{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.Container.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties where
open import Algebra.Bundles using (CommutativeSemiring)
open import Data.Product.Base using (∃; _×_; ∃₂; _,_; proj₂)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (Σ-≡,≡→≡)
open import Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Propositional using (_×-cong_)
import Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Propositional as Σ using (cong)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∘′_; id; flip; _$_)
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; mk↔ₛ′; Inverse)
open import Function.Properties.Inverse using (↔-refl)
open import Function.Properties.Inverse.HalfAdjointEquivalence using (_≃_; ↔⇒≃)
open import Function.Related.Propositional as Related using (Related; SK-sym)
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms
using (×-⊎-commutativeSemiring; ∃∃↔∃∃; Σ-assoc; ×-comm)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred ; _∪_ ; _∩_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (REL)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡
using (_≡_; _≗_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as ≡
module ×⊎ {k ℓ} = CommutativeSemiring (×-⊎-commutativeSemiring k ℓ)
open import Data.Container.Core
import Data.Container.Combinator as C
open import Data.Container.Combinator.Properties
open import Data.Container.Related
open import Data.Container.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (◇; any)
open import Data.Container.Membership
module _ {s p} (C : Container s p) {x} {X : Set x} {ℓ} {P : Pred X ℓ} where
↔Σ : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} → ◇ C P xs ↔ ∃ λ p → P (proj₂ xs p)
↔Σ {xs} = mk↔ₛ′ ◇.proof any (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)
↔∈ : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} → ◇ C P xs ↔ (∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × P x)
↔∈ {xs} = mk↔ₛ′ to from to∘from (λ _ → refl) where
to : ◇ C P xs → ∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × P x
to (any (p , Px)) = (proj₂ xs p , (any (p , refl)) , Px)
from : (∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × P x) → ◇ C P xs
from (.(proj₂ xs p) , (any (p , refl)) , Px) = any (p , Px)
to∘from : to ∘ from ≗ id
to∘from (.(proj₂ xs p) , any (p , refl) , Px) = refl
module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} {x} {X : Set x}
{ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {P₁ : Pred X ℓ₁} {P₂ : Pred X ℓ₂} where
cong : ∀ {k} {xs₁ xs₂ : ⟦ C ⟧ X} →
(∀ x → Related k (P₁ x) (P₂ x)) → xs₁ ≲[ k ] xs₂ →
Related k (◇ C P₁ xs₁) (◇ C P₂ xs₂)
cong {k} {xs₁} {xs₂} P₁↔P₂ xs₁≈xs₂ =
◇ C P₁ xs₁ ↔⟨ ↔∈ C ⟩
(∃ λ x → x ∈ xs₁ × P₁ x) ∼⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl (xs₁≈xs₂ ×-cong P₁↔P₂ _) ⟩
(∃ λ x → x ∈ xs₂ × P₂ x) ↔⟨ SK-sym (↔∈ C) ⟩
◇ C P₂ xs₂ ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} {C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂}
{x y} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y} {r} {P : REL X Y r} where
swap : {xs : ⟦ C₁ ⟧ X} {ys : ⟦ C₂ ⟧ Y} →
let ◈ : ∀ {s p} {C : Container s p} {x} {X : Set x} {ℓ} → ⟦ C ⟧ X → Pred X ℓ → Set (p ⊔ ℓ)
◈ = λ {_} {_} → flip (◇ _) in
◈ xs (◈ ys ∘ P) ↔ ◈ ys (◈ xs ∘ flip P)
swap {xs} {ys} =
◇ _ (λ x → ◇ _ (P x) ys) xs ↔⟨ ↔∈ C₁ ⟩
(∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × ◇ _ (P x) ys) ↔⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl $ Σ.cong ↔-refl $ ↔∈ C₂ ⟩
(∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × ∃ λ y → y ∈ ys × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl (λ {x} → ∃∃↔∃∃ (λ _ y → y ∈ ys × P x y)) ⟩
(∃₂ λ x y → x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys × P x y) ↔⟨ ∃∃↔∃∃ (λ x y → x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys × P x y) ⟩
