs [ j ]≔ y) [ i ]≔ x
[]≔-commutes xs i j i≢j = updateAt-commutes j i (i≢j ∘ sym) xs
[]≔-updates : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) → (xs [ i ]≔ x) [ i ]= x
[]≔-updates xs i = updateAt-updates i xs (lookup⇒[]= i xs refl)
[]≔-minimal : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i j : Fin n) → i ≢ j →
xs [ i ]= x → (xs [ j ]≔ y) [ i ]= x
[]≔-minimal xs i j i≢j loc = updateAt-minimal i j xs i≢j loc
[]≔-lookup : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) → xs [ i ]≔ lookup xs i ≡ xs
[]≔-lookup xs i = updateAt-id-local i xs refl
[]≔-++-↑ˡ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
(xs ++ ys) [ i ↑ˡ n ]≔ x ≡ (xs [ i ]≔ x) ++ ys
[]≔-++-↑ˡ (x ∷ xs) ys zero = refl
[]≔-++-↑ˡ (x ∷ xs) ys (suc i) =
cong (x ∷_) $ []≔-++-↑ˡ xs ys i
[]≔-++-↑ʳ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
(xs ++ ys) [ m ↑ʳ i ]≔ y ≡ xs ++ (ys [ i ]≔ y)
[]≔-++-↑ʳ {m = zero} [] (y ∷ ys) i = refl
[]≔-++-↑ʳ {m = suc n} (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) i = cong (x ∷_) $ []≔-++-↑ʳ xs (y ∷ ys) i
lookup∘update : ∀ (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) x →
lookup (xs [ i ]≔ x) i ≡ x
lookup∘update i xs x = lookup∘updateAt i xs
lookup∘update′ : ∀ {i j} → i ≢ j → ∀ (xs : Vec A n) y →
lookup (xs [ j ]≔ y) i ≡ lookup xs i
lookup∘update′ {i = i} {j} i≢j xs y = lookup∘updateAt′ i j i≢j xs
open VecCast public
using (cast-is-id; cast-trans)
subst-is-cast : (eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A m) → subst (Vec A) eq xs ≡ cast eq xs
subst-is-cast refl xs = sym (cast-is-id refl xs)
cast-sym : .(eq : m ≡ n) {xs : Vec A m} {ys : Vec A n} →
cast eq xs ≡ ys → cast (sym eq) ys ≡ xs
cast-sym eq {xs = []} {ys = []} _ = refl
cast-sym eq {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys = y ∷ ys} xxs[eq]≡yys =
let x≡y , xs[eq]≡ys = ∷-injective xxs[eq]≡yys
in cong₂ _∷_ (sym x≡y) (cast-sym (suc-injective eq) xs[eq]≡ys)
map-id : map id ≗ id {A = Vec A n}
map-id [] = refl
map-id (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (map-id xs)
map-const : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (y : B) → map (const y) xs ≡ replicate n y
map-const [] _ = refl
map-const (_ ∷ xs) y = cong (y ∷_) (map-const xs y)
map-cast : (f : A → B) .(eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A m) →
map f (cast eq xs) ≡ cast eq (map f xs)
map-cast f _ _ = sym (≈-cong′ (map f) refl)
map-++ : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) →
map f (xs ++ ys) ≡ map f xs ++ map f ys
map-++ f [] ys = refl
map-++ f (x ∷ xs) ys = cong (f x ∷_) (map-++ f xs ys)
map-cong : ∀ {f g : A → B} → f ≗ g → map {n = n} f ≗ map g
map-cong f≗g [] = refl
map-cong f≗g (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (f≗g x) (map-cong f≗g xs)
map-∘ : ∀ (f : B → C) (g : A → B) →
map {n = n} (f ∘ g) ≗ map f ∘ map g
map-∘ f g [] = refl
map-∘ f g (x ∷ xs) = cong (f (g x) ∷_) (map-∘ f g xs)
lookup-map : ∀ (i : Fin n) (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) →
lookup (map f xs) i ≡ f (lookup xs i)
lookup-map zero f (x ∷ xs) = refl
lookup-map (suc i) f (x ∷ xs) = lookup-map i f xs
map-updateAt : ∀ {f : A → B} {g : A → A} {h : B → B}
(xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) →
f (g (lookup xs i)) ≡ h (f (lookup xs i)) →
map f (updateAt xs i g) ≡ updateAt (map f xs) i h
map-updateAt (x ∷ xs) zero eq = cong (_∷ _) eq
map-updateAt (x ∷ xs) (suc i) eq = cong (_ ∷_) (map-updateAt xs i eq)
map-insertAt : ∀ (f : A → B) (x : A) (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) →
map f (insertAt xs i x) ≡ insertAt (map f xs) i (f x)
map-insertAt f _ [] Fin.zero = refl
map-insertAt f _ (x' ∷ xs) Fin.zero = refl
map-insertAt f x (x' ∷ xs) (Fin.suc i) = cong (_ ∷_) (map-insertAt f x xs i)
map-[]≔ : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) →
map f (xs [ i ]≔ x) ≡ map f xs [ i ]≔ f x
map-[]≔ f xs i = map-updateAt xs i refl
map-⊛ : ∀ (f : A → B → C) (g : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) →
(map f xs ⊛ map g xs) ≡ map (f ˢ g) xs
map-⊛ f g [] = refl
map-⊛ f g (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x (g x) ∷_) (map-⊛ f g xs)
map-concat : (f : A → B) (xss : Vec (Vec A m) n) →
map f (concat xss) ≡ concat (map (map f) xss)
map-concat f [] = refl
map-concat f (xs ∷ xss) = begin
map f (concat (xs ∷ xss))
map f (xs ++ concat xss)
≡⟨ map-++ f xs (concat xss) ⟩
map f xs ++ map f (concat xss)
≡⟨ cong (map f xs ++_) (map-concat f xss) ⟩
map f xs ++ concat (map (map f) xss)
concat (map (map f) (xs ∷ xss))
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
toList-map : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) →
toList (map f xs) ≡ List.map f (toList xs)
toList-map f [] = refl
toList-map f (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x List.∷_) (toList-map f xs)
++-injectiveˡ : ∀ {n} (ws xs : Vec A n) → ws ++ ys ≡ xs ++ zs → ws ≡ xs
++-injectiveˡ [] [] _ = refl
++-injectiveˡ (_ ∷ ws) (_ ∷ xs) eq =
cong₂ _∷_ (∷-injectiveˡ eq) (++-injectiveˡ _ _ (∷-injectiveʳ eq))
++-injectiveʳ : ∀ {n} (ws xs : Vec A n) → ws ++ ys ≡ xs ++ zs → ys ≡ zs
++-injectiveʳ [] [] eq = eq
++-injectiveʳ (x ∷ ws) (x′ ∷ xs) eq =
++-injectiveʳ ws xs (∷-injectiveʳ eq)
++-injective : ∀ (ws xs : Vec A n) →
ws ++ ys ≡ xs ++ zs → ws ≡ xs × ys ≡ zs
++-injective ws xs eq =
(++-injectiveˡ ws xs eq , ++-injectiveʳ ws xs eq)
++-assoc-eqFree : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) (zs : Vec A o) → let eq = +-assoc m n o in
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) ≡ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
++-assoc-eqFree [] ys zs = cast-is-id refl (ys ++ zs)
++-assoc-eqFree (x ∷ xs) ys zs = cong (x ∷_) (++-assoc-eqFree xs ys zs)
++-identityʳ-eqFree : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) → cast (+-identityʳ n) (xs ++ []) ≡ xs
