{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category

-- Biproducts, a-la Karvonen.
-- This definition has advantages over more traditional ones,
-- namely that that we don't require either enrichment in CMon/Ab, or Zero Objects.
-- See https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.06488
module Categories.Object.Biproduct {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open import Level

open import Categories.Object.Coproduct 𝒞
open import Categories.Object.Product 𝒞

open import Categories.Morphism 𝒞

open Category 𝒞
open HomReasoning

    A B C D : Obj
    f g h : A  B

record IsBiproduct {A B A⊕B : Obj} (π₁ : A⊕B  A) (π₂ : A⊕B  B) (i₁ : A  A⊕B) (i₂ : B  A⊕B) : Set (o    e) where
    isCoproduct : IsCoproduct i₁ i₂
    isProduct : IsProduct π₁ π₂

    π₁∘i₁≈id : π₁  i₁  id
    π₂∘i₂≈id : π₂  i₂  id
    permute  : i₁  π₁  i₂  π₂  i₂  π₂  i₁  π₁

  open IsCoproduct isCoproduct public renaming (unique to []-unique)
  open IsProduct isProduct public renaming (unique to ⟨⟩-unique)

record Biproduct (A B : Obj) : Set (o    e) where
    A⊕B : Obj

    π₁    : A⊕B  A
    π₂    : A⊕B  B

    i₁    : A  A⊕B
    i₂    : B  A⊕B

    isBiproduct : IsBiproduct π₁ π₂ i₁ i₂

  open IsBiproduct isBiproduct public

IsBiproduct⇒Biproduct : {π₁ : C  A} {π₂ : C  B} {i₁ : A  C} {i₂ : B  C}   IsBiproduct π₁ π₂ i₁ i₂  Biproduct A B
IsBiproduct⇒Biproduct isBiproduct = record
  { isBiproduct = isBiproduct

Biproduct⇒IsBiproduct : (b : Biproduct A B)  IsBiproduct (Biproduct.π₁ b) (Biproduct.π₂ b) (Biproduct.i₁ b) (Biproduct.i₂ b)
Biproduct⇒IsBiproduct biproduct = Biproduct.isBiproduct biproduct

Biproduct⇒Product : Biproduct A B  Product A B
Biproduct⇒Product b = record
  { ⟨_,_⟩ = ⟨_,_⟩
  ; project₁ = project₁
  ; project₂ = project₂
  ; unique = ⟨⟩-unique
    open Biproduct b

Biproduct⇒Coproduct : Biproduct A B  Coproduct A B
Biproduct⇒Coproduct b = record
  { [_,_] = [_,_]
  ; inject₁ = inject₁
  ; inject₂ = inject₂
  ; unique = []-unique
    open Biproduct b