-- The Agda standard library
-- Basic lemmas showing that various types are related (isomorphic or
-- equivalent or…)

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms where

open import Algebra.Bundles public
  using (Magma; Semigroup; Monoid; CommutativeMonoid; CommutativeSemiring)
open import Algebra.Definitions
  using (Identity; LeftIdentity; RightIdentity; Zero; LeftZero; RightZero
        ; Associative; _DistributesOverˡ_; _DistributesOverʳ_; _DistributesOver_)
open import Algebra.Structures public
  using (IsMagma; IsSemigroup; IsMonoid; IsCommutativeMonoid
        ; IsCommutativeSemiring)
open import Algebra.Structures.Biased using (isCommutativeSemiringˡ)
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional using (Extensionality)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false)
open import Data.Empty.Polymorphic using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product
  using (_×_; Σ; curry; uncurry; _,_; -,_; <_,_>; proj₁; proj₂; ∃₂; ; ∃-syntax)
open import Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Propositional
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum
open import Data.Sum.Properties using (swap-involutive)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Propositional using (_⊎-cong_)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic.Base using ()
open import Level using (Level; Lift; 0ℓ; suc)
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles
open import Function.Related.Propositional
import Function.Construct.Identity as Identity
open import Relation.Binary hiding (_⇔_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
  using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Nullary.Reflects using (invert)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; ¬_; _because_; ofⁿ; contradiction)
import Relation.Nullary.Indexed as I
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True)

    a b c d : Level
    A B C D : Set a

-- Properties of Σ and _×_

-- Σ is associative
Σ-assoc :  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} {C : (a : A)  B a  Set c} 
          Σ (Σ A B) (uncurry C)  Σ A  a  Σ (B a) (C a))
Σ-assoc = mk↔ₛ′ Product.assocʳ Product.assocˡ  _  refl)  _  refl)

-- × is commutative

×-comm :  (A : Set a) (B : Set b)  (A × B)  (B × A)
×-comm _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ Product.swap Product.swap  _  refl) λ _  refl

-- × has ⊤ as its identity

×-identityˡ :    LeftIdentity  { = } _↔_  _×_
×-identityˡ _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ proj₂ -,_  _  refl)  _  refl)

×-identityʳ :    RightIdentity  { = } _↔_  _×_
×-identityʳ _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ proj₁ (_, _)  _  refl)  _  refl)

×-identity :    Identity _↔_  _×_
×-identity  = ×-identityˡ  , ×-identityʳ 

-- × has ⊥ has its zero

×-zeroˡ :    LeftZero { = } _↔_  _×_
×-zeroˡ  A = mk↔ₛ′ proj₁ < id , ⊥-elim >  _  refl)  { () })

×-zeroʳ :    RightZero { = } _↔_  _×_
×-zeroʳ  A = mk↔ₛ′ proj₂ < ⊥-elim , id >  _  refl)  { () })

×-zero :    Zero _↔_  _×_
×-zero   = ×-zeroˡ  , ×-zeroʳ 

-- Properties of ⊎

-- ⊎ is associative

⊎-assoc :    Associative { = } _↔_ _⊎_
⊎-assoc  _ _ _ = mk↔ₛ′
  [ [ inj₁ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₁ ]′ , inj₂ ∘′ inj₂ ]′
  [ inj₁ ∘′ inj₁ , [ inj₁ ∘′ inj₂ , inj₂ ]′ ]′
  [  _  refl) , [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ] ]
  [ [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ] ,  _  refl) ]

-- ⊎ is commutative

⊎-comm :  (A : Set a) (B : Set b)  (A  B)  (B  A)
⊎-comm _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ swap swap swap-involutive swap-involutive

-- ⊎ has ⊥ as its identity

⊎-identityˡ :    LeftIdentity _↔_ ( {}) _⊎_
⊎-identityˡ _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ [  ()) , id ]′ inj₂  _  refl)
                          [  ()) ,  _  refl) ]

