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{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Class.HasOrder.Core where

open import Class.Prelude
open import Class.Decidable
open import Function.Bundles using (module Equivalence; mk⇔; _⇔_)
open import Relation.Binary using
  ( IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder; IsEquivalence; Total; IsTotalOrder
  ; IsStrictTotalOrder; IsStrictPartialOrder
  ; Irreflexive; Antisymmetric; Asymmetric; Transitive

open Equivalence

module _ {A : Type } where
  module _ {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ′} {ℓ″ ℓ‴} (let 𝐿 = lsuc   ℓ′  lsuc ℓ″  lsuc ℓ‴) where

    record HasPreorder : Type 𝐿 where
      infix 4 _≤_ _<_ _≥_ _>_
        _≤_           : Rel A ℓ″
        _<_           : Rel A ℓ‴
        ≤-isPreorder  : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_
        <-irrefl      : Irreflexive _≈_ _<_
        ≤⇔<∨≈         :  {x y : A}  x  y  (x < y  x  y)

      _≥_ = flip _≤_
      _>_ = flip _<_

      open IsPreorder ≤-isPreorder public
        using ()
        renaming (isEquivalence to ≈-isEquivalence; refl to ≤-refl; trans to ≤-trans)

      _≤?_ :  _≤_ ⁇²   Decidable² _≤_
      _≤?_ = dec²

      _<?_ :  _<_ ⁇²   Decidable² _<_
      _<?_ = dec²

      infix 4 _<?_ _≤?_

      <⇒≤∧≉ :  {x y}  x < y  x  y × ¬ (x  y)
      <⇒≤∧≉ x<y = from ≤⇔<∨≈ (inj₁ x<y) , λ x≈y  <-irrefl x≈y x<y

      ≤∧≉⇒< :  {x y}  x  y × ¬ (x  y)  x < y
      ≤∧≉⇒< {x} {y} (x≤y , ¬x≈y) with to ≤⇔<∨≈ x≤y
      ... | inj₁ x<y = x<y
      ... | inj₂ x≈y = ⊥-elim (¬x≈y x≈y)

      ≤-antisym⇒<-asym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_  Asymmetric _<_
      ≤-antisym⇒<-asym antisym x<y y<x =
        proj₂ (<⇒≤∧≉ x<y) $ antisym (proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ x<y) (proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ y<x)

    open HasPreorder ⦃...⦄

    record HasDecPreorder : Type 𝐿 where
      field  hasPreorder  : HasPreorder
             dec-≤  : _≤_ ⁇²
             dec-<  : _<_ ⁇²

    record HasPartialOrder : Type 𝐿 where
         hasPreorder  : HasPreorder
        ≤-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_

      ≤-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
      ≤-isPartialOrder = record { isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder ; antisym = ≤-antisym }

      <-asymmetric : Asymmetric _<_
      <-asymmetric = ≤-antisym⇒<-asym ≤-antisym

      open IsEquivalence ≈-isEquivalence renaming (sym to ≈-sym)

      <-trans : Transitive _<_
      <-trans i<j j<k =
          j≤k = proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ j<k; i≤j = proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ i<j
          i≈k⇒j≈k = λ i≈k  ≤-antisym j≤k $ ≤-trans (from ≤⇔<∨≈ $ inj₂ (≈-sym i≈k)) i≤j
          ≤∧≉⇒< (≤-trans i≤j j≤k , (proj₂ $ <⇒≤∧≉ j<k)  i≈k⇒j≈k)

      <⇒¬>⊎≈ :  {x y}  x < y  ¬ (y < x  y  x)
      <⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₁ y<x) = <-asymmetric x<y y<x
      <⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₂ x≈y) = <-irrefl (≈-sym x≈y) x<y

