{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}
module Codata.Musical.Colist.Infinite-merge where
open import Codata.Musical.Notation using (♭; ♯_; ∞)
open import Codata.Musical.Colist as Colist hiding (_⋎_)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (ℕ; zero; suc; _≤_; _≥′_; _<′_; _≤′_)
open import Data.Nat.Induction using (<′-wellFounded)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (s≤′s)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (_×_; _,_; ∃; ∃₂; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Data.Sum.Properties using (inj₁-injective; inj₂-injective)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Propositional using (_⊎-cong_)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∋_; id; _∘′_; _$_; _on_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Inverse; Injection; _↔_; mk↔ₛ′)
open import Function.Properties.Inverse using (↔-refl; ↔-sym; ↔⇒↣)
import Function.Related.Propositional as Related
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms using (Σ-assoc)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
import Induction.WellFounded as WF
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
using (module ≡-Reasoning)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.On as On using (wellFounded)
a p : Level
A : Set a
P : Pred A p
infixr 5 _∷_ _⋎_
data ColistP (A : Set a) : Set a where
[] : ColistP A
_∷_ : A → ∞ (ColistP A) → ColistP A
_⋎_ : ColistP A → ColistP A → ColistP A
data ColistW (A : Set a) : Set a where
[] : ColistW A
_∷_ : A → ColistP A → ColistW A
program : Colist A → ColistP A
program [] = []
program (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ ♯ program (♭ xs)
_⋎W_ : ColistW A → ColistP A → ColistW A
[] ⋎W ys = whnf ys
(x ∷ xs) ⋎W ys = x ∷ (ys ⋎ xs)
whnf : ColistP A → ColistW A
whnf [] = []
whnf (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ ♭ xs
whnf (xs ⋎ ys) = whnf xs ⋎W ys
⟦_⟧P : ColistP A → Colist A
⟦ xs ⟧P = ⟦ whnf xs ⟧W
⟦_⟧W : ColistW A → Colist A
⟦ [] ⟧W = []
⟦ x ∷ xs ⟧W = x ∷ ♯ ⟦ xs ⟧P
⋎-homP : ∀ (xs : ColistP A) {ys} → ⟦ xs ⋎ ys ⟧P ≈ ⟦ xs ⟧P Colist.⋎ ⟦ ys ⟧P
⋎-homP xs = ⋎-homW (whnf xs) _
⋎-homW : ∀ (xs : ColistW A) ys → ⟦ xs ⋎W ys ⟧W ≈ ⟦ xs ⟧W Colist.⋎ ⟦ ys ⟧P
⋎-homW (x ∷ xs) ys = x ∷ ♯ ⋎-homP ys
⋎-homW [] ys = begin ⟦ ys ⟧P ∎
where open ≈-Reasoning
⟦program⟧P : ∀ (xs : Colist A) → ⟦ program xs ⟧P ≈ xs
⟦program⟧P [] = []
⟦program⟧P (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ ♯ ⟦program⟧P (♭ xs)
Any-⋎P : ∀ xs {ys} →
Any P ⟦ program xs ⋎ ys ⟧P ↔ (Any P xs ⊎ Any P ⟦ ys ⟧P)
Any-⋎P {P = P} xs {ys} =
Any P ⟦ program xs ⋎ ys ⟧P ↔⟨ Any-cong ↔-refl (⋎-homP (program xs)) ⟩
Any P (⟦ program xs ⟧P Colist.⋎ ⟦ ys ⟧P) ↔⟨ Any-⋎ _ ⟩
(Any P ⟦ program xs ⟧P ⊎ Any P ⟦ ys ⟧P) ↔⟨ Any-cong ↔-refl (⟦program⟧P _) ⊎-cong (_ ∎) ⟩
(Any P xs ⊎ Any P ⟦ ys ⟧P) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning
index-Any-⋎P :
∀ xs {ys} (p : Any P ⟦ program xs ⋎ ys ⟧P) →
index p ≥′ [ index , index ]′ (Inverse.to (Any-⋎P xs) p)
index-Any-⋎P xs p
with Any-resp id (⋎-homW (whnf (program xs)) _) p
