{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category

module Categories.Diagram.Pullback.Properties {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Function using (_$_)

open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts C
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian C
open import Categories.Diagram.Pullback C
open import Categories.Diagram.Equalizer C hiding (up-to-iso)
open import Categories.Object.Product C hiding (up-to-iso)
open import Categories.Object.Terminal C hiding (up-to-iso)
open import Categories.Morphism C
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C
open import Categories.Category.Complete.Finitely using (FinitelyComplete)
open import Data.Product using (; _,_)

  open Category C
    X Y Z : Obj
    f g h i : X  Y
open HomReasoning
open Equiv

-- pullbacks of a monomorphism along itself give us the identity arrow.
pullback-self-mono : Mono f  IsPullback id id f f
pullback-self-mono mono = record
  { commute = refl
  ; universal = λ {X} {h₁} {h₂} eq  h₁
  ; p₁∘universal≈h₁ = identityˡ
  ; p₂∘universal≈h₂ = λ {X} {h₁} {h₂} {eq}  identityˡ  mono h₁ h₂ eq
  ; unique-diagram = λ id∘h≈id∘i _  introˡ refl  id∘h≈id∘i  elimˡ refl

-- pullback from a terminal object is the same as a product
module _ (t : Terminal) where
  open Terminal t

  pullback-⊤⇒product : Pullback (! {X}) (! {Y})  Product X Y
  pullback-⊤⇒product p = record
    { A×B      = P
    ; π₁       = p₁
    ; π₂       = p₂
    ; ⟨_,_⟩    = λ f g  universal (!-unique₂ {f = !  f} {g = !  g})
    ; project₁ = p₁∘universal≈h₁
    ; project₂ = p₂∘universal≈h₂
    ; unique   = λ eq eq′   (unique eq eq′)
    where open Pullback p

  product⇒pullback-⊤ : Product X Y  Pullback (! {X}) (! {Y})
  product⇒pullback-⊤ p = record
    { p₁              = π₁
    ; p₂              = π₂
    ; isPullback = record
      { commute         = !-unique₂
      ; universal       = λ {_ f g} _   f , g 
      ; p₁∘universal≈h₁ = project₁
      ; p₂∘universal≈h₂ = project₂
      ; unique-diagram  = unique′
    where open Product p

-- pullbacks respect _≈_
module _ (p : Pullback f g) where
  open Pullback p

  pullback-resp-≈ : f  h  g  i  Pullback h i
  pullback-resp-≈ eq eq′ = record
    { p₁              = p₁
    ; p₂              = p₂
    ; isPullback = record
      { commute         = ∘-resp-≈ˡ ( eq)  commute  ∘-resp-≈ˡ eq′
      ; universal       = λ eq″  universal (∘-resp-≈ˡ eq  eq″  ∘-resp-≈ˡ ( eq′))
      ; p₁∘universal≈h₁ = p₁∘universal≈h₁
      ; p₂∘universal≈h₂ = p₂∘universal≈h₂
      ; unique-diagram  = unique-diagram

-- Some facts about pulling back along identity
module _ (p : Pullback id f) where
  open Pullback p

  -- This is a more subtle way of saying that 'p₂ ≈ id', without involving heterogenous equality.
  pullback-identity : universal id-comm-sym  p₂  id
  pullback-identity = begin
    universal id-comm-sym  p₂ ≈⟨ unique ( pullˡ p₁∘universal≈h₁ ) (pullˡ p₂∘universal≈h₂)  
    universal eq               ≈⟨ universal-resp-≈ ( commute  identityˡ) identityˡ 
    universal commute          ≈˘⟨ Pullback.id-unique p 
      eq : id  f  p₂  f  id  p₂
      eq = begin
        (id  f  p₂) ≈⟨ elimˡ Equiv.refl 
        (f  p₂)      ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ 
        (f  id  p₂) 

-- pullbacks in Cartesian categories create equalizers
module _ (pullbacks :  {X Y Z} (f : X  Z) (g : Y  Z)  Pullback f g)
         (cartesian : Cartesian) where
  open Cartesian cartesian
  open BinaryProducts products using (⟨_,_⟩; π₁; π₂; ⟨⟩-cong₂; ⟨⟩∘; project₁; project₂)

