-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of permutations using setoid equality

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary.Core
  using (Rel; _⇒_; _Preserves_⟶_; _Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions as B hiding (Decidable)

module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties
  {a } (S : Setoid a )

open import Algebra
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false)
open import Data.List.Base as List hiding (head; tail)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise as Pointwise
  using (Pointwise; head; tail)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid as Equality
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid as Permutation
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using (AllPairs; []; _∷_)
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Setoid as Unique
import Data.List.Membership.Setoid as Membership
open import Data.List.Membership.Setoid.Properties using (∈-∃++; ∈-insert)
import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; suc; _<_; z<s; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; _×_; ; ∃₂; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _⟨_⟩_; flip)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning
open import Relation.Binary.Properties.Setoid S using (≉-resp₂)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as 
  using (_≡_ ; refl; sym; cong; cong₂; subst; _≢_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (yes; no; does)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)

open Setoid S using (_≈_)
  renaming (Carrier to A; refl to ≈-refl; sym to ≈-sym; trans to ≈-trans)
open Permutation S
open Membership S
open Unique S using (Unique)
open module  = Equality S
  using (_≋_; []; _∷_
        ; ≋-refl; ≋-sym; ≋-trans
        ; All-resp-≋; Any-resp-≋; AllPairs-resp-≋)

    b p r : Level
    x y z v w : A
    xs ys zs vs ws : List A
    P : Pred A p
    R : Rel A r

-- Relationships to other predicates

All-resp-↭ : P Respects _≈_  (All P) Respects _↭_
All-resp-↭ resp (refl xs≋ys)   pxs             = All-resp-≋ resp xs≋ys pxs
All-resp-↭ resp (prep x≈y p)   (px  pxs)      = resp x≈y px  All-resp-↭ resp p pxs
All-resp-↭ resp (swap ≈₁ ≈₂ p) (px  py  pxs) = resp ≈₂ py  resp ≈₁ px  All-resp-↭ resp p pxs
All-resp-↭ resp (trans p₁ p₂)  pxs             = All-resp-↭ resp p₂ (All-resp-↭ resp p₁ pxs)

Any-resp-↭ : P Respects _≈_  (Any P) Respects _↭_
Any-resp-↭ resp (refl xs≋ys) pxs                 = Any-resp-≋ resp xs≋ys pxs
Any-resp-↭ resp (prep x≈y p) (here px)           = here (resp x≈y px)
Any-resp-↭ resp (prep x≈y p) (there pxs)         = there (Any-resp-↭ resp p pxs)
Any-resp-↭ resp (swap x y p) (here px)           = there (here (resp x px))
Any-resp-↭ resp (swap x y p) (there (here px))   = here (resp y px)
Any-resp-↭ resp (swap x y p) (there (there pxs)) = there (there (Any-resp-↭ resp p pxs))
Any-resp-↭ resp (trans p₁ p₂) pxs                = Any-resp-↭ resp p₂ (Any-resp-↭ resp p₁ pxs)

AllPairs-resp-↭ : Symmetric R  R Respects₂ _≈_  (AllPairs R) Respects _↭_
AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp (refl xs≋ys)     pxs             = AllPairs-resp-≋ resp xs≋ys pxs
AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp (prep x≈y p)     (  pxs)       =
  All-resp-↭ (proj₁ resp) p (All.map (proj₂ resp x≈y) ) 
  AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp p pxs
AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp@( , ) (swap eq₁ eq₂ p) ((∼₁  ∼₂)  ∼₃  pxs) =
  (sym ( eq₂ ( eq₁ ∼₁))  All-resp-↭  p (All.map ( eq₂) ∼₃)) 
  All-resp-↭  p (All.map ( eq₁) ∼₂) 
  AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp p pxs
AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp (trans p₁ p₂)    pxs             =
  AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp p₂ (AllPairs-resp-↭ sym resp p₁ pxs)

∈-resp-↭ : (x ∈_) Respects _↭_
∈-resp-↭ = Any-resp-↭ (flip ≈-trans)

Unique-resp-↭ : Unique Respects _↭_
Unique-resp-↭ = AllPairs-resp-↭ (_∘ ≈-sym) ≉-resp₂

