-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of non-empty lists

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.NonEmpty.Properties where

open import Effect.Monad using (RawMonad)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (suc; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (suc-injective)
open import Data.Maybe.Properties using (just-injective)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Data.List.Effectful using () renaming (monad to listMonad)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty.Effectful using () renaming (monad to list⁺Monad)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty
  using (List⁺; _∷_; tail; head; toList; _⁺++_; _⁺++⁺_; _++⁺_; length; fromList;
    drop+; map; groupSeqs; ungroupSeqs)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty.Relation.Unary.All using (All; toList⁺; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using ([]; _∷_) renaming (All to ListAll)
import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Sum.Relation.Unary.All using (inj₁; inj₂)
import Data.Sum.Relation.Unary.All as Sum using (All; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _$_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
  using (_≡_; refl; cong; cong₂; _≗_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
  using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable; )
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; does; yes; no)

open ≡-Reasoning

    a p : Level
    A B C : Set a

  open module LMo {a} = RawMonad {f = a} listMonad
    using () renaming (_>>=_ to _⋆>>=_)
  open module L⁺Mo {a} = RawMonad {f = a} list⁺Monad

-- toList

η :  (xs : List⁺ A)  head xs  tail xs  toList xs
η _ = refl

toList-fromList :  x (xs : List A)  x  xs  toList (x  xs)
toList-fromList _ _ = refl

toList-⁺++ :  (xs : List⁺ A) ys  toList xs ++ ys  toList (xs ⁺++ ys)
toList-⁺++ _ _ = refl

toList-⁺++⁺ :  (xs ys : List⁺ A) 
              toList xs ++ toList ys  toList (xs ⁺++⁺ ys)
toList-⁺++⁺ _ _ = refl

toList->>= :  (f : A  List⁺ B) (xs : List⁺ A) 
             (toList xs ⋆>>= toList  f)  toList (xs >>= f)
toList->>= f (x  xs) = begin
  List.concat (List.map (toList  f) (x  xs))
    ≡⟨ cong List.concat $ List.map-∘ {g = toList} (x  xs) 
  List.concat (List.map toList (List.map f (x  xs)))

-- _++⁺_

length-++⁺ : (xs : List A) (ys : List⁺ A) 
             length (xs ++⁺ ys)  List.length xs + length ys
length-++⁺ [] ys                                = refl
length-++⁺ (x  xs) ys rewrite length-++⁺ xs ys = refl

length-++⁺-tail : (xs : List A) (ys : List⁺ A) 
                  length (xs ++⁺ ys)  suc (List.length xs + List.length (List⁺.tail ys))
length-++⁺-tail [] ys                                     = refl
length-++⁺-tail (x  xs) ys rewrite length-++⁺-tail xs ys = refl

++-++⁺ : (xs : List A)   {ys zs}  (xs ++ ys) ++⁺ zs  xs ++⁺ ys ++⁺ zs
++-++⁺ []      = refl
++-++⁺ (x  l) = cong (x ∷_) (cong toList (++-++⁺ l))

++⁺-cancelˡ′ :  xs ys {zs zs′ : List⁺ A} 
               xs ++⁺ zs  ys ++⁺ zs′ 
               List.length xs  List.length ys  zs  zs′
++⁺-cancelˡ′ [] [] eq eqxs            = eq
++⁺-cancelˡ′ (x  xs) (y  ys) eq eql = ++⁺-cancelˡ′ xs ys
  (just-injective (cong fromList (cong List⁺.tail eq)))
  (suc-injective eql)

++⁺-cancelˡ :  xs {ys zs : List⁺ A}  xs ++⁺ ys  xs ++⁺ zs  ys  zs
++⁺-cancelˡ xs eq = ++⁺-cancelˡ′ xs xs eq refl

drop-+-++⁺ :  (xs : List A) ys  drop+ (List.length xs) (xs ++⁺ ys)  ys
drop-+-++⁺ []       ys = refl
drop-+-++⁺ (x  xs) ys = drop-+-++⁺ xs ys

map-++⁺ :  (f : A  B) xs ys 
                  map f (xs ++⁺ ys)  List.map f xs ++⁺ map f ys
map-++⁺ f [] ys       = refl
map-++⁺ f (x  xs) ys = cong  zs  f x  toList zs) (map-++⁺ f xs ys)

-- map

length-map :  (f : A  B) xs  length (map f xs)  length xs
length-map f (_  xs) = cong suc (List.length-map f xs)

map-cong :  {f g : A  B}  f  g  map f  map g
map-cong f≗g (x  xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (f≗g x) (List.map-cong f≗g xs)

map-∘ : {g : B  C} {f : A  B}  map (g  f)  map g  map f
map-∘ (x  xs) = cong (_ ∷_) (List.map-∘ xs)

-- groupSeqs

-- Groups all contiguous elements for which the predicate returns the
-- same result into lists.

module _ {P : Pred A p} (P? : Decidable P) where

  groupSeqs-groups :  xs  ListAll (Sum.All (All P) (All ( P))) (groupSeqs P? xs)
  groupSeqs-groups []       = []
  groupSeqs-groups (x  xs) with P? x | groupSeqs P? xs | groupSeqs-groups xs
  ... | yes px | []             | hyp             = inj₁ (px   [])  hyp
  ... | yes px | inj₁ xs′  xss | inj₁ pxs  pxss = inj₁ (px   toList⁺ pxs)  pxss
  ... | yes px | inj₂ xs′  xss | inj₂ pxs  pxss = inj₁ (px   [])  inj₂ pxs  pxss
  ... | no ¬px | []             | hyp             = inj₂ (¬px  [])  hyp
  ... | no ¬px | inj₂ xs′  xss | inj₂ pxs  pxss = inj₂ (¬px  toList⁺ pxs)  pxss
  ... | no ¬px | inj₁ xs′  xss | inj₁ pxs  pxss = inj₂ (¬px  [])  inj₁ pxs  pxss

  ungroupSeqs-groupSeqs :  xs  ungroupSeqs (groupSeqs P? xs)  xs
  ungroupSeqs-groupSeqs []       = refl
  ungroupSeqs-groupSeqs (x  xs)
    with does (P? x) | groupSeqs P? xs | ungroupSeqs-groupSeqs xs
  ... | true  | []         | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp
  ... | true  | inj₁ _  _ | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp
  ... | true  | inj₂ _  _ | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp
  ... | false | []         | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp
  ... | false | inj₁ _  _ | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp
  ... | false | inj₂ _  _ | hyp = cong (x ∷_) hyp

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

map-compose = map-∘
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-compose
"Warning: map-compose was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use map-∘ instead."

map-++⁺-commute = map-++⁺
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE map-++⁺-commute
"Warning: map-++⁺-commute was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use map-++⁺ instead."