++-identityʳ-eqFree [] = refl
++-identityʳ-eqFree (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (++-identityʳ-eqFree xs)
cast-++ˡ : ∀ .(eq : m ≡ o) (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} →
cast (cong (_+ n) eq) (xs ++ ys) ≡ cast eq xs ++ ys
cast-++ˡ _ _ {ys} = ≈-cong′ (_++ ys) refl
cast-++ʳ : ∀ .(eq : n ≡ o) (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} →
cast (cong (m +_) eq) (xs ++ ys) ≡ xs ++ cast eq ys
cast-++ʳ _ xs = ≈-cong′ (xs ++_) refl
lookup-++-< : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) →
∀ i (i<m : toℕ i < m) →
lookup (xs ++ ys) i ≡ lookup xs (Fin.fromℕ< i<m)
lookup-++-< (x ∷ xs) ys zero _ = refl
lookup-++-< (x ∷ xs) ys (suc i) si<sm = lookup-++-< xs ys i (s<s⁻¹ si<sm)
lookup-++-≥ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) →
∀ i (i≥m : toℕ i ≥ m) →
lookup (xs ++ ys) i ≡ lookup ys (Fin.reduce≥ i i≥m)
lookup-++-≥ [] ys i _ = refl
lookup-++-≥ (x ∷ xs) ys (suc i) si≥sm = lookup-++-≥ xs ys i (s≤s⁻¹ si≥sm)
lookup-++ˡ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
lookup (xs ++ ys) (i ↑ˡ n) ≡ lookup xs i
lookup-++ˡ (x ∷ xs) ys zero = refl
lookup-++ˡ (x ∷ xs) ys (suc i) = lookup-++ˡ xs ys i
lookup-++ʳ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
lookup (xs ++ ys) (m ↑ʳ i) ≡ lookup ys i
lookup-++ʳ [] ys zero = refl
lookup-++ʳ [] (y ∷ xs) (suc i) = lookup-++ʳ [] xs i
lookup-++ʳ (x ∷ xs) ys i = lookup-++ʳ xs ys i
lookup-splitAt : ∀ m (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
lookup (xs ++ ys) i ≡ [ lookup xs , lookup ys ]′
(Fin.splitAt m i)
lookup-splitAt zero [] ys i = refl
lookup-splitAt (suc m) (x ∷ xs) ys zero = refl
lookup-splitAt (suc m) (x ∷ xs) ys (suc i) = trans
(lookup-splitAt m xs ys i)
(sym ([,]-map (Fin.splitAt m i)))
toList-++ : (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m) →
toList (xs ++ ys) ≡ toList xs List.++ toList ys
toList-++ [] ys = refl
toList-++ (x ∷ xs) ys = cong (x List.∷_) (toList-++ xs ys)
lookup-cast : .(eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A m) (i : Fin m) →
lookup (cast eq xs) (Fin.cast eq i) ≡ lookup xs i
lookup-cast {n = suc _} eq (x ∷ _) zero = refl
lookup-cast {n = suc _} eq (_ ∷ xs) (suc i) =
lookup-cast (suc-injective eq) xs i
lookup-cast₁ : .(eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A m) (i : Fin n) →
lookup (cast eq xs) i ≡ lookup xs (Fin.cast (sym eq) i)
lookup-cast₁ eq (x ∷ _) zero = refl
lookup-cast₁ eq (_ ∷ xs) (suc i) =
lookup-cast₁ (suc-injective eq) xs i
lookup-cast₂ : .(eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin m) →
lookup xs (Fin.cast eq i) ≡ lookup (cast (sym eq) xs) i
lookup-cast₂ eq (x ∷ _) zero = refl
lookup-cast₂ eq (_ ∷ xs) (suc i) =
lookup-cast₂ (suc-injective eq) xs i
lookup-concat : ∀ (xss : Vec (Vec A m) n) i j →
lookup (concat xss) (Fin.combine i j) ≡ lookup (lookup xss i) j
lookup-concat (xs ∷ xss) zero j = lookup-++ˡ xs (concat xss) j
lookup-concat (xs ∷ xss) (suc i) j = begin
lookup (concat (xs ∷ xss)) (Fin.combine (suc i) j)
≡⟨ lookup-++ʳ xs (concat xss) (Fin.combine i j) ⟩
lookup (concat xss) (Fin.combine i j)
≡⟨ lookup-concat xss i j ⟩
lookup (lookup (xs ∷ xss) (suc i)) j
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
module _ {f : A → A → A} where
zipWith-assoc : Associative _≡_ f →
Associative _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f)
zipWith-assoc assoc [] [] [] = refl
zipWith-assoc assoc (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) (z ∷ zs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (assoc x y z) (zipWith-assoc assoc xs ys zs)
zipWith-idem : Idempotent _≡_ f →
Idempotent _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f)
zipWith-idem idem [] = refl
zipWith-idem idem (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (idem x) (zipWith-idem idem xs)
module _ {f : A → A → A} {e : A} where
zipWith-identityˡ : LeftIdentity _≡_ e f →
LeftIdentity _≡_ (replicate n e) (zipWith f)
zipWith-identityˡ idˡ [] = refl
zipWith-identityˡ idˡ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (idˡ x) (zipWith-identityˡ idˡ xs)
zipWith-identityʳ : RightIdentity _≡_ e f →
RightIdentity _≡_ (replicate n e) (zipWith f)
zipWith-identityʳ idʳ [] = refl
zipWith-identityʳ idʳ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (idʳ x) (zipWith-identityʳ idʳ xs)
zipWith-zeroˡ : LeftZero _≡_ e f →
LeftZero _≡_ (replicate n e) (zipWith f)
zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ [] = refl
zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (zeˡ x) (zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ xs)
zipWith-zeroʳ : RightZero _≡_ e f →
RightZero _≡_ (replicate n e) (zipWith f)
zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ [] = refl
zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (zeʳ x) (zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ xs)
module _ {f : A → A → A} {e : A} {⁻¹ : A → A} where
zipWith-inverseˡ : LeftInverse _≡_ e ⁻¹ f →
LeftInverse _≡_ (replicate n e) (map ⁻¹) (zipWith f)
zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ [] = refl
zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (invˡ x) (zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ xs)
zipWith-inverseʳ : RightInverse _≡_ e ⁻¹ f →
RightInverse _≡_ (replicate n e) (map ⁻¹) (zipWith f)
zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ [] = refl
zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ (x ∷ xs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (invʳ x) (zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ xs)
module _ {f g : A → A → A} where
zipWith-distribˡ : _DistributesOverˡ_ _≡_ f g →
_DistributesOverˡ_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ [] [] [] = refl
zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) (z ∷ zs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (distribˡ x y z) (zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ xs ys zs)
zipWith-distribʳ : _DistributesOverʳ_ _≡_ f g →
_DistributesOverʳ_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ [] [] [] = refl
zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) (z ∷ zs) =
cong₂ _∷_ (distribʳ x y z) (zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ xs ys zs)
zipWith-absorbs : _Absorbs_ _≡_ f g →
_Absorbs_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
zipWith-absorbs abs [] [] = refl
zipWith-absorbs abs (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) =
cong₂ _∷_ (abs x y) (zipWith-absorbs abs xs ys)
module _ {f : A → B → C} {g : B → A → C} where
zipWith-comm : ∀ (comm : ∀ x y → f x y ≡ g y x) (xs : Vec A n) ys →
zipWith f xs ys ≡ zipWith g ys xs
zipWith-comm comm [] [] = refl
zipWith-comm comm (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) =
cong₂ _∷_ (comm x y) (zipWith-comm comm xs ys)
zipWith-map₁ : ∀ (_⊕_ : B → C → D) (f : A → B)
(xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec C n) →
zipWith _⊕_ (map f xs) ys ≡ zipWith (λ x y → f x ⊕ y) xs ys
zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f [] [] = refl
zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) =
cong (f x ⊕ y ∷_) (zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f xs ys)
zipWith-map₂ : ∀ (_⊕_ : A → C → D) (f : B → C)
(xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
zipWith _⊕_ xs (map f ys) ≡ zipWith (λ x y → x ⊕ f y) xs ys
zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f [] [] = refl
zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) =
cong (x ⊕ f y ∷_) (zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f xs ys)
lookup-zipWith : ∀ (f : A → B → C) (i : Fin n) xs ys →
lookup (zipWith f xs ys) i ≡ f (lookup xs i) (lookup ys i)
lookup-zipWith _ zero (x ∷ _) (y ∷ _) = refl
lookup-zipWith _ (suc i) (_ ∷ xs) (_ ∷ ys) = lookup-zipWith _ i xs ys
zipWith-++ : ∀ (f : A → B → C)
(xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m)
(xs' : Vec B n) (ys' : Vec B m) →
zipWith f (xs ++ ys) (xs' ++ ys') ≡
zipWith f xs xs' ++ zipWith f ys ys'
zipWith-++ f [] ys [] ys' = refl
zipWith-++ f (x ∷ xs) ys (x' ∷ xs') ys' =
cong (_ ∷_) (zipWith-++ f xs ys xs' ys')
lookup-zip : ∀ (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
lookup (zip xs ys) i ≡ (lookup xs i , lookup ys i)
lookup-zip = lookup-zipWith _,_
map-proj₁-zip : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
map proj₁ (zip xs ys) ≡ xs
map-proj₁-zip [] [] = refl
map-proj₁-zip (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = cong (x ∷_) (map-proj₁-zip xs ys)
map-proj₂-zip : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
map proj₂ (zip xs ys) ≡ ys
map-proj₂-zip [] [] = refl
map-proj₂-zip (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = cong (y ∷_) (map-proj₂-zip xs ys)
map-<,>-zip : ∀ (f : A → B) (g : A → C) (xs : Vec A n) →
map < f , g > xs ≡ zip (map f xs) (map g xs)
map-<,>-zip f g [] = refl
map-<,>-zip f g (x ∷ xs) = cong (_ ∷_) (map-<,>-zip f g xs)
map-zip : ∀ (f : A → B) (g : C → D) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec C n) →
map (Product.map f g) (zip xs ys) ≡ zip (map f xs) (map g ys)
map-zip f g [] [] = refl
map-zip f g (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = cong (_ ∷_) (map-zip f g xs ys)
lookup-unzip : ∀ (i : Fin n) (xys : Vec (A × B) n) →
let xs , ys = unzip xys
in (lookup xs i , lookup ys i) ≡ lookup xys i
lookup-unzip () []
lookup-unzip zero ((x , y) ∷ xys) = refl
lookup-unzip (suc i) ((x , y) ∷ xys) = lookup-unzip i xys
map-unzip : ∀ (f : A → B) (g : C → D) (xys : Vec (A × C) n) →
let xs , ys = unzip xys
in (map f xs , map g ys) ≡ unzip (map (Product.map f g) xys)
map-unzip f g [] = refl
map-unzip f g ((x , y) ∷ xys) =
cong (Product.map (f x ∷_) (g y ∷_)) (map-unzip f g xys)
unzip∘zip : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
unzip (zip xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
unzip∘zip [] [] = refl
unzip∘zip (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) =
cong (Product.map (x ∷_) (y ∷_)) (unzip∘zip xs ys)
zip∘unzip : ∀ (xys : Vec (A × B) n) → uncurry zip (unzip xys) ≡ xys
zip∘unzip [] = refl
zip∘unzip (xy ∷ xys) = cong (xy ∷_) (zip∘unzip xys)
×v↔v× : (Vec A n × Vec B n) ↔ Vec (A × B) n
×v↔v× = mk↔ₛ′ (uncurry zip) unzip zip∘unzip (uncurry unzip∘zip)
lookup-⊛ : ∀ i (fs : Vec (A → B) n) (xs : Vec A n) →
lookup (fs ⊛ xs) i ≡ (lookup fs i $ lookup xs i)
lookup-⊛ zero (f ∷ fs) (x ∷ xs) = refl
lookup-⊛ (suc i) (f ∷ fs) (x ∷ xs) = lookup-⊛ i fs xs
map-is-⊛ : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) →
map f xs ≡ (replicate n f ⊛ xs)
map-is-⊛ f [] = refl
map-is-⊛ f (x ∷ xs) = cong (_ ∷_) (map-is-⊛ f xs)
⊛-is-zipWith : ∀ (fs : Vec (A → B) n) (xs : Vec A n) →
(fs ⊛ xs) ≡ zipWith _$_ fs xs
⊛-is-zipWith [] [] = refl
⊛-is-zipWith (f ∷ fs) (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) (⊛-is-zipWith fs xs)
zipWith-is-⊛ : ∀ (f : A → B → C) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) →
zipWith f xs ys ≡ (replicate n f ⊛ xs ⊛ ys)
zipWith-is-⊛ f [] [] = refl
zipWith-is-⊛ f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = cong (_ ∷_) (zipWith-is-⊛ f xs ys)
⊛-is->>= : ∀ (fs : Vec (A → B) n) (xs : Vec A n) →
(fs ⊛ xs) ≡ (fs DiagonalBind.>>= flip map xs)
⊛-is->>= [] [] = refl
⊛-is->>= (f ∷ fs) (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) $ begin
fs ⊛ xs ≡⟨ ⊛-is->>= fs xs ⟩
diagonal (map (flip map xs) fs) ≡⟨⟩
diagonal (map (tail ∘ flip map (x ∷ xs)) fs) ≡⟨ cong diagonal (map-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
diagonal (map tail (map (flip map (x ∷ xs)) fs)) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