  pullback×cartesian⇒equalizer : Equalizer f g
  pullback×cartesian⇒equalizer {f = f} {g = g} = record
    { arr       = p.p₁
    ; isEqualizer = record
      { equality  = equality
      ; equalize  = λ {_ h} eq  p.universal $ begin
         f , g   h               ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
         f  h , g  h            ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ identityˡ (identityˡ  eq) 
         id  f  h , id  f  h  ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
         id , id   f  h         
      ; universal =  p.p₁∘universal≈h₁
      ; unique    = λ eq  p.unique ( eq)
                                    ( (pullˡ eq′)   (∘-resp-≈ʳ eq))
    where p : Pullback  f , g   id , id 
          p = pullbacks _ _
          module p = Pullback p
          eq :  f  p.p₁ , g  p.p₁    p.p₂ , p.p₂ 
          eq = begin
             f  p.p₁ , g  p.p₁       ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
             f , g   p.p₁             ≈⟨ p.commute 
             id , id   p.p₂           ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
             id  p.p₂ , id  p.p₂     ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ identityˡ identityˡ 
             p.p₂ , p.p₂               
          eq′ : f  p.p₁   p.p₂
          eq′ = begin
            f  p.p₁                     ≈˘⟨ project₁ 
            π₁   f  p.p₁ , g  p.p₁  ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ eq 
            π₁   p.p₂ , p.p₂          ≈⟨ project₁ 
          equality : f  p.p₁  g  p.p₁
          equality = begin
            f  p.p₁                     ≈⟨ eq′ 
            p.p₂                         ≈˘⟨ project₂ 
            π₂   p.p₂ , p.p₂          ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ eq 
            π₂   f  p.p₁ , g  p.p₁  ≈⟨ project₂ 
            g  p.p₁                     

-- all pullbacks and a terminal object make a category finitely complete
pullback-⊤⇒FinitelyComplete : (∀ {X Y Z} (f : X  Z) (g : Y  Z)  Pullback f g)  Terminal  FinitelyComplete C
pullback-⊤⇒FinitelyComplete pullbacks  = record
  { cartesian = cartesian
  ; equalizer = λ _ _  pullback×cartesian⇒equalizer pullbacks cartesian
      open Category hiding (Obj)
      open Pullback
      open Terminal  hiding ()

      _×_ : (A B : Obj)  Pullback (IsTerminal.! ⊤-is-terminal) (IsTerminal.! ⊤-is-terminal)
      A × B = pullbacks (IsTerminal.! ⊤-is-terminal) (IsTerminal.! ⊤-is-terminal)

      cartesian = record
        { terminal = 
        ; products = record
            { product = λ {A B}  record
                { A×B = P {A}{_}{B} (A × B)
                ; π₁ = p₁ (A × B)
                ; π₂ = p₂ (A × B)
                ; ⟨_,_⟩ =  λ _ _  universal (A × B) (!-unique₂)
                ; project₁ = p₁∘universal≈h₁ (A × B)
                ; project₂ = p₂∘universal≈h₂ (A × B)
                ; unique = λ eq₁ eq₂  Equiv.sym C (unique (A × B) eq₁ eq₂)

-- extra properties of "up-to-iso"
module IsoPb {X Y Z} {f : X  Z} {g : Y  Z} (pull₀ pull₁ : Pullback f g) where
  open Pullback using (P; p₁; p₂; p₁∘universal≈h₁; p₂∘universal≈h₂; commute; universal)

  P₀≅P₁ : P pull₀  P pull₁
  P₀≅P₁ = up-to-iso pull₀ pull₁

  P₀⇒P₁ : P pull₀  P pull₁
  P₀⇒P₁ = _≅_.from P₀≅P₁

  p₁-≈ : p₁ pull₁  P₀⇒P₁  p₁ pull₀
  p₁-≈ = p₁∘universal≈h₁ pull₁ {eq = commute pull₀}

  p₂-≈ : p₂ pull₁  P₀⇒P₁  p₂ pull₀
  p₂-≈ = p₂∘universal≈h₂ pull₁ {eq = commute pull₀}

-- pasting law for pullbacks:
-- in a commutative diagram of the form
-- A -> B -> C
-- |    |    |
-- D -> E -> F
-- if the right square (BCEF) is a pullback,
-- then the left square (ABDE) is a pullback
-- iff the big square (ACDF) is a pullback.
module PullbackPastingLaw {A B C D E F : Obj}
  {f : A  B} {g : B  C} {h : A  D} {i : B  E} {j : C  F} {k : D  E} {l : E  F}
  (ABDE : i  f  k  h) (BCEF : j  g  l  i) (pbᵣ : IsPullback g i j l) where
  open IsPullback using (p₁∘universal≈h₁; p₂∘universal≈h₂; universal; unique-diagram)

  leftPullback⇒bigPullback : IsPullback f h i k  IsPullback (g  f) h j (l  k)
  leftPullback⇒bigPullback pbₗ = record
    { commute = ACDF
    ; universal = universalb
    ; p₁∘universal≈h₁ = [g∘f]∘universalb≈h₁
    ; p₂∘universal≈h₂ = p₂∘universal≈h₂ pbₗ
    ; unique-diagram = unique-diagramb
    } where
      ACDF : j  (g  f)  (l  k)  h
      ACDF = begin
        j  g  f   ≈⟨ extendʳ BCEF 
        l  i  f   ≈⟨ pushʳ ABDE  
        (l  k)  h 