-- Core properties depending on the representation of _↭_

shift : v  w   xs ys  xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys  w  xs ++ ys
shift {v} {w} v≈w []       ys = prep v≈w ↭-refl
shift {v} {w} v≈w (x  xs) ys = begin
  x  (xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys) ↭⟨ ↭-prep x (shift v≈w xs ys) 
  x  w  xs ++ ys        ↭⟨ ↭-swap x w ↭-refl 
  w  x  xs ++ ys        
  where open PermutationReasoning

-- Relationship to `_≋_`

↭-split :  v as bs  xs  (as ++ [ v ] ++ bs) 
          ∃₂ λ ps qs  xs  (ps ++ [ v ] ++ qs)
                     × (ps ++ qs)  (as ++ bs)
↭-split v as bs p = helper as bs p ≋-refl
  helper :  as bs  xs  ys  ys  (as ++ [ v ] ++ bs) 
           ∃₂ λ ps qs  xs  (ps ++ [ v ] ++ qs)
                      × (ps ++ qs)  (as ++ bs)
  helper as           bs (trans xs↭ys ys↭zs) zs≋as++[v]++ys
    with ps , qs , eq , helper as bs ys↭zs zs≋as++[v]++ys
    with ps′ , qs′ , eq′ , ↭′helper ps qs xs↭ys eq
    = ps′ , qs′ , eq′ , ↭-trans′ ↭′ 
  helper []           _  (refl (x≈v  xs≋vs)) (v≈y  vs≋ys)
    = [] , _ , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  ≋-refl , refl (≋-trans xs≋vs vs≋ys)
  helper (a  as)     bs (refl (x≈v  xs≋vs)) (v≈y  vs≋ys)
    = _  as , bs , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  ≋-trans xs≋vs vs≋ys , ↭-refl
  helper []           bs (prep {xs = xs} x≈v xs↭vs) (v≈y  vs≋ys)
    = [] , xs , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  ≋-refl , ↭-transʳ-≋ xs↭vs vs≋ys
  helper (a  as)     bs (prep x≈v as↭vs) (v≈y  vs≋ys)
    with ps , qs , eq , helper as bs as↭vs vs≋ys
    = a  ps , qs , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  eq , prep ≈-refl 
  helper []           [] (swap _ _ _) (_  ())
  helper []      (b  _) (swap x≈v y≈w xs↭vs) (w≈z  v≈y  vs≋ys)
    = b  [] , _ , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  ≈-trans y≈w w≈z  ≋-refl
                 , ↭-prep b (↭-transʳ-≋ xs↭vs vs≋ys)
  helper (a  [])     bs (swap x≈v y≈w xs↭vs)  (w≈z  v≈y  vs≋ys)
    = []     , a  _ , ≈-trans x≈v v≈y  ≈-trans y≈w w≈z  ≋-refl
                     , ↭-prep a (↭-transʳ-≋ xs↭vs vs≋ys)
  helper (a  b  as) bs (swap x≈v y≈w as↭vs) (w≈a  v≈b  vs≋ys)
    with ps , qs , eq , helper as bs as↭vs vs≋ys
    = b  a  ps , qs , ≈-trans x≈v v≈b  ≈-trans y≈w w≈a  eq
                      , ↭-swap _ _ 

-- Core properties of lists depending on the representation of _↭_

-- map

module _ (T : Setoid b r) where

  open Setoid T using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈′_)
  open Permutation T using () renaming (_↭_ to _↭′_)

  map⁺ :  {f}  f Preserves _≈_  _≈′_  (map f) Preserves _↭_  _↭′_
  map⁺ pres (refl xs≋ys)  = refl (Pointwise.map⁺ _ _ (Pointwise.map pres xs≋ys))
  map⁺ pres (prep x p)    = prep (pres x) (map⁺ pres p)
  map⁺ pres (swap x y p)  = swap (pres x) (pres y) (map⁺ pres p)
  map⁺ pres (trans p₁ p₂) = trans (map⁺ pres p₁) (map⁺ pres p₂)