lookup-⊛* : ∀ (fs : Vec (A → B) m) (xs : Vec A n) i j →
lookup (fs ⊛* xs) (Fin.combine i j) ≡ (lookup fs i $ lookup xs j)
lookup-⊛* (f ∷ fs) xs zero j = trans (lookup-++ˡ (map f xs) _ j) (lookup-map j f xs)
lookup-⊛* (f ∷ fs) xs (suc i) j = trans (lookup-++ʳ (map f xs) _ (Fin.combine i j)) (lookup-⊛* fs xs i j)
foldl-universal : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldlOp A B) e
(h : ∀ {c} (C : ℕ → Set c) (g : FoldlOp A C) (e : C zero) →
∀ {n} → Vec A n → C n) →
(∀ {c} {C} {g : FoldlOp A C} e → h {c} C g e [] ≡ e) →
(∀ {c} {C} {g : FoldlOp A C} e {n} x →
(h {c} C g e {suc n}) ∘ (x ∷_) ≗ h (C ∘ suc) g (g e x)) →
h B f e ≗ foldl {n = n} B f e
foldl-universal B f e h base step [] = base e
foldl-universal B f e h base step (x ∷ xs) = begin
h B f e (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ step e x xs ⟩
h (B ∘ suc) f (f e x) xs ≡⟨ foldl-universal _ f (f e x) h base step xs ⟩
foldl (B ∘ suc) f (f e x) xs ≡⟨⟩
foldl B f e (x ∷ xs) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
foldl-fusion : ∀ {B : ℕ → Set b} {C : ℕ → Set c}
(h : ∀ {n} → B n → C n) →
{f : FoldlOp A B} {d : B zero} →
{g : FoldlOp A C} {e : C zero} →
(h d ≡ e) →
(∀ {n} b x → h (f {n} b x) ≡ g (h b) x) →
h ∘ foldl {n = n} B f d ≗ foldl C g e
foldl-fusion h {f} {d} {g} {e} base fuse [] = base
foldl-fusion h {f} {d} {g} {e} base fuse (x ∷ xs) =
foldl-fusion h eq fuse xs
open ≡-Reasoning
eq : h (f d x) ≡ g e x
eq = begin
h (f d x) ≡⟨ fuse d x ⟩
g (h d) x ≡⟨ cong (λ e → g e x) base ⟩
g e x ∎
foldl-[] : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldlOp A B) {e} → foldl B f e [] ≡ e
foldl-[] _ _ = refl
module _ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldrOp A B) {e : B zero} where
foldr-universal : (h : ∀ {n} → Vec A n → B n) →
h [] ≡ e →
(∀ {n} x → h ∘ (x ∷_) ≗ f {n} x ∘ h) →
h ≗ foldr {n = n} B f e
foldr-universal h base step [] = base
foldr-universal h base step (x ∷ xs) = begin
h (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ step x xs ⟩
f x (h xs) ≡⟨ cong (f x) (foldr-universal h base step xs) ⟩
f x (foldr B f e xs) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
foldr-[] : foldr B f e [] ≡ e
foldr-[] = refl
foldr-++ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) →
foldr B f e (xs ++ ys) ≡ foldr (B ∘ (_+ n)) f (foldr B f e ys) xs
foldr-++ [] = refl
foldr-++ (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x) (foldr-++ xs)
foldr-fusion : ∀ {B : ℕ → Set b} {f : FoldrOp A B} e
{C : ℕ → Set c} {g : FoldrOp A C}
(h : ∀ {n} → B n → C n) →
(∀ {n} x → h ∘ f {n} x ≗ g x ∘ h) →
h ∘ foldr {n = n} B f e ≗ foldr C g (h e)
foldr-fusion {B = B} {f} e {C} h fuse =
foldr-universal C _ _ refl (λ x xs → fuse x (foldr B f e xs))
id-is-foldr : id ≗ foldr {n = n} (Vec A) _∷_ []
id-is-foldr = foldr-universal _ _ id refl (λ _ _ → refl)
map-is-foldr : ∀ (f : A → B) →
map {n = n} f ≗ foldr (Vec B) (λ x ys → f x ∷ ys) []
map-is-foldr f = foldr-universal (Vec _) (λ x ys → f x ∷ ys) (map f) refl (λ _ _ → refl)
++-is-foldr : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) →
xs ++ ys ≡ foldr (Vec A ∘ (_+ n)) _∷_ ys xs
++-is-foldr {A = A} {n = n} {ys} xs =
foldr-universal (Vec A ∘ (_+ n)) _∷_ (_++ ys) refl (λ _ _ → refl) xs
unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree : ∀ x (xs : Vec A n) → cast (+-comm 1 n) (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ xs ++ [ x ]
unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree x [] = refl
unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree x (y ∷ xs) = cong (y ∷_) (unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree x xs)
∷ʳ-injective : ∀ (xs ys : Vec A n) → xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → xs ≡ ys × x ≡ y
∷ʳ-injective [] [] refl = (refl , refl)
∷ʳ-injective (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) eq with ∷-injective eq
... | refl , eq′ = Product.map₁ (cong (x ∷_)) (∷ʳ-injective xs ys eq′)
∷ʳ-injectiveˡ : ∀ (xs ys : Vec A n) → xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → xs ≡ ys
∷ʳ-injectiveˡ xs ys eq = proj₁ (∷ʳ-injective xs ys eq)
∷ʳ-injectiveʳ : ∀ (xs ys : Vec A n) → xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → x ≡ y
∷ʳ-injectiveʳ xs ys eq = proj₂ (∷ʳ-injective xs ys eq)
foldl-∷ʳ : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldlOp A B) e y (ys : Vec A n) →
foldl B f e (ys ∷ʳ y) ≡ f (foldl B f e ys) y
foldl-∷ʳ B f e y [] = refl
foldl-∷ʳ B f e y (x ∷ xs) = foldl-∷ʳ (B ∘ suc) f (f e x) y xs
foldr-∷ʳ : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldrOp A B) {e} y (ys : Vec A n) →
foldr B f e (ys ∷ʳ y) ≡ foldr (B ∘ suc) f (f y e) ys
foldr-∷ʳ B f y [] = refl
foldr-∷ʳ B f y (x ∷ xs) = cong (f x) (foldr-∷ʳ B f y xs)
init-∷ʳ : ∀ x (xs : Vec A n) → init (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ xs
init-∷ʳ x [] = refl
init-∷ʳ x (y ∷ xs) = cong (y ∷_) (init-∷ʳ x xs)
last-∷ʳ : ∀ x (xs : Vec A n) → last (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ x
last-∷ʳ x [] = refl
last-∷ʳ x (y ∷ xs) = last-∷ʳ x xs
map-∷ʳ : ∀ (f : A → B) x (xs : Vec A n) → map f (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ map f xs ∷ʳ f x
map-∷ʳ f x [] = refl
map-∷ʳ f x (y ∷ xs) = cong (f y ∷_) (map-∷ʳ f x xs)
cast-∷ʳ : ∀ .(eq : suc n ≡ suc m) x (xs : Vec A n) →
cast eq (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ (cast (cong pred eq) xs) ∷ʳ x
cast-∷ʳ _ x _ = ≈-cong′ (_∷ʳ x) refl
++-∷ʳ-eqFree : ∀ z (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) → let eq = sym (+-suc m n) in
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ∷ʳ z) ≡ xs ++ (ys ∷ʳ z)
++-∷ʳ-eqFree {m = zero} z [] [] = refl
++-∷ʳ-eqFree {m = zero} z [] (y ∷ ys) = cong (y ∷_) (++-∷ʳ-eqFree z [] ys)
++-∷ʳ-eqFree {m = suc m} z (x ∷ xs) ys = cong (x ∷_) (++-∷ʳ-eqFree z xs ys)
