{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Adjoint.Relative where

-- Relative Adjoints, in their biased, level-restricted version
--   In other words, this uses the Hom-Setoid equivalent variant
--   of the adjoint formulation because relative adjoints don't
--   have a natural unit/counit formulation.

-- We use the Altenkirch-Chapman-Uustalu formulation, which means
-- that what is adjoint is a Functor and a Category.

open import Level

open import Data.Product using (_,_; _×_)
open import Function using (_$_) renaming (_∘_ to _∙_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Func; _⟨$⟩_)
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid)

-- be explicit in imports to 'see' where the information comes from
open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)
open import Categories.Category.Product using (Product; _⁂_)
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor; _∘F_) renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor)
open import Categories.Functor.Hom using (Hom[_][-,-])
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism
  using (NaturalIsomorphism)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Categories.Monad.Relative renaming (Monad to RMonad)

    o o′  ℓ′ e e′ : Level
    E : Category o  e

record RelativeAdjoint {C : Category o  e} (D : Category o  e) (J : Functor E C)  : Set (levelOfTerm D  levelOfTerm J) where
    L : Functor E D
    R : Functor D C

    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D
    module E = Category E
    module L = Functor L
    module R = Functor R
    module J = Functor J

  Hom[L-,-] : Bifunctor E.op D (Setoids _ _)
  Hom[L-,-] = Hom[ D ][-,-] ∘F (L.op  idF)

  Hom[J-,R-] : Bifunctor E.op D (Setoids _ _)
  Hom[J-,R-] = Hom[ C ][-,-] ∘F (J.op  R)

  module Hom[L-,-] = Functor Hom[L-,-]
  module Hom[J-,R-] = Functor Hom[J-,R-]

    Hom-NI : NaturalIsomorphism Hom[J-,R-] Hom[L-,-]

RA⇒RMonad : {C D : Category o  e} {E : Category o′ ℓ′ e′} {J : Functor E C}  RelativeAdjoint D J  RMonad J
RA⇒RMonad {C = C} {D} {E} {J} RA = record
  { F₀ = F₀ (R ∘F L)
  ; unit = λ {c}  ⇐.η (c , F₀ L c) ⟨$⟩ D.id {F₀ L c}
  ; extend = λ {X} {Y} k  F₁ R (⇒.η (X , F₀ L Y) ⟨$⟩ k)
  ; identityʳ = idʳ
  ; identityˡ = R.F-resp-≈ (iso.isoʳ _)  R.identity
  ; assoc = a
  ; sym-assoc = sym a
  ; extend-≈ = λ k≈h  F-resp-≈ R (Func.cong (⇒.η _) k≈h)
  open RelativeAdjoint RA
  open Functor
  open NaturalIsomorphism Hom-NI
  module D = Category D
  module E = Category E
  module J = Functor J
  module L = Functor L
  module R = Functor R
  open Category C
  open HomReasoning
  open MR C
  open Equiv using (sym)
  idʳ : {x y : E.Obj} {k : J.₀ x  F₀ (R ∘F L) y}  R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)  (⇐.η (x , L.₀ x) ⟨$⟩ D.id)  k
  idʳ {x} {y} {k} = begin
    R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)  (⇐.η (x , L.₀ x) ⟨$⟩ D.id)               ≈⟨ introʳ J.identity 
    (R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)  (⇐.η (x , L.₀ x) ⟨$⟩ D.id))  J.₁ E.id  ≈⟨ assoc 
    R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)  (⇐.η (x , L.₀ x) ⟨$⟩ D.id)  J.₁ E.id    ≈⟨ ⇐.sym-commute (E.id , ⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k) 
    ⇐.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ ((⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k) D.∘ D.id D.∘ L.F₁ E.id)   ≈⟨ Func.cong (⇐.η _) (MR.elimʳ D (MR.elimʳ D L.identity)) 
    ⇐.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)                            ≈⟨ iso.isoˡ (x , _) 
  a : {x y z : E.Obj} {k : J.₀ x  R.₀ (L.₀ y)} {l : J.₀ y  R.₀ (L.₀ z)} 
      R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ R.₁ (⇒.η (y , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ l)  k) 
      R.₁ (⇒.η (y , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ l)  R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)
  a {x} {y} {z} {k} {l} = begin
    R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ (R.₁ (⇒.η (y , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ l)  k)) ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ lemma 
    R.₁ ((⇒.η (y , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ l) D.∘ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k))   ≈⟨ R.homomorphism 
    R.₁ (⇒.η (y , L.₀ z) ⟨$⟩ l)  R.₁ (⇒.η (x , L.₀ y) ⟨$⟩ k)   
    xz = (x , L.₀ z)
    yz = (y , L.₀ z)
    xy = (x , L.₀ y)
    module DR = D.HomReasoning
    lemma : ⇒.η xz ⟨$⟩ R.₁ (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l)  k D.≈ (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l) D.∘ (⇒.η xy ⟨$⟩ k)
    lemma = DR.begin
      ⇒.η xz ⟨$⟩ R.₁ (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l)  k                DR.≈⟨ Func.cong (⇒.η xz) (refl⟩∘⟨ introʳ J.identity ) 
      ⇒.η xz ⟨$⟩ R.₁ (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l)  (k  J.₁ E.id)   DR.≈⟨ ⇒.commute (E.id , ⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l) 
      (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l) D.∘ (⇒.η xy ⟨$⟩ k) D.∘ L.₁ E.id   DR.≈⟨ D.sym-assoc  
      ((⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l) D.∘ (⇒.η xy ⟨$⟩ k)) D.∘ L.₁ E.id DR.≈⟨ MR.elimʳ D L.identity 
      (⇒.η yz ⟨$⟩ l) D.∘ (⇒.η xy ⟨$⟩ k) DR.∎

⊣⇒RAdjoint : {C D : Category o  e} {E : Category o′ ℓ′ e′} (L : Functor C D) (R : Functor D C) (J : Functor E C)  L  R  RelativeAdjoint D J
⊣⇒RAdjoint {C = C} {D} L R J A = record
  { L = L ∘F J
  ; R = R
  ; Hom-NI = record
    { F⇒G = ntHelper record
      { η = λ _  record { to = Radjunct ; cong = ∘-resp-≈ʳ  L.F-resp-≈ }
      ; commute = λ _  Radjunct-comm C.Equiv.refl
    ; F⇐G = ntHelper record
      { η = λ _  record { to = Ladjunct ; cong = C.∘-resp-≈ˡ  R.F-resp-≈ }
      ; commute = λ _  Ladjunct-comm Equiv.refl
    ; iso = λ X  record
      { isoˡ = LRadjunct≈id
      ; isoʳ = RLadjunct≈id
  open Adjoint A
  open Category D
  module C = Category C
  module L = Functor L
  module R = Functor R
  module J = Functor J
  open C.HomReasoning