-- filter

module _ (P? : Decidable P) (P≈ : P Respects _≈_) where

  filter⁺ :  {xs ys : List A}  xs  ys  filter P? xs  filter P? ys
  filter⁺ (refl xs≋ys)        = refl (≋.filter⁺ P? P≈ xs≋ys)
  filter⁺ (trans xs↭zs zs↭ys) = trans (filter⁺ xs↭zs) (filter⁺ zs↭ys)
  filter⁺ {x  xs} {y  ys} (prep x≈y xs↭ys) with P? x | P? y
  ... | yes _  | yes _  = prep x≈y (filter⁺ xs↭ys)
  ... | yes Px | no ¬Py = contradiction (P≈ x≈y Px) ¬Py
  ... | no ¬Px | yes Py = contradiction (P≈ (≈-sym x≈y) Py) ¬Px
  ... | no  _  | no  _  = filter⁺ xs↭ys
  filter⁺ {x  w  xs} {y  z  ys} (swap x≈z w≈y xs↭ys) with P? x | P? y
  filter⁺ {x  w  xs} {y  z  ys} (swap x≈z w≈y xs↭ys) | no ¬Px | no ¬Py
    with P? z | P? w
  ... | _      | yes Pw = contradiction (P≈ w≈y Pw) ¬Py
  ... | yes Pz | _      = contradiction (P≈ (≈-sym x≈z) Pz) ¬Px
  ... | no _   | no  _  = filter⁺ xs↭ys
  filter⁺ {x  w  xs} {y  z  ys} (swap x≈z w≈y xs↭ys) | no ¬Px | yes Py
    with P? z | P? w
  ... | _      | no ¬Pw = contradiction (P≈ (≈-sym w≈y) Py) ¬Pw
  ... | yes Pz | _      = contradiction (P≈ (≈-sym x≈z) Pz) ¬Px
  ... | no _   | yes _  = prep w≈y (filter⁺ xs↭ys)
  filter⁺ {x  w  xs} {y  z  ys} (swap x≈z w≈y xs↭ys)  | yes Px | no ¬Py
    with P? z | P? w
  ... | no ¬Pz | _      = contradiction (P≈ x≈z Px) ¬Pz
  ... | _      | yes Pw = contradiction (P≈ w≈y Pw) ¬Py
  ... | yes _  | no _   = prep x≈z (filter⁺ xs↭ys)
  filter⁺ {x  w  xs} {y  z  ys} (swap x≈z w≈y xs↭ys) | yes Px | yes Py
    with P? z | P? w
  ... | no ¬Pz | _      = contradiction (P≈ x≈z Px) ¬Pz
  ... | _      | no ¬Pw = contradiction (P≈ (≈-sym w≈y) Py) ¬Pw
  ... | yes _  | yes _  = swap x≈z w≈y (filter⁺ xs↭ys)

-- _++_

++⁺ʳ :  zs  xs  ys  xs ++ zs  ys ++ zs
++⁺ʳ zs (refl xs≋ys)  = refl (Pointwise.++⁺ xs≋ys ≋-refl)
++⁺ʳ zs (prep x )    = prep x (++⁺ʳ zs )
++⁺ʳ zs (swap x y )  = swap x y (++⁺ʳ zs )
++⁺ʳ zs (trans ↭₁ ↭₂) = trans (++⁺ʳ zs ↭₁) (++⁺ʳ zs ↭₂)

-- dropMiddleElement-≋

dropMiddleElement-≋ :  {x} ws xs {ys} {zs} 
           ws ++ [ x ] ++ ys  xs ++ [ x ] ++ zs 
           ws ++ ys  xs ++ zs
dropMiddleElement-≋ []       []       (_    eq) = ↭-reflexive-≋ eq
dropMiddleElement-≋ []       (x  xs) (w≈v  eq) = ↭-transˡ-≋ eq (shift w≈v xs _)
dropMiddleElement-≋ (w  ws) []       (w≈x  eq) = ↭-transʳ-≋ (↭-sym (shift (≈-sym w≈x) ws _)) eq
dropMiddleElement-≋ (w  ws) (x  xs) (w≈x  eq) = prep w≈x (dropMiddleElement-≋ ws xs eq)

-- Properties depending on the core properties of _↭_

↭-shift :  {v} xs ys  xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys  v  xs ++ ys
↭-shift = shift ≈-refl