∷ʳ-++-eqFree : ∀ a (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m} → let eq = sym (+-suc n m) in
cast eq ((xs ∷ʳ a) ++ ys) ≡ xs ++ (a ∷ ys)
∷ʳ-++-eqFree a [] {ys} = cong (a ∷_) (cast-is-id refl ys)
∷ʳ-++-eqFree a (x ∷ xs) {ys} = cong (x ∷_) (∷ʳ-++-eqFree a xs)
reverse-∷ : ∀ x (xs : Vec A n) → reverse (x ∷ xs) ≡ reverse xs ∷ʳ x
reverse-∷ x xs = sym (foldl-fusion (_∷ʳ x) refl (λ b x → refl) xs)
foldl-reverse : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldlOp A B) {e} →
foldl {n = n} B f e ∘ reverse ≗ foldr B (flip f) e
foldl-reverse _ _ {e} [] = refl
foldl-reverse B f {e} (x ∷ xs) = begin
foldl B f e (reverse (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong (foldl B f e) (reverse-∷ x xs) ⟩
foldl B f e (reverse xs ∷ʳ x) ≡⟨ foldl-∷ʳ B f e x (reverse xs) ⟩
f (foldl B f e (reverse xs)) x ≡⟨ cong (flip f x) (foldl-reverse B f xs) ⟩
f (foldr B (flip f) e xs) x ≡⟨⟩
foldr B (flip f) e (x ∷ xs) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
foldr-reverse : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldrOp A B) {e} →
foldr {n = n} B f e ∘ reverse ≗ foldl B (flip f) e
foldr-reverse B f {e} xs = foldl-fusion (foldr B f e) refl (λ _ _ → refl) xs
reverse-involutive : Involutive {A = Vec A n} _≡_ reverse
reverse-involutive xs = begin
reverse (reverse xs) ≡⟨ foldl-reverse (Vec _) (flip _∷_) xs ⟩
foldr (Vec _) _∷_ [] xs ≡⟨ id-is-foldr xs ⟨
xs ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
reverse-reverse : reverse xs ≡ ys → reverse ys ≡ xs
reverse-reverse {xs = xs} {ys} eq = begin
reverse ys ≡⟨ cong reverse eq ⟨
reverse (reverse xs) ≡⟨ reverse-involutive xs ⟩
xs ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
reverse-injective : reverse xs ≡ reverse ys → xs ≡ ys
reverse-injective {xs = xs} {ys} eq = begin
xs ≡⟨ reverse-reverse eq ⟨
reverse (reverse ys) ≡⟨ reverse-involutive ys ⟩
ys ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
init-reverse : init ∘ reverse ≗ reverse ∘ tail {A = A} {n = n}
init-reverse (x ∷ xs) = begin
init (reverse (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong init (reverse-∷ x xs) ⟩
init (reverse xs ∷ʳ x) ≡⟨ init-∷ʳ x (reverse xs) ⟩
reverse xs ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
last-reverse : last ∘ reverse ≗ head {A = A} {n = n}
last-reverse (x ∷ xs) = begin
last (reverse (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong last (reverse-∷ x xs) ⟩
last (reverse xs ∷ʳ x) ≡⟨ last-∷ʳ x (reverse xs) ⟩
x ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
map-reverse : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A n) →
map f (reverse xs) ≡ reverse (map f xs)
map-reverse f [] = refl
map-reverse f (x ∷ xs) = begin
map f (reverse (x ∷ xs)) ≡⟨ cong (map f) (reverse-∷ x xs) ⟩
map f (reverse xs ∷ʳ x) ≡⟨ map-∷ʳ f x (reverse xs) ⟩
map f (reverse xs) ∷ʳ f x ≡⟨ cong (_∷ʳ f x) (map-reverse f xs ) ⟩
reverse (map f xs) ∷ʳ f x ≡⟨ reverse-∷ (f x) (map f xs) ⟨
reverse (f x ∷ map f xs) ≡⟨⟩
reverse (map f (x ∷ xs)) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
reverse-++-eqFree : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) → let eq = +-comm m n in
cast eq (reverse (xs ++ ys)) ≡ reverse ys ++ reverse xs
reverse-++-eqFree {m = zero} {n = n} [] ys = ≈-sym (++-identityʳ-eqFree (reverse ys))
reverse-++-eqFree {m = suc m} {n = n} (x ∷ xs) ys = begin
reverse (x ∷ xs ++ ys) ≂⟨ reverse-∷ x (xs ++ ys) ⟩
reverse (xs ++ ys) ∷ʳ x ≈⟨ ≈-cong′ (_∷ʳ x) (reverse-++-eqFree xs ys) ⟩
(reverse ys ++ reverse xs) ∷ʳ x ≈⟨ ++-∷ʳ-eqFree x (reverse ys) (reverse xs) ⟩
reverse ys ++ (reverse xs ∷ʳ x) ≂⟨ cong (reverse ys ++_) (reverse-∷ x xs) ⟨
reverse ys ++ (reverse (x ∷ xs)) ∎
where open CastReasoning
cast-reverse : ∀ .(eq : m ≡ n) → cast eq ∘ reverse {A = A} {n = m} ≗ reverse ∘ cast eq
cast-reverse _ _ = ≈-cong′ reverse refl
unfold-ʳ++ : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) → xs ʳ++ ys ≡ reverse xs ++ ys
unfold-ʳ++ xs ys = sym (foldl-fusion (_++ ys) refl (λ b x → refl) xs)
foldr-ʳ++ : ∀ (B : ℕ → Set b) (f : FoldrOp A B) {e}
(xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} →
foldr B f e (xs ʳ++ ys) ≡
foldl (B ∘ (_+ n)) (flip f) (foldr B f e ys) xs
foldr-ʳ++ B f {e} xs = foldl-fusion (foldr B f e) refl (λ _ _ → refl) xs
map-ʳ++ : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : Vec A m) →
map f (xs ʳ++ ys) ≡ map f xs ʳ++ map f ys
map-ʳ++ {ys = ys} f xs = begin
map f (xs ʳ++ ys) ≡⟨ cong (map f) (unfold-ʳ++ xs ys) ⟩
map f (reverse xs ++ ys) ≡⟨ map-++ f (reverse xs) ys ⟩
map f (reverse xs) ++ map f ys ≡⟨ cong (_++ map f ys) (map-reverse f xs) ⟩
reverse (map f xs) ++ map f ys ≡⟨ unfold-ʳ++ (map f xs) (map f ys) ⟨
map f xs ʳ++ map f ys ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
∷-ʳ++-eqFree : ∀ a (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} → let eq = sym (+-suc m n) in
cast eq ((a ∷ xs) ʳ++ ys) ≡ xs ʳ++ (a ∷ ys)
∷-ʳ++-eqFree a xs {ys} = begin
(a ∷ xs) ʳ++ ys ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ (a ∷ xs) ys ⟩
reverse (a ∷ xs) ++ ys ≂⟨ cong (_++ ys) (reverse-∷ a xs) ⟩
(reverse xs ∷ʳ a) ++ ys ≈⟨ ∷ʳ-++-eqFree a (reverse xs) ⟩
reverse xs ++ (a ∷ ys) ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ xs (a ∷ ys) ⟨
xs ʳ++ (a ∷ ys) ∎
where open CastReasoning
++-ʳ++-eqFree : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} {zs : Vec A o} → let eq = m+n+o≡n+[m+o] m n o in
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ʳ++ zs) ≡ ys ʳ++ (xs ʳ++ zs)
++-ʳ++-eqFree {m = m} {n} {o} xs {ys} {zs} = begin
((xs ++ ys) ʳ++ zs) ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ (xs ++ ys) zs ⟩
reverse (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≈⟨ ≈-cong′ (_++ zs) (reverse-++-eqFree xs ys) ⟩
(reverse ys ++ reverse xs) ++ zs ≈⟨ ++-assoc-eqFree (reverse ys) (reverse xs) zs ⟩