⊎-identityʳ :    RightIdentity _↔_ ( {}) _⊎_
⊎-identityʳ _ _ = mk↔ₛ′ [ id ,  ()) ]′ inj₁  _  refl)
                          [  _  refl) ,  ()) ]

⊎-identity :    Identity _↔_  _⊎_
⊎-identity  = ⊎-identityˡ  , ⊎-identityʳ 

-- Properties of Σ and ⊎

-- Σ distributes over ⊎

Σ-distribˡ-⊎ : {P : A  Set a} {Q : A  Set b} 
  ( λ a  P a  Q a)  ( P   Q)
Σ-distribˡ-⊎ = mk↔ₛ′
  (uncurry λ x  [ inj₁ ∘′ (x ,_) , inj₂ ∘′ (x ,_) ]′)
  [ Product.map₂ inj₁ , Product.map₂ inj₂ ]′
  [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ]
  (uncurry λ _  [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ])

Σ-distribʳ-⊎ : {P : A  B  Set c} 
  (Σ (A  B) P)  (Σ A (P  inj₁)  Σ B (P  inj₂))
Σ-distribʳ-⊎ = mk↔ₛ′
  (uncurry [ curry inj₁ , curry inj₂ ])
  [ Product.dmap inj₁ id , Product.dmap inj₂ id ]
  [  _  refl) ,  _  refl) ]
  (uncurry [  _ _  refl) ,  _ _  refl) ])

-- Properties of × and ⊎

-- × distributes over ⊎
-- primed variants are less level polymorphic

×-distribˡ-⊎ : (A × (B  C))  (A × B  A × C)
×-distribˡ-⊎ = Σ-distribˡ-⊎

×-distribˡ-⊎′ :    _DistributesOverˡ_ { = } _↔_ _×_ _⊎_
×-distribˡ-⊎′  _ _ _ = ×-distribˡ-⊎

×-distribʳ-⊎ : ((A  B) × C)  (A × C  B × C)
×-distribʳ-⊎ = Σ-distribʳ-⊎

×-distribʳ-⊎′ :    _DistributesOverʳ_ { = } _↔_ _×_ _⊎_
×-distribʳ-⊎′  _ _ _ = ×-distribʳ-⊎

×-distrib-⊎′ :    _DistributesOver_ { = } _↔_ _×_ _⊎_
×-distrib-⊎′  = ×-distribˡ-⊎′  , ×-distribʳ-⊎′ 

-- ⊥, ⊤, _×_ and _⊎_ form a commutative semiring

-- ⊤, _×_ form a commutative monoid

×-isMagma :  k   IsMagma {Level.suc } (Related  k ) _×_
×-isMagma k  = record
  { isEquivalence = SK-isEquivalence k
  ; ∙-cong        = _×-cong_

×-magma : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Magma _ _
×-magma k  = record
  { isMagma = ×-isMagma k 

×-isSemigroup :  k   IsSemigroup {Level.suc } (Related  k ) _×_
×-isSemigroup k  = record
  { isMagma = ×-isMagma k 
  ; assoc   = λ _ _ _  ↔⇒ Σ-assoc

×-semigroup : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Semigroup _ _
×-semigroup k  = record
  { isSemigroup = ×-isSemigroup k 

×-isMonoid :  k   IsMonoid (Related  k ) _×_ 
×-isMonoid k  = record
  { isSemigroup = ×-isSemigroup k 
  ; identity    = (↔⇒  ×-identityˡ ) , (↔⇒  ×-identityʳ )

×-monoid : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Monoid _ _
×-monoid k  = record
  { isMonoid = ×-isMonoid k 

×-isCommutativeMonoid :  k   IsCommutativeMonoid (Related  k ) _×_ 
×-isCommutativeMonoid k  = record
  { isMonoid = ×-isMonoid k 
  ; comm     = λ _ _  ↔⇒ (×-comm _ _)