++⁺ˡ :  xs {ys zs}  ys  zs  xs ++ ys  xs ++ zs
++⁺ˡ []       ys↭zs = ys↭zs
++⁺ˡ (x  xs) ys↭zs = ↭-prep _ (++⁺ˡ xs ys↭zs)

++⁺ : _++_ Preserves₂ _↭_  _↭_  _↭_
++⁺ ws↭xs ys↭zs = ↭-trans (++⁺ʳ _ ws↭xs) (++⁺ˡ _ ys↭zs)

-- Some other useful lemmas

zoom :  h {t xs ys}  xs  ys  h ++ xs ++ t  h ++ ys ++ t
zoom h {t} = ++⁺ˡ h  ++⁺ʳ t

inject :  v {ws xs ys zs}  ws  ys  xs  zs 
         ws ++ [ v ] ++ xs  ys ++ [ v ] ++ zs
inject v ws↭ys xs↭zs = ↭-trans (++⁺ˡ _ (↭-prep _ xs↭zs)) (++⁺ʳ _ ws↭ys)

-- Algebraic properties

++-identityˡ : LeftIdentity _↭_ [] _++_
++-identityˡ xs = ↭-refl

++-identityʳ : RightIdentity _↭_ [] _++_
++-identityʳ xs = ↭-reflexive (List.++-identityʳ xs)

++-identity : Identity _↭_ [] _++_
++-identity = ++-identityˡ , ++-identityʳ

++-assoc : Associative _↭_ _++_
++-assoc xs ys zs = ↭-reflexive (List.++-assoc xs ys zs)

++-comm : Commutative _↭_ _++_
++-comm []       ys = ↭-sym (++-identityʳ ys)
++-comm (x  xs) ys = begin
  x  xs ++ ys   ↭⟨ ↭-prep x (++-comm xs ys) 
  x  ys ++ xs   ↭⟨ ↭-shift ys xs 
  ys ++ (x  xs) 
  where open PermutationReasoning

-- Corollary

shifts :  xs ys {zs}  xs ++ ys ++ zs  ys ++ xs ++ zs
shifts xs ys {zs} = begin
   xs ++ ys  ++ zs ↭⟨ ++-assoc xs ys zs 
  (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ↭⟨ ++⁺ʳ zs (++-comm xs ys) 
  (ys ++ xs) ++ zs ↭⟨ ++-assoc ys xs zs 
   ys ++ xs  ++ zs 
  where open PermutationReasoning

-- Structures

++-isMagma : IsMagma _↭_ _++_
++-isMagma = record
  { isEquivalence = ↭-isEquivalence
  ; ∙-cong        = ++⁺

++-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _↭_ _++_
++-isSemigroup = record
  { isMagma = ++-isMagma
  ; assoc   = ++-assoc

++-isMonoid : IsMonoid _↭_ _++_ []
++-isMonoid = record
  { isSemigroup = ++-isSemigroup
  ; identity    = ++-identity

++-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _↭_ _++_ []
++-isCommutativeMonoid = record
  { isMonoid = ++-isMonoid
  ; comm     = ++-comm

-- Bundles

++-magma : Magma a (a  )
++-magma = record
  { isMagma = ++-isMagma

++-semigroup : Semigroup a (a  )
++-semigroup = record
  { isSemigroup = ++-isSemigroup

++-monoid : Monoid a (a  )
++-monoid = record
  { isMonoid = ++-isMonoid

++-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid a (a  )
++-commutativeMonoid = record
  { isCommutativeMonoid = ++-isCommutativeMonoid

-- dropMiddleElement, dropMiddle, and inversion for _∷_

dropMiddleElement :  {v} ws xs {ys zs} 
                    ws ++ [ v ] ++ ys  xs ++ [ v ] ++ zs 
                    ws ++ ys  xs ++ zs
dropMiddleElement {v} ws xs {ys} {zs} p =
  let ps , qs , eq ,  = ↭-split v xs zs p
  in ↭-trans (dropMiddleElement-≋ ws ps eq) 

dropMiddle :  {vs} ws xs {ys zs} 
             ws ++ vs ++ ys  xs ++ vs ++ zs 
             ws ++ ys  xs ++ zs
dropMiddle {[]}     ws xs p = p
dropMiddle {v  vs} ws xs p = dropMiddle ws xs (dropMiddleElement ws xs p)

drop-∷ : x  xs  x  ys  xs  ys
drop-∷ = dropMiddleElement [] []