reverse ys ++ (reverse xs ++ zs) ≂⟨ cong (reverse ys ++_) (unfold-ʳ++ xs zs) ⟨
reverse ys ++ (xs ʳ++ zs) ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ ys (xs ʳ++ zs) ⟨
ys ʳ++ (xs ʳ++ zs) ∎
where open CastReasoning
ʳ++-ʳ++-eqFree : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} {zs : Vec A o} → let eq = m+n+o≡n+[m+o] m n o in
cast eq ((xs ʳ++ ys) ʳ++ zs) ≡ ys ʳ++ (xs ++ zs)
ʳ++-ʳ++-eqFree {m = m} {n} {o} xs {ys} {zs} = begin
(xs ʳ++ ys) ʳ++ zs ≂⟨ cong (_ʳ++ zs) (unfold-ʳ++ xs ys) ⟩
(reverse xs ++ ys) ʳ++ zs ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ (reverse xs ++ ys) zs ⟩
reverse (reverse xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≈⟨ ≈-cong′ (_++ zs) (reverse-++-eqFree (reverse xs) ys) ⟩
(reverse ys ++ reverse (reverse xs)) ++ zs ≂⟨ cong ((_++ zs) ∘ (reverse ys ++_)) (reverse-involutive xs) ⟩
(reverse ys ++ xs) ++ zs ≈⟨ ++-assoc-eqFree (reverse ys) xs zs ⟩
reverse ys ++ (xs ++ zs) ≂⟨ unfold-ʳ++ ys (xs ++ zs) ⟨
ys ʳ++ (xs ++ zs) ∎
where open CastReasoning
sum-++ : ∀ (xs : Vec ℕ m) → sum (xs ++ ys) ≡ sum xs + sum ys
sum-++ {_} [] = refl
sum-++ {ys = ys} (x ∷ xs) = begin
x + sum (xs ++ ys) ≡⟨ cong (x +_) (sum-++ xs) ⟩
x + (sum xs + sum ys) ≡⟨ +-assoc x (sum xs) (sum ys) ⟨
sum (x ∷ xs) + sum ys ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
lookup-replicate : ∀ (i : Fin n) (x : A) → lookup (replicate n x) i ≡ x
lookup-replicate zero x = refl
lookup-replicate (suc i) x = lookup-replicate i x
map-replicate : ∀ (f : A → B) (x : A) n →
map f (replicate n x) ≡ replicate n (f x)
map-replicate f x zero = refl
map-replicate f x (suc n) = cong (f x ∷_) (map-replicate f x n)
transpose-replicate : ∀ (xs : Vec A m) →
transpose (replicate n xs) ≡ map (replicate n) xs
transpose-replicate {n = zero} _ = sym (map-const _ [])
transpose-replicate {n = suc n} xs = begin
transpose (replicate (suc n) xs) ≡⟨⟩
(replicate _ _∷_ ⊛ xs ⊛ transpose (replicate _ xs)) ≡⟨ cong₂ _⊛_ (sym (map-is-⊛ _∷_ xs)) (transpose-replicate xs) ⟩
(map _∷_ xs ⊛ map (replicate n) xs) ≡⟨ map-⊛ _∷_ (replicate n) xs ⟩
map (replicate (suc n)) xs ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
zipWith-replicate : ∀ (_⊕_ : A → B → C) (x : A) (y : B) →
zipWith _⊕_ (replicate n x) (replicate n y) ≡ replicate n (x ⊕ y)
zipWith-replicate {n = zero} _⊕_ x y = refl
zipWith-replicate {n = suc n} _⊕_ x y = cong (x ⊕ y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate _⊕_ x y)
zipWith-replicate₁ : ∀ (_⊕_ : A → B → C) (x : A) (ys : Vec B n) →
zipWith _⊕_ (replicate n x) ys ≡ map (x ⊕_) ys
zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x [] = refl
zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x (y ∷ ys) =
cong (x ⊕ y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x ys)
zipWith-replicate₂ : ∀ (_⊕_ : A → B → C) (xs : Vec A n) (y : B) →
zipWith _⊕_ xs (replicate n y) ≡ map (_⊕ y) xs
zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ [] y = refl
zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ (x ∷ xs) y =
cong (x ⊕ y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ xs y)
toList-replicate : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : A) →
toList (replicate n x) ≡ List.replicate n x
toList-replicate zero x = refl
toList-replicate (suc n) x = cong (_ List.∷_) (toList-replicate n x)
iterate-id : ∀ (x : A) n → iterate id x n ≡ replicate n x
iterate-id x zero = refl
iterate-id x (suc n) = cong (_ ∷_) (iterate-id (id x) n)
take-iterate : ∀ n f (x : A) → take n (iterate f x (n + m)) ≡ iterate f x n
take-iterate zero f x = refl
take-iterate (suc n) f x = cong (_ ∷_) (take-iterate n f (f x))
drop-iterate : ∀ n f (x : A) → drop n (iterate f x (n + zero)) ≡ []
drop-iterate zero f x = refl
drop-iterate (suc n) f x = drop-iterate n f (f x)
lookup-iterate : ∀ f (x : A) (i : Fin n) → lookup (iterate f x n) i ≡ ℕ.iterate f x (toℕ i)
lookup-iterate f x zero = refl
lookup-iterate f x (suc i) = lookup-iterate f (f x) i
toList-iterate : ∀ f (x : A) n → toList (iterate f x n) ≡ List.iterate f x n
toList-iterate f x zero = refl
toList-iterate f x (suc n) = cong (_ List.∷_) (toList-iterate f (f x) n)
lookup∘tabulate : ∀ (f : Fin n → A) (i : Fin n) →
lookup (tabulate f) i ≡ f i
lookup∘tabulate f zero = refl
lookup∘tabulate f (suc i) = lookup∘tabulate (f ∘ suc) i
tabulate∘lookup : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) → tabulate (lookup xs) ≡ xs
tabulate∘lookup [] = refl
tabulate∘lookup (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷_) (tabulate∘lookup xs)
tabulate-∘ : ∀ (f : A → B) (g : Fin n → A) →
tabulate (f ∘ g) ≡ map f (tabulate g)
tabulate-∘ {n = zero} f g = refl
tabulate-∘ {n = suc n} f g = cong (f (g zero) ∷_) (tabulate-∘ f (g ∘ suc))
tabulate-cong : ∀ {f g : Fin n → A} → f ≗ g → tabulate f ≡ tabulate g
tabulate-cong {n = zero} p = refl
tabulate-cong {n = suc n} p = cong₂ _∷_ (p zero) (tabulate-cong (p ∘ suc))
lookup-allFin : ∀ (i : Fin n) → lookup (allFin n) i ≡ i
lookup-allFin = lookup∘tabulate id
allFin-map : ∀ n → allFin (suc n) ≡ zero ∷ map suc (allFin n)
allFin-map n = cong (zero ∷_) $ tabulate-∘ suc id
tabulate-allFin : ∀ (f : Fin n → A) → tabulate f ≡ map f (allFin n)
tabulate-allFin f = tabulate-∘ f id
map-lookup-allFin : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) → map (lookup xs) (allFin n) ≡ xs
map-lookup-allFin {n = n} xs = begin
map (lookup xs) (allFin n) ≡⟨ tabulate-∘ (lookup xs) id ⟨
tabulate (lookup xs) ≡⟨ tabulate∘lookup xs ⟩
xs ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
module _ {P : Pred A p} (P? : Decidable P) where
count≤n : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) → count P? xs ≤ n
count≤n [] = z≤n
count≤n (x ∷ xs) with does (P? x)
... | true = s≤s (count≤n xs)
... | false = m≤n⇒m≤1+n (count≤n xs)
length-toList : (xs : Vec A n) → List.length (toList xs) ≡ length xs