| index-Any-resp {f = id} (⋎-homW (whnf (program xs)) _) p
index-Any-⋎P xs p | q | q≡p
with Inverse.to (Any-⋎ ⟦ program xs ⟧P) q
| index-Any-⋎ ⟦ program xs ⟧P q
index-Any-⋎P xs p | q | q≡p | inj₂ r | r≤q rewrite q≡p = r≤q
index-Any-⋎P xs p | q | q≡p | inj₁ r | r≤q
with Any-resp id (⟦program⟧P xs) r
| index-Any-resp {f = id} (⟦program⟧P xs) r
index-Any-⋎P xs p | q | q≡p | inj₁ r | r≤q | s | s≡r
rewrite s≡r | q≡p = r≤q
merge′ : Colist (A × Colist A) → ColistP A
merge′ [] = []
merge′ ((x , xs) ∷ xss) = x ∷ ♯ (program xs ⋎ merge′ (♭ xss))
merge : Colist (A × Colist A) → Colist A
merge xss = ⟦ merge′ xss ⟧P
Any-merge : ∀ xss → Any P (merge xss) ↔ Any (λ { (x , xs) → P x ⊎ Any P xs }) xss
Any-merge {P = P} xss = mk↔ₛ′ (proj₁ ∘ to xss) from to∘from (proj₂ ∘ to xss)
open ≡-Reasoning
Q = λ { (x , xs) → P x ⊎ Any P xs }
from : ∀ {xss} → Any Q xss → Any P (merge xss)
from (here (inj₁ p)) = here p
from (here (inj₂ p)) = there (Inverse.from (Any-⋎P _) (inj₁ p))
from (there {x = _ , xs} p) = there (Inverse.from (Any-⋎P xs) (inj₂ (from p)))
from-injective : ∀ {xss} (p₁ p₂ : Any Q xss) →
from p₁ ≡ from p₂ → p₁ ≡ p₂
from-injective (here (inj₁ p)) (here (inj₁ .p)) refl = refl
from-injective (here (inj₂ p₁)) (here (inj₂ p₂)) eq =
cong (here ∘ inj₂) $
inj₁-injective $
Injection.injective (↔⇒↣ (↔-sym (Any-⋎P _))) $
there-injective eq
from-injective (here (inj₂ p₁)) (there p₂) eq with
Injection.injective (↔⇒↣ (↔-sym (Any-⋎P _)))
{x = inj₁ p₁} {y = inj₂ (from p₂)}
(there-injective eq)
... | ()
from-injective (there p₁) (here (inj₂ p₂)) eq with
Injection.injective (↔⇒↣ (↔-sym (Any-⋎P _)))
{x = inj₂ (from p₁)} {y = inj₁ p₂}
(there-injective eq)
... | ()
from-injective (there {x = _ , xs} p₁) (there p₂) eq =
cong there $
from-injective p₁ p₂ $
inj₂-injective $
Injection.injective (↔⇒↣ (↔-sym (Any-⋎P xs))) $
there-injective eq
Input = ∃ λ xss → Any P (merge xss)
InputPred : Input → Set _
InputPred (xss , p) = ∃ λ (q : Any Q xss) → from q ≡ p
to : ∀ xss p → InputPred (xss , p)
to xss p =
WF.All.wfRec (On.wellFounded size <′-wellFounded) _
InputPred step (xss , p)
size : Input → ℕ
size (_ , p) = index p
step : ∀ p → WF.WfRec (_<′_ on size) InputPred p → InputPred p
step ([] , ()) rec
step ((x , xs) ∷ xss , here p) rec = here (inj₁ p) , refl
step ((x , xs) ∷ xss , there p) rec
with Inverse.to (Any-⋎P xs) p
| Inverse.strictlyInverseʳ (Any-⋎P xs) p
| index-Any-⋎P xs p
... | inj₁ q | refl | _ = here (inj₂ q) , refl
... | inj₂ q | refl | q≤p =
Product.map there
(cong (there ∘ (Inverse.from (Any-⋎P xs)) ∘ inj₂))
(rec (s≤′s q≤p))
to∘from = λ p → from-injective _ _ (proj₂ (to xss (from p)))
∈-merge : ∀ {y : A} xss → y ∈ merge xss ↔ ∃₂ λ x xs → (x , xs) ∈ xss × (y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ xs)
∈-merge {y = y} xss =
y ∈ merge xss ↔⟨ Any-merge _ ⟩
Any (λ { (x , xs) → y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ xs }) xss ↔⟨ Any-∈ ⟩
(∃ λ { (x , xs) → (x , xs) ∈ xss × (y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ xs) }) ↔⟨ Σ-assoc ⟩
(∃₂ λ x xs → (x , xs) ∈ xss × (y ≡ x ⊎ y ∈ xs)) ∎
where open Related.EquationalReasoning