-- The Agda standard library
-- Infinite streams defined as coinductive records

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe --guardedness #-}

module Codata.Guarded.Stream where

open import Level hiding (suc)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc)
open import Function.Base using (_∘′_; const; id; _∘₂_)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product.Base hiding (map)
open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty.Base as List⁺ using (List⁺; _∷_)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₂)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl)

    a b c : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c

-- Type

infixr 5 _∷_

record Stream (A : Set a) : Set a where
  constructor _∷_
    head : A
    tail : Stream A

open Stream public

-- Creating streams

tabulate : (  A)  Stream A
tabulate f .head = f 0
tabulate f .tail = tabulate (f ∘′ suc)

repeat : A  Stream A
repeat = tabulate ∘′ const

infixr 5 _++_
_++_ : List A  Stream A  Stream A
[] ++ s = s
(x  xs) ++ s = x  xs ++ s

unfold : (A  A × B)  A  Stream B
unfold next seed .head = next seed .proj₂
unfold next seed .tail = unfold next (next seed .proj₁)

iterate : (A  A)  A  Stream A
iterate f = unfold < f , id >

nats : Stream 
nats = tabulate id

-- Lookup

lookup : Stream A    A
lookup xs zero    = head xs
lookup xs (suc n) = lookup (tail xs) n

infix 4 _[_]

_[_] : Stream A    A
_[_] = lookup

-- Transforming streams

map : (A  B)  Stream A  Stream B
map f s .head = f (s .head)
map f s .tail = map f (s .tail)

ap : Stream (A  B)  Stream A  Stream B
ap fs xs .head = fs .head (xs .head)
ap fs xs .tail = ap (fs .tail) (xs .tail)

scanl : (B  A  B)  B  Stream A  Stream B
scanl c n s .head = n
scanl c n s .tail = scanl c (c n (s .head)) (s .tail)

zipWith : (A  B  C)  Stream A  Stream B  Stream C
zipWith f s t .head = f (s .head) (t .head)
zipWith f s t .tail = zipWith f (s .tail) (t .tail)

transpose : List (Stream A)  Stream (List A)
transpose [] = repeat []
transpose (s  ss) = zipWith _∷_ s (transpose ss)

tails : Stream A  Stream (Stream A)
tails s .head = s
tails s .tail = tails (s .tail)

evens : Stream A  Stream A
evens s .head = s .head
evens s .tail = evens (s .tail .tail)

odds : Stream A  Stream A
odds s = evens (s .tail)

-- List⁺-related functions

infixr 5 _⁺++_
_⁺++_ : List⁺ A  Stream A  Stream A
(x  xs) ⁺++ ys = x  xs ++ ys

concat : Stream (List⁺ A)  Stream A
concat {A = A} = ++-concat []
  module Concat where
    ++-concat : List A  Stream (List⁺ A)  Stream A
    ++-concat [] s .head = s .head .List⁺.head
    ++-concat [] s .tail = ++-concat (s .head .List⁺.tail) (s .tail)
    ++-concat (x  xs) s .head = x
    ++-concat (x  xs) s .tail = ++-concat xs s

cycle : List⁺ A  Stream A
cycle = concat ∘′ repeat

transpose⁺ : List⁺ (Stream A)  Stream (List⁺ A)
transpose⁺ (s  ss) = zipWith _∷_ s (transpose ss)

-- Chunking

splitAt :  n  Stream A  Vec A n × Stream A
splitAt zero s = [] ,′ s
splitAt (suc n) s = map₁ (s .head ∷_) (splitAt n (s .tail))

take :  n  Stream A  Vec A n
take = proj₁ ∘₂ splitAt

drop :   Stream A  Stream A
drop = proj₂ ∘₂ splitAt

chunksOf :  n  Stream A  Stream (Vec A n)
chunksOf n s .head = take n s
chunksOf n s .tail = chunksOf n (drop n s)

-- Interleaving streams

-- Interleaving two streams
interleave : Op₂ (Stream A)
interleave xs ys .head = xs .head
interleave xs ys .tail = interleave ys (xs .tail)

-- Interleaving multiple streams
interleave⁺ : List⁺ (Stream A)  Stream A
interleave⁺ = concat ∘′ transpose⁺

-- Interleaving a stream of streams using Cantor's zig zag function
-- (inverse of Cantor's pairing function)
cantor : Stream (Stream A)  Stream A
cantor s .head = s .head .head
cantor s .tail = cantor (zipWith _∷_ (s .head .tail) (s .tail))

-- A version of `bind` using the zig zag function that reaches any
-- point of the plane in a finite amout of time
plane : {B : A  Set b}  Stream A  (∀ a  Stream (B a))  Stream (Σ A B)
plane xs fs = cantor (map  x  map (x ,_) (fs x)) xs)

-- Here is the beginning of the path we are following:
_ : take 21 (plane nats (const nats))
   (0 , 0)
   (0 , 1)  (1 , 0)
   (0 , 2)  (1 , 1)  (2 , 0)
   (0 , 3)  (1 , 2)  (2 , 1)  (3 , 0)
   (0 , 4)  (1 , 3)  (2 , 2)  (3 , 1)  (4 , 0)
   (0 , 5)  (1 , 4)  (2 , 3)  (3 , 2)  (4 , 1)  (5 , 0)
_ = refl