length-toList [] = refl
length-toList (x ∷ xs) = cong suc (length-toList xs)
insertAt-lookup : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) →
lookup (insertAt xs i v) i ≡ v
insertAt-lookup xs zero v = refl
insertAt-lookup (x ∷ xs) (suc i) v = insertAt-lookup xs i v
insertAt-punchIn : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) (j : Fin n) →
lookup (insertAt xs i v) (Fin.punchIn i j) ≡ lookup xs j
insertAt-punchIn xs zero v j = refl
insertAt-punchIn (x ∷ xs) (suc i) v zero = refl
insertAt-punchIn (x ∷ xs) (suc i) v (suc j) = insertAt-punchIn xs i v j
toList-insertAt : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) →
toList (insertAt xs i v) ≡ List.insertAt (toList xs) (Fin.cast (cong suc (sym (length-toList xs))) i) v
toList-insertAt xs zero v = refl
toList-insertAt (x ∷ xs) (suc i) v = cong (_ List.∷_) (toList-insertAt xs i v)
removeAt-punchOut : ∀ (xs : Vec A (suc n)) {i} {j} (i≢j : i ≢ j) →
lookup (removeAt xs i) (Fin.punchOut i≢j) ≡ lookup xs j
removeAt-punchOut (x ∷ xs) {zero} {zero} i≢j = contradiction refl i≢j
removeAt-punchOut (x ∷ xs) {zero} {suc j} i≢j = refl
removeAt-punchOut (x ∷ y ∷ xs) {suc i} {zero} i≢j = refl
removeAt-punchOut (x ∷ y ∷ xs) {suc i} {suc j} i≢j =
removeAt-punchOut (y ∷ xs) (i≢j ∘ cong suc)
removeAt-insertAt : ∀ (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) →
removeAt (insertAt xs i v) i ≡ xs
removeAt-insertAt xs zero v = refl
removeAt-insertAt (x ∷ xs) (suc zero) v = refl
removeAt-insertAt (x ∷ xs@(_ ∷ _)) (suc (suc i)) v =
cong (x ∷_) (removeAt-insertAt xs (suc i) v)
insertAt-removeAt : ∀ (xs : Vec A (suc n)) (i : Fin (suc n)) →
insertAt (removeAt xs i) i (lookup xs i) ≡ xs
insertAt-removeAt (x ∷ xs) zero = refl
insertAt-removeAt (x ∷ xs@(_ ∷ _)) (suc i) =
cong (x ∷_) (insertAt-removeAt xs i)
toList∘fromList : (xs : List A) → toList (fromList xs) ≡ xs
toList∘fromList List.[] = refl
toList∘fromList (x List.∷ xs) = cong (x List.∷_) (toList∘fromList xs)
toList-cast : ∀ .(eq : m ≡ n) (xs : Vec A m) → toList (cast eq xs) ≡ toList xs
toList-cast {n = zero} eq [] = refl
toList-cast {n = suc _} eq (x ∷ xs) =
cong (x List.∷_) (toList-cast (cong pred eq) xs)
cast-fromList : ∀ {xs ys : List A} (eq : xs ≡ ys) →
cast (cong List.length eq) (fromList xs) ≡ fromList ys
cast-fromList {xs = List.[]} {ys = List.[]} eq = refl
cast-fromList {xs = x List.∷ xs} {ys = y List.∷ ys} eq =
let x≡y , xs≡ys = List.∷-injective eq in begin
x ∷ cast (cong (pred ∘ List.length) eq) (fromList xs) ≡⟨ cong (_ ∷_) (cast-fromList xs≡ys) ⟩
x ∷ fromList ys ≡⟨ cong (_∷ _) x≡y ⟩
y ∷ fromList ys ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
fromList-map : ∀ (f : A → B) (xs : List A) →
cast (List.length-map f xs) (fromList (List.map f xs)) ≡ map f (fromList xs)
fromList-map f List.[] = refl
fromList-map f (x List.∷ xs) = cong (f x ∷_) (fromList-map f xs)
fromList-++ : ∀ (xs : List A) {ys : List A} →
cast (List.length-++ xs) (fromList (xs List.++ ys)) ≡ fromList xs ++ fromList ys
fromList-++ List.[] {ys} = cast-is-id refl (fromList ys)
fromList-++ (x List.∷ xs) {ys} = cong (x ∷_) (fromList-++ xs)
fromList-reverse : (xs : List A) → cast (List.length-reverse xs) (fromList (List.reverse xs)) ≡ reverse (fromList xs)
fromList-reverse List.[] = refl
fromList-reverse (x List.∷ xs) = begin
fromList (List.reverse (x List.∷ xs)) ≈⟨ cast-fromList (List.ʳ++-defn xs) ⟩
fromList (List.reverse xs List.++ List.[ x ]) ≈⟨ fromList-++ (List.reverse xs) ⟩
fromList (List.reverse xs) ++ [ x ] ≈⟨ unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree x (fromList (List.reverse xs)) ⟨
fromList (List.reverse xs) ∷ʳ x ≈⟨ ≈-cong′ (_∷ʳ x) (fromList-reverse xs) ⟩
reverse (fromList xs) ∷ʳ x ≂⟨ reverse-∷ x (fromList xs) ⟨
reverse (x ∷ fromList xs) ≈⟨⟩
reverse (fromList (x List.∷ xs)) ∎
where open CastReasoning
++-assoc : ∀ .(eq : (m + n) + o ≡ m + (n + o)) (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) (zs : Vec A o) →
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) ≡ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
++-assoc _ = ++-assoc-eqFree
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ++-assoc
"Warning: ++-assoc was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ++-assoc-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
++-identityʳ : ∀ .(eq : n + zero ≡ n) (xs : Vec A n) → cast eq (xs ++ []) ≡ xs
++-identityʳ _ = ++-identityʳ-eqFree
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ++-identityʳ
"Warning: ++-identityʳ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ++-identityʳ-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
unfold-∷ʳ : ∀ .(eq : suc n ≡ n + 1) x (xs : Vec A n) → cast eq (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ xs ++ [ x ]
unfold-∷ʳ _ = unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE unfold-∷ʳ
"Warning: unfold-∷ʳ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
++-∷ʳ : ∀ .(eq : suc (m + n) ≡ m + suc n) z (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) →
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ∷ʳ z) ≡ xs ++ (ys ∷ʳ z)
++-∷ʳ _ = ++-∷ʳ-eqFree
"Warning: ++-∷ʳ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ++-∷ʳ-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
∷ʳ-++ : ∀ .(eq : (suc n) + m ≡ n + suc m) a (xs : Vec A n) {ys} →
cast eq ((xs ∷ʳ a) ++ ys) ≡ xs ++ (a ∷ ys)
∷ʳ-++ _ = ∷ʳ-++-eqFree
"Warning: ∷ʳ-++ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ∷ʳ-++-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
reverse-++ : ∀ .(eq : m + n ≡ n + m) (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) →
cast eq (reverse (xs ++ ys)) ≡ reverse ys ++ reverse xs
reverse-++ _ = reverse-++-eqFree
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE reverse-++
