{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category using (Category; module Commutation)

module Categories.Category.Closed {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

  module C = Category C
  open C
    A B X X′ Y Y′ Z Z′ U V : Obj
    f g : A  B

  open Commutation C

open import Level using (Level; levelOfTerm)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Func; Inverse)
open import Function.Definitions using (Inverseᵇ)

open import Categories.Category.Product using (_⁂_)
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor; appˡ; appʳ; flip-bifunctor)
open import Categories.Functor.Construction.Constant using (const)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural
  using (Extranaturalʳ; extranaturalʳ; DinaturalTransformation)

record Closed : Set (levelOfTerm C) where
    -- internal hom
    [-,-] : Bifunctor C.op C C
    unit  : Obj

  [_,-] : Obj  Functor C C
  [_,-] = appˡ [-,-]

  [-,_] : Obj  Functor C.op C
  [-,_] = appʳ [-,-]

  module [-,-] = Functor [-,-]

  [_,_]₀ : Obj  Obj  Obj
  [ X , Y ]₀ = [-,-].F₀ (X , Y)

  [_,_]₁ : A  B  X  Y  [ B , X ]₀  [ A , Y ]₀
  [ f , g ]₁ = [-,-].F₁ (f , g)

    -- i
    identity : NaturalIsomorphism idF [ unit ,-]
    -- j
    diagonal : Extranaturalʳ unit [-,-]

  module identity = NaturalIsomorphism identity
  module diagonal = DinaturalTransformation diagonal

  [[X,-],[X,-]] : Obj  Bifunctor C.op C C
  [[X,-],[X,-]] X = [-,-] ∘F (Functor.op [ X ,-]  [ X ,-])

  [[-,Y],[-,Z]] : Obj  Obj  Bifunctor C C.op C
  [[-,Y],[-,Z]] Y Z = [-,-] ∘F ((Functor.op [-, Y ])  [-, Z ])

  -- L needs to be natural in Y and Z while extranatural in Z.
  -- it is better to spell out the conditions and then prove that indeed
  -- the naturality conditions hold.
    L :  X Y Z  [ Y , Z ]₀  [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , Z ]₀ ]₀
    L-natural-comm : [ [ Y , Z ]₀   [ [ X , Y′ ]₀ , [ X , Z′ ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
                       [ f , g ]₁                                   ⇒⟨ [ Y′ , Z′ ]₀ 
                       L X Y′ Z′
                      L X Y Z                                      ⇒⟨ [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , Z ]₀ ]₀ 
                       [ [ C.id , f ]₁ , [ C.id , g ]₁ ]₁
    L-dinatural-comm : [ [ Y , Z ]₀   [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X′ , Z ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
                         L X′ Y Z                                      ⇒⟨ [ [ X′ , Y ]₀ , [ X′ , Z ]₀ ]₀ 
                         [ [ f , C.id ]₁ , [ C.id , C.id ]₁ ]₁
                        L X Y Z                                       ⇒⟨ [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , Z ]₀ ]₀ 
                         [ [ C.id , C.id ]₁ , [ f , C.id ]₁ ]₁

  L-natural : NaturalTransformation [-,-] ([[X,-],[X,-]] X)
  L-natural {X} = ntHelper record
    { η       = λ where
      (Y , Z)  L X Y Z
    ; commute = λ _  L-natural-comm

  L-dinatural : Extranaturalʳ [ Y , Z ]₀ (flip-bifunctor ([[-,Y],[-,Z]] Y Z))
  L-dinatural {Y} {Z} = extranaturalʳ  X  L X Y Z) L-dinatural-comm

  module L-natural {X}     = NaturalTransformation (L-natural {X})
  module L-dinatural {Y Z} = DinaturalTransformation (L-dinatural {Y} {Z})

  -- other required diagrams
    Lj≈j : [ unit  [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , Y ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
             diagonal.α Y                        ⇒⟨ [ Y , Y ]₀ 
             L X Y Y
            diagonal.α [ X , Y ]₀
    jL≈i : [ [ X , Y ]₀  [ unit , [ X , Y ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
             L X X Y                             ⇒⟨ [ [ X , X ]₀ , [ X , Y ]₀ ]₀ 
             [ diagonal.α X , C.id ]₁
            identity.⇒.η [ X , Y ]₀
    iL≈i : [ [ Y , Z ]₀  [ Y , [ unit , Z ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
             L unit Y Z                          ⇒⟨ [ [ unit , Y ]₀ , [ unit , Z ]₀ ]₀ 
             [ identity.⇒.η Y , C.id ]₁
            [ C.id , identity.⇒.η Z ]₁

    pentagon : [ [ U , V ]₀  [ [ Y , U ]₀ , [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , V ]₀ ]₀ ]₀ ]⟨
                 L X U V                            ⇒⟨ [ [ X , U ]₀ , [ X , V ]₀ ]₀ 
                 L [ X , Y ]₀ [ X , U ]₀ [ X , V ]₀ ⇒⟨ [ [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , U ]₀ ]₀ , [ [ X , Y ]₀ , [ X , V ]₀ ]₀ ]₀ 
                 [ L X Y U , C.id ]₁
                L Y U V                            ⇒⟨ [ [ Y , U ]₀ , [ Y , V ]₀ ]₀ 
                 [ C.id , L X Y V ]₁

  open Functor
  open Func

  γ : Func (hom-setoid {X} {Y}) (hom-setoid {unit} {[ X , Y ]₀})
  γ {X} = record
    { to = λ f  [ C.id , f ]₁  diagonal.α _
    ; cong  = λ eq  ∘-resp-≈ˡ (F-resp-≈ [ X ,-] eq)

    γ⁻¹            : Func (hom-setoid {unit} {[ X , Y ]₀}) (hom-setoid {X} {Y})
    γ-γ⁻¹-inverseᵇ : Inverseᵇ _≈_ _≈_ (to γ⁻¹) (to (γ {X} {Y}))

  γ-inverse : Inverse (hom-setoid {unit} {[ X , Y ]₀}) (hom-setoid {X} {Y})
  γ-inverse = record
    { to        = to γ⁻¹
    ; to-cong   = cong γ⁻¹
    ; from      = to γ
    ; from-cong = cong γ
    ; inverse   = γ-γ⁻¹-inverseᵇ