{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category using (Category; module Definitions)

-- 'Heterogeneous' identity morphism and some laws about them.

module Categories.Morphism.HeterogeneousIdentity {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

import Categories.Morphism as Morphism
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning.Iso as Reasoning

open Category C
open Definitions C
open Morphism C
open Reasoning C using (switch-tofromʳ)

-- If Agda was an extensional type theory, any pair of morphisms
--   f : A ⇒ B   and   g : A ⇒ C,
-- where `A ≡ B`, would belong to the same homset, even if `A` and `B`
-- are not definitionally equal.  In particular, the identity on `B`
-- could be given the type |id {B} : B ⇒ C|.
-- But Agda is an intensional type theory, so the identity cannot have
-- this type, in general.  Instead one needs to manually 'transport'
-- |id {B}| into the homset |B ⇒ C|.  Given |p : B ≡ C| one obtains
--   subst (B ⇒_) p (id {B})
-- Morphisms like thes are no longer identities (in the strict
-- sense) but they still enjoy many of the properties identities do.
-- To make this precise, this module introduces a notion of
-- 'heterogeneous identity', which is an identity morphism whose
-- domain and codomain are propositionally equal (but not necessarily
-- syntactically equal).

-- A heterogeneous identity is just the transport of an identity
-- along a 'strict' equation of objects.

hid :  {A B} (p : A  B)  A  B
hid {A} p = subst (A ⇒_) p id

-- Lemmas about heterogeneous identities

hid-refl :  {A : Obj}  hid refl  id {A}
hid-refl = Equiv.refl

hid-trans :  {A B C} (p : B  C) (q : A  B) 
            hid p  hid q  hid (trans q p)
hid-trans refl refl = identityˡ

hid-symˡ :  {A B} (p : A  B)  hid (sym p)  hid p  id {A}
hid-symˡ refl = identityˡ

hid-symʳ :  {A B} (p : A  B)  hid p  hid (sym p)  id {B}
hid-symʳ refl = identityˡ

hid-sym-sym :  {A B} (p : A  B)  hid (sym (sym p))  hid p
hid-sym-sym refl = Equiv.refl

hid-iso :  {A B} (p : A  B)  Iso (hid p) (hid (sym p))
hid-iso p = record { isoˡ = hid-symˡ p ; isoʳ = hid-symʳ p }

hid-≅ :  {A B} (p : A  B)  A  B
hid-≅ p = record { from = hid p ; to = hid (sym p) ; iso = hid-iso p }

hid-cong :  {A B} {p q : A  B}  p  q  hid p  hid q
hid-cong refl = Equiv.refl

-- Transporting the domain/codomain is the same as
-- pre/post-composing with heterogeneous identity.

hid-subst-dom :  {A B C} (p : A  B) (f : B  C) 
                subst (_⇒ C) (sym p) f  f  hid p
hid-subst-dom refl f = Equiv.sym identityʳ

hid-subst-cod :  {A B C} (f : A  B) (p : B  C) 
                subst (A ⇒_) p f  hid p  f
hid-subst-cod f refl = Equiv.sym identityˡ

hid-subst₂ :  {A B C D} (p : A  B) (q : C  D) (f : A  C) 
             subst₂ (_⇒_) p q f  hid q  f  hid (sym p)
hid-subst₂ refl refl f = Equiv.sym (Equiv.trans identityˡ identityʳ)

hid-square :  {A B C D} {f : A  B} {p : A  C} {q : B  D} {g : C  D} 
             (subst₂ _⇒_ p q f  g) 
             CommutativeSquare f (hid p) (hid q) g
hid-square {f = f} {p} {q} {g} eq = switch-tofromʳ (hid-≅ p) (begin
  (hid q  f)  hid (sym p)     ≈⟨ assoc 
  hid q  f  hid (sym p)       ≈˘⟨ hid-subst₂ p q f 
  subst₂ _⇒_ p q f              ≈⟨ eq 
  g                             )
  where open HomReasoning