      -- first apply universal property of (BCEF) to get a morphism H -> B,
      -- then apply universal property of (ABDE) to get a morphism H -> A.
      universalb : {H : Obj} {h₁ : H  C} {h₂ : H  D}  j  h₁  (l  k)  h₂  H  A
      universalb {_} {h₁} {h₂} eq = universal pbₗ (p₂∘universal≈h₂ pbᵣ {eq = j∘h₁≈l∘k∘h₂}) where
        j∘h₁≈l∘k∘h₂ : j  h₁  l  k  h₂
        j∘h₁≈l∘k∘h₂ = begin
          j  h₁       ≈⟨ eq 
          (l  k)  h₂ ≈⟨ assoc 
          l  k  h₂   
      [g∘f]∘universalb≈h₁ : {H : Obj} {h₁ : H  C} {h₂ : H  D} {eq : j  h₁  (l  k)  h₂}  (g  f)  universalb eq  h₁
      [g∘f]∘universalb≈h₁ {h₁ = h₁} = begin
        (g  f)  universalb _ ≈⟨ pullʳ (p₁∘universal≈h₁ pbₗ) 
        g  universal pbᵣ _    ≈⟨ p₁∘universal≈h₁ pbᵣ 
      unique-diagramb : {H : Obj} {s t : H  A}  (g  f)  s  (g  f)  t  h  s  h  t  s  t
      unique-diagramb {_} {s} {t} eq eq' = unique-diagram pbₗ (unique-diagram pbᵣ g∘f∘s≈g∘f∘t i∘f∘s≈i∘f∘t) eq' where
        g∘f∘s≈g∘f∘t : g  f  s  g  f  t
        g∘f∘s≈g∘f∘t = begin
          g  f  s   ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
          (g  f)  s ≈⟨ eq 
          (g  f)  t ≈⟨ assoc 
          g  f  t   
        i∘f∘s≈i∘f∘t : i  f  s  i  f  t
        i∘f∘s≈i∘f∘t = begin
          i  f  s   ≈⟨ pullˡ ABDE  
          (k  h)  s ≈⟨ pullʳ eq' 
          k  h  t   ≈⟨ extendʳ (sym ABDE) 
          i  f  t   

  bigPullback⇒leftPullback : IsPullback (g  f) h j (l  k)  IsPullback f h i k
  bigPullback⇒leftPullback pbb = record
    { commute = ABDE
    ; universal = universalₗ
    ; p₁∘universal≈h₁ = f∘universalₗ≈h₁
    ; p₂∘universal≈h₂ = p₂∘universal≈h₂ pbb
    ; unique-diagram = unique-diagramb
    } where   
      universalₗ : {H : Obj} {h₁ : H  B} {h₂ : H  D}  i  h₁  k  h₂  H  A
      universalₗ {_} {h₁} {h₂} eq = universal pbb j∘g∘h₁≈[l∘k]∘h₂ where
        j∘g∘h₁≈[l∘k]∘h₂ : j  g  h₁  (l  k)  h₂
        j∘g∘h₁≈[l∘k]∘h₂ = begin
          j  g  h₁   ≈⟨ pullˡ BCEF 
          (l  i)  h₁ ≈⟨ extendˡ eq 
          (l  k)  h₂ 

      f∘universalₗ≈h₁ : {H : Obj} {h₁ : H  B} {h₂ : H  D} {eq : i  h₁  k  h₂}  f  universalₗ eq  h₁
      f∘universalₗ≈h₁ {_} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} = unique-diagram pbᵣ g∘f∘universalₗ≈g∘h₁ i∘f∘universalₗ≈i∘h₁ where
        g∘f∘universalₗ≈g∘h₁ : g  f  universalₗ _  g  h₁
        g∘f∘universalₗ≈g∘h₁ = begin
          g  f  universalₗ _   ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
          (g  f)  universalₗ _ ≈⟨ p₁∘universal≈h₁ pbb 
          g  h₁                                
        i∘f∘universalₗ≈i∘h₁ : i  f  universalₗ _  i  h₁
        i∘f∘universalₗ≈i∘h₁ = begin
          i  f  universalₗ _   ≈⟨ pullˡ ABDE 
          (k  h)  universalₗ _ ≈⟨ pullʳ (p₂∘universal≈h₂ pbb) 
          k  h₂                 ≈⟨ sym eq 
          i  h₁                 
      unique-diagramb : {H : Obj} {s t : H  A}  f  s  f  t  h  s  h  t  s  t
      unique-diagramb eq eq' = unique-diagram pbb (extendˡ eq) eq'