-- The Agda standard library
-- Subsets of finite sets

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Fin.Subset where

open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁; Op₂)
open import Data.Bool using (not; _∧_; _∨_; _≟_)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.List.Base using (List; foldr; foldl)
open import Data.Nat.Base using ()
open import Data.Product.Base using (; _×_)
open import Data.Vec.Base hiding (foldr; foldl)
open import Relation.Nullary

    n : 

-- Definitions

-- Partitions a finite set into two parts, the inside and the outside.
-- Note that it would be great to shorten these to `in` and `out` but
-- `in` is a keyword (e.g. let ... in ...)

-- Sides.

open import Data.Bool.Base public
  using () renaming (Bool to Side; true to inside; false to outside)

-- Subset

Subset :   Set
Subset = Vec Side

-- Special subsets

-- The empty subset
 : Subset n
 = replicate _ outside

-- The full subset
 : Subset n
 = replicate _ inside

-- A singleton subset, containing just the given element.
⁅_⁆ : Fin n  Subset n
 zero   = inside   
 suc i  = outside   i 

-- Membership and subset predicates

infix 4 _∈_ _∉_ _⊆_ _⊈_ _⊂_ _⊄_

_∈_ : Fin n  Subset n  Set
x  p = p [ x ]= inside

_∉_ : Fin n  Subset n  Set
x  p = ¬ (x  p)

_⊆_ : Subset n  Subset n  Set
p  q =  {x}  x  p  x  q

_⊈_ : Subset n  Subset n  Set
p  q = ¬ (p  q)

_⊂_ : Subset n  Subset n  Set
p  q = p  q ×   x  x  q × x  p)

_⊄_ : Subset n  Subset n  Set
p  q = ¬ (p  q)

-- Set operations

infixr 7 _∩_
infixr 6 _∪_
infixl 5 _─_ _-_

-- Complement
 : Op₁ (Subset n)
 p = map not p

-- Intersection
_∩_ : Op₂ (Subset n)
p  q = zipWith _∧_ p q

-- Union
_∪_ : Op₂ (Subset n)
p  q = zipWith _∨_ p q

-- Difference
_─_ : Op₂ (Subset n)
p  q = zipWith diff p q
  diff : Side  Side  Side
  diff x inside  = outside
  diff x outside = x

-- N-ary union
 : List (Subset n)  Subset n
 = foldr _∪_ 

-- N-ary intersection
 : List (Subset n)  Subset n
 = foldr _∩_ 

-- Element removal
_-_ : Subset n  Fin n  Subset n
p - x = p   x 

-- Size
∣_∣ : Subset n  
 p  = count (_≟ inside) p

-- Properties

Nonempty :  (p : Subset n)  Set
Nonempty p =  λ f  f  p

Empty :  (p : Subset n)  Set
Empty p = ¬ Nonempty p

Lift :  {}  (Fin n  Set )  (Subset n  Set )
Lift P p =  {x}  x  p  P x