-- The Agda standard library
-- List Zipper-related properties

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Zipper.Properties where

open import Data.List.Base as List using (List ; [] ; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Properties as List
  using (reverse-++; unfold-reverse; ++-assoc; reverse-involutive; map-++
        ; reverse-map; foldr-++; reverse-foldr)
open import Data.List.Zipper
  using (Zipper; toList; left; right; mkZipper; reverse; _ˡ++_; _ʳ++_
        ; _++ˡ_; _++ʳ_; map; foldr)
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.All using (All; just; nothing)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
  using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
  using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Function.Base using (_on_; _$′_; _$_; flip)

-- Invariant: Zipper represents a given list

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

 -- Stability under moving left or right

 toList-left-identity : (zp : Zipper A)  All ((_≡_ on toList) zp) (left zp)
 toList-left-identity (mkZipper []        val) = nothing
 toList-left-identity (mkZipper (x  ctx) val) = just $′ begin
   List.reverse (x  ctx) List.++ val
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ val) (unfold-reverse x ctx) 
   (List.reverse ctx List.++ List.[ x ]) List.++ val
     ≡⟨ ++-assoc (List.reverse ctx) List.[ x ] val 
   toList (mkZipper ctx (x  val))

 toList-right-identity : (zp : Zipper A)  All ((_≡_ on toList) zp) (right zp)
 toList-right-identity (mkZipper ctx [])        = nothing
 toList-right-identity (mkZipper ctx (x  val)) = just $′ begin
   List.reverse ctx List.++ x  val
     ≡⟨ sym (++-assoc (List.reverse ctx) List.[ x ] val) 
   (List.reverse ctx List.++ List.[ x ]) List.++ val
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ val) (sym (unfold-reverse x ctx)) 
   List.reverse (x  ctx) List.++ val

 -- Applying reverse does correspond to reversing the represented list

 toList-reverse : (zp : Zipper A)  toList (reverse zp)  List.reverse (toList zp)
 toList-reverse (mkZipper ctx val) = begin
   List.reverse val List.++ ctx
     ≡⟨ cong (List.reverse val List.++_) (sym (reverse-involutive ctx)) 
   List.reverse val List.++ List.reverse (List.reverse ctx)
     ≡⟨ sym (reverse-++ (List.reverse ctx) val) 
   List.reverse (List.reverse ctx List.++ val)

-- Properties of the insertion functions

 -- _ˡ++_ properties

 toList-ˡ++ :  xs (zp : Zipper A)  toList (xs ˡ++ zp)  xs List.++ toList zp
 toList-ˡ++ xs (mkZipper ctx val) = begin
   List.reverse (ctx List.++ List.reverse xs) List.++ val
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ _) (reverse-++ ctx (List.reverse xs)) 
   (List.reverse (List.reverse xs) List.++ List.reverse ctx) List.++ val
     ≡⟨ ++-assoc (List.reverse (List.reverse xs)) (List.reverse ctx) val 
   List.reverse (List.reverse xs) List.++ List.reverse ctx List.++ val
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ _) (reverse-involutive xs) 
   xs List.++ List.reverse ctx List.++ val

 ˡ++-assoc :  xs ys (zp : Zipper A)  xs ˡ++ (ys ˡ++ zp)  (xs List.++ ys) ˡ++ zp
 ˡ++-assoc xs ys (mkZipper ctx val) = cong  ctx  mkZipper ctx val) $ begin
   (ctx List.++ List.reverse ys) List.++ List.reverse xs
     ≡⟨ ++-assoc ctx _ _ 
   ctx List.++ List.reverse ys List.++ List.reverse xs
     ≡⟨ cong (ctx List.++_) (sym (reverse-++ xs ys)) 
   ctx List.++ List.reverse (xs List.++ ys)

 -- _ʳ++_ properties

 ʳ++-assoc :  xs ys (zp : Zipper A)  xs ʳ++ (ys ʳ++ zp)  (ys List.++ xs) ʳ++ zp
 ʳ++-assoc xs ys (mkZipper ctx val) =  cong  ctx  mkZipper ctx val) $ begin
   List.reverse xs List.++ List.reverse ys List.++ ctx
     ≡⟨ sym (++-assoc (List.reverse xs) (List.reverse ys) ctx) 
   (List.reverse xs List.++ List.reverse ys) List.++ ctx
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ ctx) (sym (reverse-++ ys xs)) 
   List.reverse (ys List.++ xs) List.++ ctx

 -- _++ˡ_ properties

 ++ˡ-assoc :  xs ys (zp : Zipper A)  zp ++ˡ xs ++ˡ ys  zp ++ˡ (ys List.++ xs)
 ++ˡ-assoc xs ys (mkZipper ctx val) =  cong (mkZipper ctx) $ sym $ ++-assoc ys xs val

 -- _++ʳ_ properties

 toList-++ʳ :  (zp : Zipper A) xs  toList (zp ++ʳ xs)  toList zp List.++ xs
 toList-++ʳ (mkZipper ctx val) xs = begin
   List.reverse ctx List.++ val List.++ xs
     ≡⟨ sym (++-assoc (List.reverse ctx) val xs) 
   (List.reverse ctx List.++ val) List.++ xs

 ++ʳ-assoc :  xs ys (zp : Zipper A)  zp ++ʳ xs ++ʳ ys  zp ++ʳ (xs List.++ ys)
 ++ʳ-assoc xs ys (mkZipper ctx val) = cong (mkZipper ctx) $ ++-assoc val xs ys

-- List-like operations indeed correspond to their counterparts

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

 toList-map :  (f : A  B) zp  toList (map f zp)  List.map f (toList zp)
 toList-map f zp@(mkZipper ctx val) = begin
   List.reverse (List.map f ctx) List.++ List.map f val
     ≡⟨ cong (List._++ _) (sym (reverse-map f ctx)) 
   List.map f (List.reverse ctx) List.++ List.map f val
     ≡⟨ sym (map-++ f (List.reverse ctx) val) 
   List.map f (List.reverse ctx List.++ val)

 toList-foldr :  (c : A  B  B) n zp  foldr c n zp  List.foldr c n (toList zp)
 toList-foldr c n (mkZipper ctx val) = begin
   List.foldl (flip c) (List.foldr c n val) ctx
     ≡⟨ sym (reverse-foldr c (List.foldr c n val) ctx) 
   List.foldr c (List.foldr c n val) (List.reverse ctx)
     ≡⟨ sym (foldr-++ c n (List.reverse ctx) val) 
   List.foldr c n (List.reverse ctx List.++ val)

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

toList-reverse-commute = toList-reverse
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE toList-reverse-commute
"Warning: toList-reverse-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use toList-reverse instead."

toList-ˡ++-commute = toList-ˡ++
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE toList-ˡ++-commute
"Warning: toList-ˡ++-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use toList-ˡ++ instead."

toList-++ʳ-commute = toList-++ʳ
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE toList-++ʳ-commute
"Warning: toList-++ʳ-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use toList-++ʳ instead."

toList-map-commute = toList-map
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE toList-map-commute
"Warning: toList-map-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use toList-map instead."

toList-foldr-commute = toList-foldr
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE toList-foldr-commute
"Warning: toList-foldr-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use toList-foldr instead."