"Warning: reverse-++ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use reverse-++-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
∷-ʳ++ : ∀ .(eq : (suc m) + n ≡ m + suc n) a (xs : Vec A m) {ys} →
cast eq ((a ∷ xs) ʳ++ ys) ≡ xs ʳ++ (a ∷ ys)
∷-ʳ++ _ = ∷-ʳ++-eqFree
"Warning: ∷-ʳ++ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ∷-ʳ++-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
++-ʳ++ : ∀ .(eq : m + n + o ≡ n + (m + o)) (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} {zs : Vec A o} →
cast eq ((xs ++ ys) ʳ++ zs) ≡ ys ʳ++ (xs ʳ++ zs)
++-ʳ++ _ = ++-ʳ++-eqFree
"Warning: ++-ʳ++ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ++-ʳ++-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
ʳ++-ʳ++ : ∀ .(eq : (m + n) + o ≡ n + (m + o)) (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n} {zs} →
cast eq ((xs ʳ++ ys) ʳ++ zs) ≡ ys ʳ++ (xs ++ zs)
ʳ++-ʳ++ _ = ʳ++-ʳ++-eqFree
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE ʳ++-ʳ++
"Warning: ʳ++-ʳ++ was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use ʳ++-ʳ++-eqFree instead, which does not take eq."
updateAt-id-relative = updateAt-id-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-id-relative
"Warning: updateAt-id-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-id-local instead."
updateAt-compose-relative = updateAt-updateAt-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-compose-relative
"Warning: updateAt-compose-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-updateAt-local instead."
updateAt-compose = updateAt-updateAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-compose
"Warning: updateAt-compose was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-updateAt instead."
updateAt-cong-relative = updateAt-cong-local
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE updateAt-cong-relative
"Warning: updateAt-cong-relative was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use updateAt-cong-local instead."
[]%=-compose = []%=-∘
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE []%=-compose
"Warning: []%=-compose was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use []%=-∘ instead."
[]≔-++-inject+ : ∀ {m n x} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i →
(xs ++ ys) [ i ↑ˡ n ]≔ x ≡ (xs [ i ]≔ x) ++ ys
[]≔-++-inject+ = []≔-++-↑ˡ
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE []≔-++-inject+
"Warning: []≔-++-inject+ was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use []≔-++-↑ˡ instead."
idIsFold = id-is-foldr
"Warning: idIsFold was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use id-is-foldr instead."
sum-++-commute = sum-++
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE sum-++-commute
"Warning: sum-++-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use sum-++ instead."
take-drop-id = take++drop≡id
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE take-drop-id
"Warning: take-drop-id was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use take++drop≡id instead."
take-distr-zipWith = take-zipWith
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE take-distr-zipWith
"Warning: take-distr-zipWith was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use take-zipWith instead."
take-distr-map = take-map
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE take-distr-map
"Warning: take-distr-map was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use take-map instead."
drop-distr-zipWith = drop-zipWith
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE drop-distr-zipWith
"Warning: drop-distr-zipWith was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use drop-zipWith instead."
drop-distr-map = drop-map
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE drop-distr-map
"Warning: drop-distr-map was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use drop-map instead."
map-insert = map-insertAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-insert
"Warning: map-insert was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use map-insertAt instead."
insert-lookup = insertAt-lookup
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-lookup
"Warning: insert-lookup was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-lookup instead."
insert-punchIn = insertAt-punchIn
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-punchIn
"Warning: insert-punchIn was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-punchIn instead."
remove-PunchOut = removeAt-punchOut
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE remove-PunchOut
"Warning: remove-PunchOut was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use removeAt-punchOut instead."
remove-insert = removeAt-insertAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE remove-insert
"Warning: remove-insert was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use removeAt-insertAt instead."
insert-remove = insertAt-removeAt
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE insert-remove
"Warning: insert-remove was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use insertAt-removeAt instead."
lookup-inject≤-take : ∀ m (m≤m+n : m ≤ m + n) (i : Fin m) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) →
lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i m≤m+n) ≡ lookup (take m xs) i
lookup-inject≤-take m m≤m+n i xs = sym (begin
lookup (take m xs) i
≡⟨ lookup-take-inject≤ xs i ⟩
lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i _)
lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i m≤m+n)
∎) where open ≡-Reasoning
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE lookup-inject≤-take
"Warning: lookup-inject≤-take was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use lookup-take-inject≤ or lookup-truncate, take≡truncate instead."