      ≥⇒≮ :  {x y}  y  x  ¬ (x < y)
      ≥⇒≮ y≤x x<y = contradiction (to ≤⇔<∨≈ y≤x) (<⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y)

    open HasPartialOrder ⦃...⦄

    record HasDecPartialOrder : Type 𝐿 where
         hasPartialOrder  : HasPartialOrder
         dec-≤  : _≤_ ⁇²
         dec-<  : _<_ ⁇²

    record HasTotalOrder : Type 𝐿 where
         hasPartialOrder  : HasPartialOrder
        ≤-total : Total _≤_

      ≤-isTotalOrder : IsTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
      ≤-isTotalOrder = record { isPartialOrder = ≤-isPartialOrder ; total = ≤-total }

      open IsEquivalence ≈-isEquivalence renaming (sym to ≈-sym)

      ≮⇒≥ : Decidable² _≈_   {x y}  ¬ (x < y)  y  x
      ≮⇒≥ _≈?_ {x} {y} x≮y with x ≈? y | ≤-total y x
      ... | yes x≈y  | _        = IsPreorder.reflexive ≤-isPreorder (≈-sym x≈y)
      ... | _        | inj₁ y≤x = y≤x
      ... | no  x≉y  | inj₂ x≤y = contradiction (≤∧≉⇒< (x≤y , x≉y)) x≮y

    open HasTotalOrder ⦃...⦄

    record HasDecTotalOrder : Type 𝐿 where
         hasTotalOrder  : HasTotalOrder
         dec-≤  : _≤_ ⁇²
         dec-<  : _<_ ⁇²

  HasPreorder≡        = HasPreorder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasDecPreorder≡     = HasDecPreorder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasPartialOrder≡    = HasPartialOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasDecPartialOrder≡ = HasDecPartialOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasTotalOrder≡      = HasTotalOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasDecTotalOrder≡   = HasDecTotalOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}

open HasPreorder ⦃...⦄ public
open HasPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasPreorder)
open HasDecPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasPartialOrder)
open HasTotalOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasPartialOrder)
open HasDecTotalOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasTotalOrder)

module _ {A : Type } {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ′} where

  module _ {_≤_ : Rel A ℓ″} where
    import Relation.Binary.Construct.NonStrictToStrict _≈_ _≤_ as SNS

    module _ (≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_)
             (_≈?_ : Decidable² _≈_) where

      hasPreorderFromNonStrict : HasPreorder
      hasPreorderFromNonStrict = record
        { _≤_           = _≤_
        ; _<_           = SNS._<_
        ; ≤-isPreorder  = ≤-isPreorder
        ; <-irrefl      = SNS.<-irrefl
        ; ≤⇔<∨≈         = λ {a b}  mk⇔
           a≤b  case (a ≈? b) of λ where (yes p)  inj₂ p ; (no ¬p)  inj₁ (a≤b , ¬p))
          λ where (inj₁ a<b)  proj₁ a<b ; (inj₂ a≈b)  IsPreorder.reflexive ≤-isPreorder a≈b

      hasPartialOrderFromNonStrict : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_  HasPartialOrder
      hasPartialOrderFromNonStrict antsym  = record
        { hasPreorder = hasPreorderFromNonStrict
        ; ≤-antisym = antsym

  module _ {_<_ : Rel A ℓ″} where

    import Relation.Binary.Construct.StrictToNonStrict _≈_ _<_ as SNS

    module _ (<-isStrictPartialOrder : IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_) where

        hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder : HasPreorder
        hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder = record
          { _≤_ = SNS._≤_
          ; _<_ = _<_
          ; ≤-isPreorder = SNS.isPreorder₂ <-isStrictPartialOrder
          ; <-irrefl = <-isStrictPartialOrder .IsStrictPartialOrder.irrefl
          ; ≤⇔<∨≈ = mk⇔ id id

        instance _ = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder

        hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder : HasPartialOrder
        hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder = record
          { hasPreorder = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder
          ; ≤-antisym = SNS.isPartialOrder <-isStrictPartialOrder .IsPartialOrder.antisym

    module _ (<-isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_) where

      private spo = IsStrictTotalOrder.isStrictPartialOrder <-isStrictTotalOrder

      hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPreorder
      hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder spo

      hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPartialOrder
      hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder = hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder spo