-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of the sublist relation over setoid equality.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties

open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; T)
open import Data.Bool.ListAction using (any)
open import Data.List.Base
  using (List; []; map; _∷_; _++_; concat; concatMap; applyUpTo; filter)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All)
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties as Any hiding (filter⁺)
open import Data.List.Effectful using (monad)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_; _∉_; mapWith∈)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
  using (map-∈↔; concat-∈↔; >>=-∈↔; ⊛-∈↔; ⊗-∈↔)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Setoid.Properties as Subset
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional
  using (_⊆_; _⊇_; _⊈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional
  using (_↭_; ↭-sym; ↭-isEquivalence)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties as Permutation
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; _≤_)
import Data.Product.Base as Product
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_)
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∘′_; id; _$_)
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; Inverse; Equivalence)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; yes; no)
open import Relation.Unary using (Decidable; Pred) renaming (_⊆_ to _⋐_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Preorder)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
  using (_≡_; _≗_; subst; resp; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
  using (isEquivalence; setoid; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsPreorder)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Preorder as ≲-Reasoning

  open module ListMonad {} = RawMonad (monad { = })

    a b p q : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    x y : A
    ws xs ys zs : List A

-- Basics

∷⊈[] : x  xs  []
∷⊈[] = Subset.∷⊈[] (setoid _)

⊆[]⇒≡[] :  {A : Set a}  (_⊆ [])  (_≡ [])
⊆[]⇒≡[] {A = A} = Subset.⊆[]⇒≡[] (setoid A)

-- Relational properties with _≋_ (pointwise equality)

⊆-reflexive : _≡_ {A = List A}  _⊆_
⊆-reflexive refl = id

⊆-refl : Reflexive {A = List A} _⊆_
⊆-refl x∈xs = x∈xs

⊆-trans : Transitive {A = List A} _⊆_
⊆-trans xs⊆ys ys⊆zs = ys⊆zs  xs⊆ys

module _ (A : Set a) where

  ⊆-isPreorder : IsPreorder {A = List A} _≡_ _⊆_
  ⊆-isPreorder = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; reflexive     = ⊆-reflexive
    ; trans         = ⊆-trans

  ⊆-preorder : Preorder _ _ _
  ⊆-preorder = record
    { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder

-- Relational properties with _↭_ (permutation)
-- See issue #1354 for why these proofs can't be taken from `Subset`

⊆-reflexive-↭ : _↭_ {A = A}  _⊆_
⊆-reflexive-↭ xs↭ys = Permutation.∈-resp-↭ xs↭ys

⊆-respʳ-↭ : _⊆_ {A = A} Respectsʳ _↭_
⊆-respʳ-↭ xs↭ys = Permutation.∈-resp-↭ xs↭ys ∘_

⊆-respˡ-↭ : _⊆_ {A = A} Respectsˡ _↭_
⊆-respˡ-↭ xs↭ys = _∘ Permutation.∈-resp-↭ (↭-sym xs↭ys)

module _ (A : Set a) where

  ⊆-↭-isPreorder : IsPreorder {A = List A} _↭_ _⊆_
  ⊆-↭-isPreorder = record
    { isEquivalence = ↭-isEquivalence
    ; reflexive     = ⊆-reflexive-↭
    ; trans         = ⊆-trans

  ⊆-↭-preorder : Preorder _ _ _
  ⊆-↭-preorder = record
    { isPreorder = ⊆-↭-isPreorder

-- Reasoning over subsets

module ⊆-Reasoning (A : Set a) where
  open Subset.⊆-Reasoning (setoid A) public
    hiding (step-≋; step-≋˘)

-- Properties of _⊆_ and various list predicates

Any-resp-⊆ :  {P : Pred A p}  (Any P) Respects _⊆_
Any-resp-⊆ = Subset.Any-resp-⊆ (setoid _) (subst _)

All-resp-⊇ :  {P : Pred A p}  (All P) Respects _⊇_
All-resp-⊇ = Subset.All-resp-⊇ (setoid _) (subst _)

-- Properties relating _⊆_ to various list functions
-- map

map⁺ :  (f : A  B)  xs  ys  map f xs  map f ys
map⁺ f xs⊆ys =
  Inverse.to (map-∈↔ f) 
  Product.map₂ (Product.map₁ xs⊆ys) 
  Inverse.from (map-∈↔ f)

-- ∷

xs⊆x∷xs :  (xs : List A) x  xs  x  xs
xs⊆x∷xs = Subset.xs⊆x∷xs (setoid _)

∷⁺ʳ :  x  xs  ys  x  xs  x  ys
∷⁺ʳ = Subset.∷⁺ʳ (setoid _)

∈-∷⁺ʳ :  {x}  x  ys  xs  ys  x  xs  ys
∈-∷⁺ʳ = Subset.∈-∷⁺ʳ (setoid _)

⊆∷⇒∈∨⊆ : xs  y  ys  y  xs  xs  ys
⊆∷⇒∈∨⊆ = Subset.⊆∷⇒∈∨⊆ (setoid _)

⊆∷∧∉⇒⊆ : xs  y  ys  y  xs  xs  ys
⊆∷∧∉⇒⊆ = Subset.⊆∷∧∉⇒⊆ (setoid _)

-- _++_

xs⊆xs++ys :  (xs ys : List A)  xs  xs ++ ys
xs⊆xs++ys = Subset.xs⊆xs++ys (setoid _)

xs⊆ys++xs :  (xs ys : List A)  xs  ys ++ xs
xs⊆ys++xs = Subset.xs⊆ys++xs (setoid _)