×-commutativeMonoid : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  CommutativeMonoid _ _
×-commutativeMonoid k  = record
  { isCommutativeMonoid = ×-isCommutativeMonoid k 

-- ⊥, _⊎_ form a commutative monoid

⊎-isMagma :  k   IsMagma {Level.suc } (Related  k ) _⊎_
⊎-isMagma k  = record
  { isEquivalence = SK-isEquivalence k
  ; ∙-cong        = _⊎-cong_

⊎-magma : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Magma _ _
⊎-magma k  = record
  { isMagma = ⊎-isMagma k 

⊎-isSemigroup :  k   IsSemigroup {Level.suc } (Related  k ) _⊎_
⊎-isSemigroup k  = record
  { isMagma = ⊎-isMagma k 
  ; assoc   = λ A B C  ↔⇒ (⊎-assoc  A B C)

⊎-semigroup : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Semigroup _ _
⊎-semigroup k  = record
  { isSemigroup = ⊎-isSemigroup k 

⊎-isMonoid :  k   IsMonoid (Related  k ) _⊎_ 
⊎-isMonoid k  = record
  { isSemigroup = ⊎-isSemigroup k 
  ; identity    = (↔⇒  ⊎-identityˡ ) , (↔⇒  ⊎-identityʳ )

⊎-monoid : SymmetricKind  ( : Level)  Monoid _ _
⊎-monoid k  = record
  { isMonoid = ⊎-isMonoid k 

⊎-isCommutativeMonoid :  k   IsCommutativeMonoid (Related  k ) _⊎_ 
⊎-isCommutativeMonoid k  = record
  { isMonoid = ⊎-isMonoid k 
  ; comm     = λ _ _  ↔⇒ (⊎-comm _ _)

⊎-commutativeMonoid : SymmetricKind  ( : Level) 
                      CommutativeMonoid _ _
⊎-commutativeMonoid k  = record
  { isCommutativeMonoid = ⊎-isCommutativeMonoid k 

×-⊎-isCommutativeSemiring :  k  
  IsCommutativeSemiring (Related  k ) _⊎_ _×_  
×-⊎-isCommutativeSemiring k  = isCommutativeSemiringˡ record
  { +-isCommutativeMonoid = ⊎-isCommutativeMonoid k 
  ; *-isCommutativeMonoid = ×-isCommutativeMonoid k 
  ; distribʳ              = λ _ _ _  ↔⇒ ×-distribʳ-⊎
  ; zeroˡ                 = ↔⇒  ×-zeroˡ 

×-⊎-commutativeSemiring : SymmetricKind  ( : Level) 
                          CommutativeSemiring (Level.suc ) 
×-⊎-commutativeSemiring k  = record
  { isCommutativeSemiring = ×-⊎-isCommutativeSemiring k 

-- Some reordering lemmas

ΠΠ↔ΠΠ :  {a b p} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (P : A  B  Set p) 
        ((x : A) (y : B)  P x y)  ((y : B) (x : A)  P x y)
ΠΠ↔ΠΠ _ = mk↔ₛ′ flip flip  _  refl)  _  refl)

∃∃↔∃∃ :  {a b p} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (P : A  B  Set p) 
        (∃₂ λ x y  P x y)  (∃₂ λ y x  P x y)
∃∃↔∃∃ P = mk↔ₛ′ to from  _  refl)  _  refl)
  to : (∃₂ λ x y  P x y)  (∃₂ λ y x  P x y)
  to (x , y , Pxy) = (y , x , Pxy)

  from : (∃₂ λ y x  P x y)  (∃₂ λ x y  P x y)
  from (y , x , Pxy) = (x , y , Pxy)

-- Implicit and explicit function spaces are isomorphic

Π↔Π :  {A : Set a} {B : A  Set b} 
      ((x : A)  B x)  ({x : A}  B x)
Π↔Π = mk↔ₛ′ _$- λ-  _  refl)  _  refl)