(∃₂ λ y x → x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl (λ {y} → Σ.cong ↔-refl (λ {x} →
(x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys × P x y) ↔⟨ SK-sym Σ-assoc ⟩
((x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys) × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ.cong (×-comm _ _) ↔-refl ⟩
((y ∈ ys × x ∈ xs) × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ-assoc ⟩
(y ∈ ys × x ∈ xs × P x y) ∎)) ⟩
(∃₂ λ y x → y ∈ ys × x ∈ xs × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl (λ {y} → ∃∃↔∃∃ {B = y ∈ ys} (λ x _ → x ∈ xs × P x y)) ⟩
(∃ λ y → y ∈ ys × ∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × P x y) ↔⟨ Σ.cong ↔-refl (Σ.cong ↔-refl (SK-sym (↔∈ C₁))) ⟩
(∃ λ y → y ∈ ys × ◇ _ (flip P y) xs) ↔⟨ SK-sym (↔∈ C₂) ⟩
◇ _ (λ y → ◇ _ (flip P y) xs) ys ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} {C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂}
{x} {X : Set x} {ℓ} (P : Pred X ℓ) where
flatten : ∀ (xss : ⟦ C₁ ⟧ (⟦ C₂ ⟧ X)) →
◇ C₁ (◇ C₂ P) xss ↔
◇ (C₁ C.∘ C₂) P (Inverse.from (Composition.correct C₁ C₂) xss)
flatten xss = mk↔ₛ′ t f (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl) where
◇₁ = ◇ C₁; ◇₂ = ◇ C₂; ◇₁₂ = ◇ (C₁ C.∘ C₂)
open Inverse
t : ◇₁ (◇₂ P) xss → ◇₁₂ P (from (Composition.correct C₁ C₂) xss)
t (any (p₁ , (any (p₂ , p)))) = any (any (p₁ , p₂) , p)
f : ◇₁₂ P (from (Composition.correct C₁ C₂) xss) → ◇₁ (◇₂ P) xss
f (any (any (p₁ , p₂) , p)) = any (p₁ , any (p₂ , p))
module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} {x} {X : Set x}
{ℓ ℓ′} {P : Pred X ℓ} {Q : Pred X ℓ′} where
◇⊎↔⊎◇ : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} → ◇ C (P ∪ Q) xs ↔ (◇ C P xs ⊎ ◇ C Q xs)
◇⊎↔⊎◇ {xs} = mk↔ₛ′ to from to∘from from∘to
to : ◇ C (λ x → P x ⊎ Q x) xs → ◇ C P xs ⊎ ◇ C Q xs
to (any (pos , inj₁ p)) = inj₁ (any (pos , p))
to (any (pos , inj₂ q)) = inj₂ (any (pos , q))
from : ◇ C P xs ⊎ ◇ C Q xs → ◇ C (λ x → P x ⊎ Q x) xs
from = [ Any.map₂ inj₁ , Any.map₂ inj₂ ]
from∘to : from ∘ to ≗ id
from∘to (any (pos , inj₁ p)) = refl
from∘to (any (pos , inj₂ q)) = refl
to∘from : to ∘ from ≗ id
to∘from = [ (λ _ → refl) , (λ _ → refl) ]
module _ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} {C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂}
{x y} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y} {ℓ ℓ′} {P : Pred X ℓ} {Q : Pred Y ℓ′} where
×◇↔◇◇× : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C₁ ⟧ X} {ys : ⟦ C₂ ⟧ Y} →
◇ C₁ (λ x → ◇ C₂ (λ y → P x × Q y) ys) xs ↔ (◇ C₁ P xs × ◇ C₂ Q ys)
×◇↔◇◇× {xs} {ys} = mk↔ₛ′ to from (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)
◇₁ = ◇ C₁; ◇₂ = ◇ C₂
to : ◇₁ (λ x → ◇₂ (λ y → P x × Q y) ys) xs → ◇₁ P xs × ◇₂ Q ys
to (any (p₁ , any (p₂ , p , q))) = (any (p₁ , p) , any (p₂ , q))
from : ◇₁ P xs × ◇₂ Q ys → ◇₁ (λ x → ◇₂ (λ y → P x × Q y) ys) xs
from (any (p₁ , p) , any (p₂ , q)) = any (p₁ , any (p₂ , p , q))
module _ {s p} (C : Container s p) {x y} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y}
{ℓ} (P : Pred Y ℓ) where
map↔∘ : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} (f : X → Y) → ◇ C P (map f xs) ↔ ◇ C (P ∘′ f) xs
map↔∘ {xs} f =
◇ C P (map f xs) ↔⟨ ↔Σ C ⟩
∃ (P ∘′ proj₂ (map f xs)) ≡⟨⟩
∃ (P ∘′ f ∘′ proj₂ xs) ↔⟨ SK-sym (↔Σ C) ⟩
◇ C (P ∘′ f) xs ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {s p} (C : Container s p) {x y} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y}
{ℓ} (P : Pred Y ℓ) where
∈map↔∈×≡ : ∀ {f : X → Y} {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} {y} →
y ∈ map f xs ↔ (∃ λ x → x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x)
∈map↔∈×≡ {f = f} {xs} {y} =
y ∈ map f xs ↔⟨ map↔∘ C (y ≡_) f ⟩
◇ C (λ x → y ≡ f x) xs ↔⟨ ↔∈ C ⟩
