{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- A simple reflection based solver for categories.
-- Based off 'Tactic.MonoidSolver' from 'agda-stdlib'

open import Categories.Category

module Categories.Tactic.Category where

open import Level
open import Function using (_⟨_⟩_)

open import Data.Bool    as Bool    using (Bool; _∨_; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Maybe   as Maybe   using (Maybe; just; nothing; maybe)
open import Data.List    as List    using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Product as Product using (_×_; _,_)

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Reflection.AST.Argument
open import Reflection.AST.Term using (getName; _⋯⟅∷⟆_)
open import Reflection.TCM.Syntax

module _ {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

  open Category 𝒞
  open HomReasoning
  open Equiv

      A B C : Obj
      f g   : A  B

  -- An 'Expr' reifies the parentheses/identity morphisms of some series of 
  -- compositions of morphisms into a data structure. In fact, this is also
  -- a category!
  data Expr : Obj  Obj  Set (o  ) where
    _∘′_ :  {A B C}  Expr B C  Expr A B  Expr A C 
    id′  :  {A}  Expr A A
    [_↑] :  {A B}  A  B  Expr A B
  -- Embed a morphism in 'Expr' back into '𝒞' without normalizing.
  [_↓] : Expr A B  A  B 
  [ f ∘′ g ↓] = [ f ↓]  [ g ↓]
  [ id′ ↓]    = id
  [ [ f ↑] ↓] = f
  -- Convert an 'Expr' back into a morphism, while normalizing
  -- This actually embeds the morphism into the category of copresheaves
  -- on 𝒞, which obeys the category laws up to beta-eta equality.
  -- This lets us normalize away all the associations/identity morphisms.
  embed : Expr B C  A  B  A  C
  embed (f ∘′ g) h  = embed f (embed g h)
  embed id′ h       = h
  embed [ f ↑] h    = f  h

  preserves-≈′ :  (f : Expr B C)  (h : A  B)  embed f id  h  embed f h
  preserves-≈′ id′ f      = identityˡ
  preserves-≈′ [ x ↑] f   = ∘-resp-≈ˡ identityʳ
  preserves-≈′ (f ∘′ g) h = begin
    embed (f ∘′ g) id  h         ≡⟨⟩
    embed f (embed g id)  h      ≈˘⟨ preserves-≈′ f (embed g id) ⟩∘⟨refl 
    (embed f id  embed g id)  h ≈⟨ assoc  
    embed f id  embed g id  h   ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ preserves-≈′ g h 
    embed f id  embed g h        ≈⟨ preserves-≈′ f (embed g h) 
    embed (f ∘′ g) h              
  preserves-≈ :  (f : Expr A B)  embed f id  [ f ↓]
  preserves-≈ id′      = refl
  preserves-≈ [ x ↑]   = identityʳ
  preserves-≈ (f ∘′ g) = begin
    embed (f ∘′ g) id       ≈˘⟨ preserves-≈′ f (embed g id) 
    embed f id  embed g id ≈⟨ preserves-≈ f ⟩∘⟨ preserves-≈ g 
    [ f ↓]  [ g ↓]         ≡⟨⟩
    [ f ∘′ g ↓]             

-- Reflection Helpers

_==_ = primQNameEquality
{-# INLINE _==_ #-}

getArgs : Term  Maybe (Term × Term)
getArgs (def _ xs) = go xs
  go : List (Arg Term)  Maybe (Term × Term)
  go (vArg x  vArg y  []) = just (x , y)
  go (x  xs)               = go xs
  go _                      = nothing
getArgs _ = nothing

-- Getting Category Names

record CategoryNames : Set where
    is-∘ : Name  Bool
    is-id : Name  Bool

buildMatcher : Name  Maybe Name  Name  Bool
buildMatcher n nothing  x = n == x
buildMatcher n (just m) x = n == x  m == x

findCategoryNames : Term  TC CategoryNames
findCategoryNames cat = do
  ∘-altName  normalise (def (quote Category._∘_) (3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩ []))
  id-altName  normalise (def (quote Category.id) (3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩ []))
  returnTC record
    { is-∘ = buildMatcher (quote Category._∘_) (getName ∘-altName)
    ; is-id = buildMatcher (quote Category.id) (getName id-altName)

-- Constructing an Expr

″id″ : Term
″id″ = quote id′  con  []

″[_↑]″ : Term  Term
″[ t ↑]″ = quote [_↑]  con  (t ⟨∷⟩ [])

module _ (names : CategoryNames) where

  open CategoryNames names

    ″∘″ : List (Arg Term)  Term
    ″∘″ (x ⟨∷⟩ y ⟨∷⟩ xs) = quote _∘′_  con  buildExpr x ⟨∷⟩ buildExpr y ⟨∷⟩ []
    ″∘″ (x  xs) = ″∘″ xs
    ″∘″ _ = unknown

    buildExpr : Term  Term
    buildExpr t@(def n xs) =
      if (is-∘ n)
        then ″∘″ xs
      else if (is-id n)
        then ″id″
        ″[ t ↑]″
    buildExpr t@(con n xs) =
      if (is-∘ n)
        then ″∘″ xs
      else if (is-id n)
        then ″id″
        ″[ t ↑]″
    buildExpr t = ″[ t ↑]″

-- Constructing the Solution

constructSoln : Term  CategoryNames  Term  Term  Term
constructSoln cat names lhs rhs =
  quote Category.Equiv.trans  def  3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩
    (quote Category.Equiv.sym  def  3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩
      (quote preserves-≈  def  3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩ buildExpr names lhs ⟨∷⟩ []) ⟨∷⟩ [])
    (quote preserves-≈  def  3 ⋯⟅∷⟆ cat ⟨∷⟩ buildExpr names rhs ⟨∷⟩ [])
    ⟨∷⟩ []

solve-macro : Term  Term  TC _
solve-macro mon hole = do
  hole′  inferType hole >>= normalise
  names  findCategoryNames mon
  just (lhs , rhs)  returnTC (getArgs hole′)
    where nothing  typeError (termErr hole′  [])
  let soln = constructSoln mon names lhs rhs
  unify hole soln

  solve : Term  Term  TC _
  solve = solve-macro