-- _→_ preserves the symmetric relations

→-cong-⇔ : A  B  C  D  (A  C)  (B  D)
→-cong-⇔ A⇔B C⇔D = mk⇔
   f  to C⇔D  f  from A⇔B)
   f  from C⇔D  f  to A⇔B)
  where open Equivalence

→-cong-↔ : Extensionality a c  Extensionality b d 
             {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} {D : Set d} 
             A  B  C  D  (A  C)  (B  D)
→-cong-↔ ext₁ ext₂ A↔B C↔D = mk↔ₛ′
   f  to C↔D  f  from A↔B)
   f  from C↔D  f  to A↔B)
   f  ext₂ λ x  begin
    to C↔D (from C↔D (f (to A↔B (from A↔B x)))) ≡⟨ strictlyInverseˡ C↔D _ 
    f (to A↔B (from A↔B x))                     ≡⟨ cong f $ strictlyInverseˡ A↔B x 
    f x                                         )
   f  ext₁ λ x  begin
    from C↔D (to C↔D (f (from A↔B (to A↔B x)))) ≡⟨ strictlyInverseʳ C↔D _ 
    f (from A↔B (to A↔B x))                     ≡⟨ cong f $ strictlyInverseʳ A↔B x 
    f x                                         )
  where open Inverse; open ≡-Reasoning

→-cong :  Extensionality a c  Extensionality b d 
           {k} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {C : Set c} {D : Set d} 
          A ∼[  k  ] B  C ∼[  k  ] D  (A  C) ∼[  k  ] (B  D)
→-cong extAC extBD {equivalence} = →-cong-⇔
→-cong extAC extBD {bijection}   = →-cong-↔ extAC extBD

-- ¬_ (at Level 0) preserves the symmetric relations

¬-cong-⇔ : A  B  (¬ A)  (¬ B)
¬-cong-⇔ A⇔B = →-cong-⇔ A⇔B (Identity.⇔-id _)

¬-cong : Extensionality a 0ℓ  Extensionality b 0ℓ 
          {k} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
         A ∼[  k  ] B  (¬ A) ∼[  k  ] (¬ B)
¬-cong extA extB A≈B = →-cong extA extB A≈B (K-reflexive refl)

-- _⇔_ preserves _⇔_

-- The type of the following proof is a bit more general.

Related-cong :
  A ∼[  k  ] B  C ∼[  k  ] D  (A ∼[  k  ] C)  (B ∼[  k  ] D)
Related-cong {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} A≈B C≈D = mk⇔
   A≈C  B  ∼⟨ SK-sym A≈B 
            A  ∼⟨ A≈C 
            C  ∼⟨ C≈D 
            D  )
   B≈D  A  ∼⟨ A≈B 
            B  ∼⟨ B≈D 
            D  ∼⟨ SK-sym C≈D 
            C  )
  where open EquationalReasoning

-- A lemma relating True dec and P, where dec : Dec P

True↔ :  {p} {P : Set p}
        (dec : Dec P)  ((p₁ p₂ : P)  p₁  p₂)  True dec  P
True↔ ( true because  [p]) irr =
  mk↔ₛ′  _  invert [p])  _  _) (irr _)  _  refl)
True↔ (false because ofⁿ ¬p) _ =
  mk↔ₛ′ (λ()) (invert (ofⁿ ¬p))  x  flip contradiction ¬p x)  ())

-- Relating a predicate to an existentially quantified one with the
-- restriction that the quantified variable is equal to the given one

∃-≡ :  (P : A  Set b) {x}  P x  (∃[ y ] y  x × P y)
∃-≡ P {x} = mk↔ₛ′  Px  x , refl , Px)  where (_ , refl , Py)  Py)
   where (_ , refl , _)  refl)  where _  refl)