{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Functor.Bialgebra where

open import Level
open import Categories.Category using (Category)
open import Categories.Functor
open import Categories.Functor.Algebra
open import Categories.Functor.Coalgebra
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation)
open import Categories.Functor.DistributiveLaw using (DistributiveLaw)

given two endofunctors T and F on a category C, we can define a
(T,F)-bialgebra to be an object of C equipped with the structure of a
T-algebra and an F-coalgebra, i.e. just a triple (A,a,c), where a:TA→A
and c:A→FA.  μ is a distributive law (of T over F): a natural
transformation μ:TF→FT.  A μ-bialgebra is a (T,F)-bialgebra (A,a,c)
such that c∘a=Fa∘μ_A∘Tc [category theory - How are F-bialgebras
defined? - Mathematics Stack Exchange]

See also: header comment in `Categories.Category.Construction.mu-Bialgebras`

    o  e : Level

module _ {C : Category o  e} where

  record μ-Bialgebra (T F : Endofunctor C) (μ : DistributiveLaw T F)
       : Set (o    e) where
    open Category C
    open Functor
    open NaturalTransformation
      A : Obj
      a₁ : F-Algebra-on T A
      c₁ : F-Coalgebra-on F A
    module F = Functor F
    module T = Functor T
      respects-μ : c₁  a₁  ((F.₁) a₁)  (μ .η A)  ((T.₁) c₁)
    --to access the (co)algebras induced by the morphisms:
    alg : F-Algebra T
    alg = to-Algebra a₁

    coalg : F-Coalgebra F
    coalg = to-Coalgebra c₁

  record μ-Bialgebra-Morphism {T F : Endofunctor C} {μ : DistributiveLaw T F} (X Y : μ-Bialgebra T F μ) : Set (o    e) where
    open Category C using (_⇒_)
      module X = μ-Bialgebra X
      module Y = μ-Bialgebra Y
      f : X.A  Y.A
      f-is-alg-morph : is-F-Algebra-Morphism X.alg Y.alg f
      f-is-coalg-morph : is-F-Coalgebra-Morphism X.coalg Y.coalg f

    alg-morph : F-Algebra-Morphism X.alg Y.alg
    alg-morph = record { f = f; commutes = f-is-alg-morph }

    coalg-morph : F-Coalgebra-Morphism X.coalg Y.coalg
    coalg-morph = record { f = f; commutes = f-is-coalg-morph }