-- _∷ʳ_

∷↭∷ʳ :  (x : A) xs  x  xs  xs ∷ʳ x
∷↭∷ʳ x xs = ↭-sym (begin
  xs ++ [ x ]   ↭⟨ ↭-shift xs [] 
  x  xs ++ []  ≡⟨ List.++-identityʳ _ 
  x  xs        )
  where open PermutationReasoning

-- reverse

↭-reverse : (xs : List A)  reverse xs  xs
↭-reverse [] = ↭-refl
↭-reverse (x  xs) = begin
  reverse (x  xs) ≡⟨ List.unfold-reverse x xs 
  reverse xs ∷ʳ x  ↭⟨ ∷↭∷ʳ x (reverse xs) 
  x  reverse xs   ↭⟨ ↭-prep x (↭-reverse xs) 
  x  xs           
  where open PermutationReasoning

-- ʳ++

++↭ʳ++ :  (xs ys : List A)  xs ++ ys  xs ʳ++ ys
++↭ʳ++ []       ys = ↭-refl
++↭ʳ++ (x  xs) ys = ↭-trans (↭-sym (↭-shift xs ys)) (++↭ʳ++ xs (x  ys))

-- partition

module _ (P? : Decidable P) where

  partition-↭ :  xs  (let ys , zs = partition P? xs)  xs  ys ++ zs
  partition-↭ []       = ↭-refl
  partition-↭ (x  xs) with does (P? x)
  ... | true  = ↭-prep x (partition-↭ xs)
  ... | false = ↭-trans (↭-prep x (partition-↭ xs)) (↭-sym (↭-shift _ _))
    where open PermutationReasoning

-- merge

module _ (R? : B.Decidable R) where

  merge-↭ :  xs ys  merge R? xs ys  xs ++ ys
  merge-↭ []       []       = ↭-refl
  merge-↭ []       (y  ys) = ↭-refl
  merge-↭ (x  xs) []       = ↭-sym (++-identityʳ (x  xs))
  merge-↭ (x  xs) (y  ys)
    with does (R? x y) | merge-↭ xs (y  ys) | merge-↭ (x  xs) ys
  ... | true  | rec | _   = ↭-prep x rec
  ... | false | _   | rec = begin
    y  merge R? (x  xs) ys ↭⟨ ↭-prep _ rec 
    y  x  xs ++ ys         ↭⟨ ↭-shift (x  xs) ys 
    (x  xs) ++ y  ys       ≡⟨ List.++-assoc [ x ] xs (y  ys) 
    x  xs ++ y  ys         
    where open PermutationReasoning

-- foldr over a Commutative Monoid

module _{_∙_ : Op₂ A} {ε : A}
        (isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _≈_ _∙_ ε) where

    commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
    commutativeMonoid = record { isCommutativeMonoid = isCommutativeMonoid }
    open module CM = CommutativeMonoid commutativeMonoid
      using (∙-cong; ∙-congˡ; ∙-congʳ; assoc; comm)

  foldr-commMonoid : (foldr _∙_ ε) Preserves _↭_  _≈_
  foldr-commMonoid (refl xs≋ys)        = Pointwise.foldr⁺ ∙-cong CM.refl xs≋ys
  foldr-commMonoid (prep x≈y xs↭ys)    = ∙-cong x≈y (foldr-commMonoid xs↭ys)
  foldr-commMonoid (swap {xs} {ys} {x} {y} {x′} {y′} x≈x′ y≈y′ xs↭ys) = begin
    x  (y  foldr _∙_ ε xs)    ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∙-congˡ (foldr-commMonoid xs↭ys)) 
    x  (y  foldr _∙_ ε ys)    ≈⟨ assoc x y (foldr _∙_ ε ys) 
    (x  y)  foldr _∙_ ε ys    ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (comm x y) 
    (y  x)  foldr _∙_ ε ys    ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (∙-cong y≈y′ x≈x′) 
    (y′  x′)  foldr _∙_ ε ys  ≈⟨ assoc y′ x′ (foldr _∙_ ε ys) 
    y′  (x′  foldr _∙_ ε ys)  
    where open ≈-Reasoning CM.setoid
  foldr-commMonoid (trans xs↭ys ys↭zs) = CM.trans (foldr-commMonoid xs↭ys) (foldr-commMonoid ys↭zs)


