-- The Agda standard library
-- Decorated star-lists

{-# OPTIONS --with-K --safe #-}

module Data.Star.Decoration where

open import Data.Unit.Base using (; tt)
open import Function.Base using (flip)
open import Level using (Level; suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel; _=[_]⇒_; _⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (NonEmpty; nonEmpty)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
  using (Star; ε; _◅_; gmap; map; _◅◅_; _▻▻_)

-- A predicate on relation "edges" (think of the relation as a graph).

EdgePred : { r : Level} (p : Level) {I : Set }  Rel I r  Set (suc p    r)
EdgePred p T =  {i j}  T i j  Set p

data NonEmptyEdgePred { r p : Level} {I : Set } (T : Rel I r)
                      (P : EdgePred p T) : Set (  r  p) where
  nonEmptyEdgePred :  {i j} {x : T i j}
                     (p : P x)  NonEmptyEdgePred T P

-- Decorating an edge with more information.

data DecoratedWith { r p : Level} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} (P : EdgePred p T)
       : Rel (NonEmpty (Star T)) (  r  p) where
   :  {i j k} {x : T i j} {xs : Star T j k}
      (p : P x)  DecoratedWith P (nonEmpty (x  xs)) (nonEmpty xs)

module _ { r p : Level} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} {P : EdgePred p T} where

  edge :  {i j}  DecoratedWith {T = T} P i j  NonEmpty T
  edge ( {x = x} p) = nonEmpty x

  decoration :  {i j}  (d : DecoratedWith {T = T} P i j) 
               P (NonEmpty.proof (edge d))
  decoration ( p) = p

-- Star-lists decorated with extra information. All P xs means that
-- all edges in xs satisfy P.

All :  { r p} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r}  EdgePred p T  EdgePred (  (r  p)) (Star T)
All P {j = j} xs =
  Star (DecoratedWith P) (nonEmpty xs) (nonEmpty {y = j} ε)

-- We can map over decorated vectors.

gmapAll :  { ℓ′ r p q} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} {P : EdgePred p T}
                {J : Set ℓ′} {U : Rel J r} {Q : EdgePred q U}
                {i j} {xs : Star T i j}
          (f : I  J) (g : T =[ f ]⇒ U) 
          (∀ {i j} {x : T i j}  P x  Q (g x)) 
          All P xs  All {T = U} Q (gmap f g xs)
gmapAll f g h ε          = ε
gmapAll f g h ( x  xs) =  (h x)  gmapAll f g h xs

-- Since we don't automatically have gmap id id xs ≡ xs it is easier
-- to implement mapAll in terms of map than in terms of gmapAll.

mapAll :  { r p q} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r}
         {P : EdgePred p T} {Q : EdgePred q T} {i j} {xs : Star T i j} 
         (∀ {i j} {x : T i j}  P x  Q x) 
         All P xs  All Q xs
mapAll {P = P} {Q} f ps = map F ps
  F : DecoratedWith P  DecoratedWith Q
  F ( x) =  (f x)

-- We can decorate star-lists with universally true predicates.

decorate :  { r p} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} {P : EdgePred p T} {i j} 
           (∀ {i j} (x : T i j)  P x) 
           (xs : Star T i j)  All P xs
decorate f ε        = ε
decorate f (x  xs) =  (f x)  decorate f xs

-- We can append Alls. Unfortunately _◅◅_ does not quite work.

infixr 5 _◅◅◅_ _▻▻▻_

_◅◅◅_ :  { r p} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} {P : EdgePred p T}
              {i j k} {xs : Star T i j} {ys : Star T j k} 
        All P xs  All P ys  All P (xs ◅◅ ys)
ε          ◅◅◅ ys = ys
( x  xs) ◅◅◅ ys =  x  xs ◅◅◅ ys

_▻▻▻_ :  { r p} {I : Set } {T : Rel I r} {P : EdgePred p T}
              {i j k} {xs : Star T j k} {ys : Star T i j} 
        All P xs  All P ys  All P (xs ▻▻ ys)
_▻▻▻_ = flip _◅◅◅_