-- The Agda standard library
-- 'Sufficient' lists: a structurally inductive view of lists xs
-- as given by xs ≡ non-empty prefix + sufficient suffix
-- Useful for termination arguments for function definitions
-- which provably consume a non-empty (but otherwise arbitrary) prefix
-- *without* having to resort to ancillary WF induction on length etc.
-- e.g. lexers, parsers etc.
-- Credited by Conor McBride as originally due to James McKinna

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Relation.Unary.Sufficient where

open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_; [_]; _++_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl)


    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    x : A
    xs : List A

-- Sufficient builder

suffAcc : {A : Set a} (B :  List A  Set b) (xs : List A)  Set (a  b)
suffAcc B xs =  {x} {prefix} suffix  xs  x  prefix ++ suffix  B suffix

-- Sufficient view

data Sufficient {A : Set a} : (xs : List A)  Set a where

  acc :  {xs} (ih : suffAcc Sufficient xs)  Sufficient xs

-- Sufficient properties

-- constructors

module Constructors where

  []⁺ : Sufficient {A = A} []
  []⁺ = acc λ _ ()

  ∷⁺ : Sufficient xs  Sufficient (x  xs)
  ∷⁺ {xs = xs} suffices@(acc hyp) = acc λ { _ refl  suf _ refl }
      suf :  prefix {suffix}  xs  prefix ++ suffix  Sufficient suffix
      suf []               refl = suffices
      suf (_  _) {suffix} eq   = hyp suffix eq

-- destructors

module Destructors where

  acc-inverse :  ys  Sufficient (x  xs ++ ys)  Sufficient ys
  acc-inverse ys (acc hyp) = hyp ys refl

  ++⁻ :  xs {ys : List A}  Sufficient (xs ++ ys)  Sufficient ys
  ++⁻ []            suffices = suffices
  ++⁻ (x  xs) {ys} suffices = acc-inverse ys suffices

  ∷⁻ : Sufficient (x  xs)  Sufficient xs
  ∷⁻ {x = x} = ++⁻ [ x ]

-- Sufficient view covering property

module View where

  open Constructors

  sufficient : (xs : List A)  Sufficient xs
  sufficient []       = []⁺
  sufficient (x  xs) = ∷⁺ (sufficient xs)

-- Recursion on the sufficient view

module _ (B : List A  Set b) (rec :  ys  (ih : suffAcc B ys)  B ys)

  open View

  suffRec′ :  {zs}  Sufficient zs  B zs
  suffRec′ {zs} (acc hyp) = rec zs  xs eq  suffRec′ (hyp xs eq))

  suffRec :  zs  B zs
  suffRec zs = suffRec′ (sufficient zs)