-- The Agda standard library
-- Bytestrings: builder type and functions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible #-}

module Data.Bytestring.Builder.Base where

open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc; _/_; _%_; _^_)
open import Data.Word8.Base as Word8 using (Word8)
open import Data.Word64.Base as Word64 using (Word64)
open import Function.Base using (_∘′_)

-- Re-export type and operations

open import Data.Bytestring.Builder.Primitive as Prim public
  using ( Builder
        ; toBytestring
        ; bytestring
        ; word8
        ; empty
        ; _<>_

-- High-level combinators

module List where

  open import Data.List.Base as List using (List)

  concat : List Builder  Builder
  concat = List.foldr _<>_ empty

module Vec where

  open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec)

  concat :  {n}  Vec Builder n  Builder
  concat = Vec.foldr′ _<>_ empty
open Vec

-- Generic word-specific combinators

open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)

wordN :  {n}  Vec Word8 n  Builder
wordN = concat ∘′ Vec.map word8

toWord8sLE :  {w} {W : Set w} (n : ) (toℕ : W  )  W  Vec Word8 n
toWord8sLE n toℕ w = loop (toℕ w) n where

  loop :   (n : )  Vec Word8 n
  loop acc 0 = []
  loop acc 1 = Word8.fromℕ acc  []
  loop acc (suc n) = Word8.fromℕ (acc % 2 ^ 8)  loop (acc / 2 ^ 8) n

toWord8sBE :  {w} {W : Set w} (n : ) (toℕ : W  )  W  Vec Word8 n
toWord8sBE n toℕ w = Vec.reverse (toWord8sLE n toℕ w)

-- Builders for Word64

word64LE : Word64  Builder
word64LE w = wordN (toWord8sLE 8 Word64.toℕ w)

word64BE : Word64  Builder
word64BE w = wordN (toWord8sBE 8 Word64.toℕ w)