++⁺ʳ :  zs  xs  ys  zs ++ xs  zs ++ ys
++⁺ʳ = Subset.++⁺ʳ (setoid _)

++⁺ˡ :  zs  xs  ys  xs ++ zs  ys ++ zs
++⁺ˡ = Subset.++⁺ˡ (setoid _)

++⁺ : ws  xs  ys  zs  ws ++ ys  xs ++ zs
++⁺ = Subset.++⁺ (setoid _)

-- concat

module _ {xss yss : List (List A)} where

  concat⁺ : xss  yss  concat xss  concat yss
  concat⁺ xss⊆yss =
    Inverse.to concat-∈↔ 
    Product.map₂ (Product.map₂ xss⊆yss) 
    Inverse.from concat-∈↔

-- concatMap

concatMap⁺ :  (f : A  List B)  xs  ys  concatMap f xs  concatMap f ys
concatMap⁺ _ = concat⁺  map⁺ _

-- applyUpTo

applyUpTo⁺ :  (f :   A) {m n}  m  n  applyUpTo f m  applyUpTo f n
applyUpTo⁺ = Subset.applyUpTo⁺ (setoid _)

-- _>>=_

module _ {A B : Set a} (f g : A  List B) where

  >>=⁺ : xs  ys  (∀ {x}  f x  g x)  (xs >>= f)  (ys >>= g)
  >>=⁺ xs⊆ys f⊆g =
    Inverse.to >>=-∈↔ 
    Product.map₂ (Product.map xs⊆ys f⊆g) 
    Inverse.from >>=-∈↔

-- _⊛_

module _ {A B : Set a} {fs gs : List (A  B)} where

  ⊛⁺ : fs  gs  xs  ys  (fs  xs)  (gs  ys)
  ⊛⁺ fs⊆gs xs⊆ys =
    (Inverse.to $ ⊛-∈↔ gs) 
    Product.map₂ (Product.map₂ (Product.map fs⊆gs (Product.map₁ xs⊆ys))) 
    (Inverse.from $ ⊛-∈↔ fs)

-- _⊗_

module _ {A B : Set a} {ws xs : List A} {ys zs : List B} where

  ⊗⁺ : ws  xs  ys  zs  (ws  ys)  (xs  zs)
  ⊗⁺ ws⊆xs ys⊆zs =
    Inverse.to ⊗-∈↔ 
    Product.map ws⊆xs ys⊆zs 
    Inverse.from ⊗-∈↔

-- any

module _ (p : A  Bool) {xs ys} where

  any⁺ : xs  ys  T (any p xs)  T (any p ys)
  any⁺ xs⊆ys =
    Equivalence.to Any.any⇔ 
    Any-resp-⊆ xs⊆ys 
    Equivalence.from Any.any⇔

-- mapWith∈

module _ {xs : List A} {f :  {x}  x  xs  B}
         {ys : List A} {g :  {x}  x  ys  B}

  mapWith∈⁺ : (xs⊆ys : xs  ys)  (∀ {x}  f {x}  g  xs⊆ys) 
                mapWith∈ xs f  mapWith∈ ys g
  mapWith∈⁺ xs⊆ys f≈g {x} =
    Inverse.to Any.mapWith∈↔ 
    Product.map₂ (Product.map xs⊆ys  {x∈xs} x≡fx∈xs  begin
      x               ≡⟨ x≡fx∈xs 
      f x∈xs          ≡⟨ f≈g x∈xs 
      g (xs⊆ys x∈xs)  )) 
    Inverse.from Any.mapWith∈↔
    where open ≡-Reasoning

-- filter

module _ {P : Pred A p} (P? : Decidable P) where

  filter-⊆ :  xs  filter P? xs  xs
  filter-⊆ = Subset.filter-⊆ (setoid A) P?

  module _ {Q : Pred A q} (Q? : Decidable Q) where

    filter⁺′ : P  Q   {xs ys}  xs  ys  filter P? xs  filter Q? ys
    filter⁺′ = Subset.filter⁺′ (setoid A) P? (resp P) Q? (resp Q)


-- Version 1.5

mono = Any-resp-⊆
"Warning: mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use Any-resp-⊆ instead."
map-mono = map⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-mono
"Warning: map-mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use map⁺ instead."
infix 4 _++-mono_
_++-mono_ = ++⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE _++-mono_
"Warning: _++-mono_ was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use ++⁺ instead."
concat-mono = concat⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE concat-mono
"Warning: concat-mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use concat⁺ instead."
>>=-mono = >>=⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE >>=-mono
"Warning: >>=-mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use >>=⁺ instead."
infix 4  _⊛-mono_
_⊛-mono_ = ⊛⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE _⊛-mono_
"Warning: _⊛-mono_ was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use ⊛⁺ instead."
infix 4  _⊗-mono_
_⊗-mono_ = ⊗⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE _⊗-mono_
"Warning: _⊗-mono_ was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use ⊗⁺ instead."
any-mono = any⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE any-mono
"Warning: any-mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use any⁺ instead."
map-with-∈-mono = mapWith∈⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-with-∈-mono
"Warning: map-with-∈-mono was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use mapWith∈⁺ instead."
map-with-∈⁺ = mapWith∈⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-with-∈⁺
"Warning: map-with-∈⁺ was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use mapWith∈⁺ instead."
filter⁺ = filter-⊆
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE filter⁺
"Warning: filter⁺ was deprecated in v1.5.
Please use filter-⊆ instead."