∃ (λ x → x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {s p} (C : Container s p) {x y} {X : Set x} {Y : Set y}
{ℓ} (P : Pred Y ℓ) where
map-cong : ∀ {k} {f₁ f₂ : X → Y} {xs₁ xs₂ : ⟦ C ⟧ X} →
f₁ ≗ f₂ → xs₁ ≲[ k ] xs₂ →
map f₁ xs₁ ≲[ k ] map f₂ xs₂
map-cong {f₁ = f₁} {f₂} {xs₁} {xs₂} f₁≗f₂ xs₁≈xs₂ {x} =
x ∈ map f₁ xs₁ ↔⟨ map↔∘ C (_≡_ x) f₁ ⟩
◇ C (λ y → x ≡ f₁ y) xs₁ ∼⟨ cong (Related.↔⇒ ∘ helper) xs₁≈xs₂ ⟩
◇ C (λ y → x ≡ f₂ y) xs₂ ↔⟨ SK-sym (map↔∘ C (_≡_ x) f₂) ⟩
x ∈ map f₂ xs₂ ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
helper : ∀ y → (x ≡ f₁ y) ↔ (x ≡ f₂ y)
helper y rewrite f₁≗f₂ y = ↔-refl
module _ {s₁ s₂ p₁ p₂} {C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂}
{x} {X : Set x} {ℓ} (P : Pred X ℓ) where
remove-linear : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C₁ ⟧ X} (m : C₁ ⊸ C₂) → ◇ C₂ P (⟪ m ⟫⊸ xs) ↔ ◇ C₁ P xs
remove-linear {xs} m = mk↔ₛ′ t f t∘f f∘t
open _≃_
open ≡.≡-Reasoning
position⊸m : ∀ {s} → Position C₂ (shape⊸ m s) ≃ Position C₁ s
position⊸m = ↔⇒≃ (position⊸ m)
◇₁ = ◇ C₁; ◇₂ = ◇ C₂
t : ◇₂ P (⟪ m ⟫⊸ xs) → ◇₁ P xs
t = Any.map₁ (_⊸_.morphism m)
f : ◇₁ P xs → ◇₂ P (⟪ m ⟫⊸ xs)
f (any (x , p)) =
any $ from position⊸m x
, ≡.subst (P ∘′ proj₂ xs) (≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) p
f∘t : f ∘ t ≗ id
f∘t (any (p₂ , p)) = ≡.cong any $ Σ-≡,≡→≡
( left-inverse-of position⊸m p₂
, (≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs ∘ to position⊸m)
(left-inverse-of position⊸m p₂)
(≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂)))
p) ≡⟨ ≡.subst-∘ (left-inverse-of position⊸m _) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.cong (to position⊸m)
(left-inverse-of position⊸m p₂))
(≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂)))
p) ≡⟨ ≡.cong (λ eq → ≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs) eq
(≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) _))
(_≃_.left-right position⊸m _) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂))
(≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂)))
p) ≡⟨ ≡.subst-subst (≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂)))
(right-inverse-of position⊸m
(to position⊸m p₂)))
p ≡⟨ ≡.cong (λ eq → ≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs) eq p)
(≡.trans-symˡ (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs) ≡.refl p ≡⟨⟩
p ∎)
t∘f : t ∘ f ≗ id
t∘f (any (p₁ , p)) = ≡.cong any $ Σ-≡,≡→≡
( right-inverse-of position⊸m p₁
, (≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(right-inverse-of position⊸m p₁)
(≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m p₁))
p) ≡⟨ ≡.subst-subst (≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs)
(≡.sym (right-inverse-of position⊸m p₁))
(right-inverse-of position⊸m p₁))
p ≡⟨ ≡.cong (λ eq → ≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs) eq p)
(≡.trans-symˡ (right-inverse-of position⊸m _)) ⟩
≡.subst (P ∘ proj₂ xs) ≡.refl p ≡⟨⟩
p ∎)
module _ {s p} {C : Container s p} {x} {X : Set x} where
linear-identity : ∀ {xs : ⟦ C ⟧ X} (m : C ⊸ C) → ⟪ m ⟫⊸ xs ≲[ bag ] xs
linear-identity {xs} m {x} =
x ∈ ⟪ m ⟫⊸ xs ↔⟨ remove-linear (_≡_ x) m ⟩
x ∈ xs ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
module _ {s₁ s₂ s₃ p₁ p₂ p₃}
{C₁ : Container s₁ p₁} {C₂ : Container s₂ p₂} {C₃ : Container s₃ p₃}
{x} {X : Set x} {ℓ} (P : Pred X ℓ) where
join↔◇ : (join′ : (C₁ C.∘ C₂) ⊸ C₃) (xss : ⟦ C₁ ⟧ (⟦ C₂ ⟧ X)) →
let join : ∀ {X} → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ (⟦ C₂ ⟧ X) → ⟦ C₃ ⟧ X
join = λ {_} → ⟪ join′ ⟫⊸ ∘
(Inverse.from (Composition.correct C₁ C₂)) in
◇ C₃ P (join xss) ↔ ◇ C₁ (◇ C₂ P) xss
join↔◇ join xss =
◇ C₃ P (⟪ join ⟫⊸ xss′) ↔⟨ remove-linear P join ⟩
◇ (C₁ C.∘ C₂) P xss′ ↔⟨ SK-sym $ flatten P xss ⟩
◇ C₁ (◇ C₂ P) xss ∎
open Related.EquationalReasoning
xss′ = Inverse.from (Composition.correct C₁ C₂) xss