≋⇒↭ = ↭-reflexive-≋

-- These are easily superseded by ↭-transˡ-≋, ↭-transʳ-≋
-- But for the properties of steps which require precise measurement

↭-respʳ-≋ : _↭_ Respectsʳ _≋_
↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys               (refl zs≋xs)         = refl (≋-trans zs≋xs xs≋ys)
↭-respʳ-≋ (x≈y  xs≋ys)       (prep eq zs↭xs)      = prep (≈-trans eq x≈y) (↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)
↭-respʳ-≋ (x≈y  w≈z  xs≋ys) (swap eq₁ eq₂ zs↭xs) = swap (≈-trans eq₁ w≈z) (≈-trans eq₂ x≈y) (↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)
↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys               (trans ws↭zs zs↭xs)  = trans ws↭zs (↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)

↭-respˡ-≋ : _↭_ Respectsˡ _≋_
↭-respˡ-≋ xs≋ys               (refl ys≋zs)         = refl (≋-trans (≋-sym xs≋ys) ys≋zs)
↭-respˡ-≋ (x≈y  xs≋ys)       (prep eq zs↭xs)      = prep (≈-trans (≈-sym x≈y) eq) (↭-respˡ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)
↭-respˡ-≋ (x≈y  w≈z  xs≋ys) (swap eq₁ eq₂ zs↭xs) = swap (≈-trans (≈-sym x≈y) eq₁) (≈-trans (≈-sym w≈z) eq₂) (↭-respˡ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)
↭-respˡ-≋ xs≋ys               (trans ws↭zs zs↭xs)  = trans (↭-respˡ-≋ xs≋ys ws↭zs) zs↭xs

-- Properties of steps using the above

0<steps : (xs↭ys : xs  ys)  0 < steps xs↭ys
0<steps (refl _)             = z<s
0<steps (prep eq xs↭ys)      = m<n⇒m<1+n (0<steps xs↭ys)
0<steps (swap eq₁ eq₂ xs↭ys) = m<n⇒m<1+n (0<steps xs↭ys)
0<steps (trans xs↭ys xs↭ys₁) =
  <-≤-trans (0<steps xs↭ys) (m≤m+n (steps xs↭ys) (steps xs↭ys₁))

steps-respˡ : (ys≋xs : ys  xs) (ys↭zs : ys  zs) 
              steps (↭-respˡ-≋ ys≋xs ys↭zs)  steps ys↭zs
steps-respˡ _               (refl _)            = refl
steps-respˡ (_  ys≋xs)     (prep _ ys↭zs)      = cong suc (steps-respˡ ys≋xs ys↭zs)
steps-respˡ (_  _  ys≋xs) (swap _ _ ys↭zs)    = cong suc (steps-respˡ ys≋xs ys↭zs)
steps-respˡ ys≋xs           (trans ys↭ws ws↭zs) = cong (_+ steps ws↭zs) (steps-respˡ ys≋xs ys↭ws)

steps-respʳ : (xs≋ys : xs  ys) (zs↭xs : zs  xs) 
              steps (↭-respʳ-≋ xs≋ys zs↭xs)  steps zs↭xs
steps-respʳ _               (refl _)            = refl
steps-respʳ (_  ys≋xs)     (prep _ ys↭zs)      = cong suc (steps-respʳ ys≋xs ys↭zs)
steps-respʳ (_  _  ys≋xs) (swap _ _ ys↭zs)    = cong suc (steps-respʳ ys≋xs ys↭zs)
steps-respʳ ys≋xs           (trans ys↭ws ws↭zs) = cong (steps ys↭ws +_) (steps-respʳ ys≋xs ws↭zs)

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.1

split :  (v : A) as bs {xs}  xs  as ++ [ v ] ++ bs 
        ∃₂ λ ps qs  xs  ps ++ [ v ] ++ qs
split v as bs xs↭as++[v]++bs
  with ps , qs , eq , _↭-split v as bs xs↭as++[v]++bs
  = ps , qs , eq
"Warning: split was deprecated in v2.1.
Please use the sharper lemma ↭-split instead."