-- The Agda standard library
-- Bounded vectors (inefficient implementation)

-- Vectors of a specified maximum length.

{-# OPTIONS --with-K --safe #-}

module Data.Star.BoundedVec where

import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; map)
open import Data.Star.Nat using (; suc; length)
open import Data.Star.Decoration using (decoration)
open import Data.Star.Pointer
  using (Any; this; that; Pointer; step; done; init)
open import Data.Star.List using (List)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (; tt)
open import Function.Base using (const)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_=[_]⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Consequences using (map-NonEmpty)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
  using (gmap; ε; _◅_)

-- The type

-- Finite sets decorated with elements (note the use of suc).

BoundedVec : Set    Set
BoundedVec a n = Any  _  a)  _  ) (suc n)

[] :  {a n}  BoundedVec a n
[] = this tt

infixr 5 _∷_

_∷_ :  {a n}  a  BoundedVec a n  BoundedVec a (suc n)
_∷_ = that

-- Increasing the bound

-- Note that this operation is linear in the length of the list.

 :  {a n}  BoundedVec a n  BoundedVec a (suc n)
 {a} = gmap inc lift
  inc = Maybe.map (map-NonEmpty suc)

  lift : Pointer  _  a)  _  ) =[ inc ]⇒
         Pointer  _  a)  _  )
  lift (step x) = step x
  lift (done _) = done _

-- Conversions

fromList :  {a}  (xs : List a)  BoundedVec a (length xs)
fromList ε        = []
fromList (x  xs) = x  fromList xs

toList :  {a n}  BoundedVec a n  List a
toList xs = gmap (const tt) decoration (init xs)