{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Record where
import Prelude hiding (null, not, (&&), (||))
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Views as A
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Info as Info
import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Polarity
import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause (hasProjectionPatterns)
import Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile
import Agda.TypeChecking.InstanceArguments
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Data
( getGeneralizedParameters, bindGeneralizedParameters, bindParameters
, checkDataSort, fitsIn, forceSort
, defineCompData, defineKanOperationForFields
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term ( isType_ )
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Decl (checkDecl)
import Agda.Utils.Boolean
import Agda.Utils.Function ( applyWhen )
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List (headWithDefault)
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Null
import Agda.Utils.POMonoid
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty as P
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
:: A.DefInfo
-> QName
-> UniverseCheck
-> A.RecordDirectives
-> A.DataDefParams
-> A.Expr
-> [A.Field]
-> TCM ()
checkRecDef :: DefInfo
-> QName
-> UniverseCheck
-> RecordDirectives
-> DataDefParams
-> Expr
-> [Field]
-> TCM ()
checkRecDef DefInfo
i QName
name UniverseCheck
uc (RecordDirectives Maybe (Ranged Induction)
ind Maybe (Ranged HasEta0)
eta0 Maybe Range
pat RecordConName
con) (A.DataDefParams Set Name
gpars [LamBinding]
ps) Expr
contel0 [Field]
fields = do
aType <- QName -> Expr
A.Def (QName -> Expr) -> (Maybe QName -> QName) -> Maybe QName -> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. QName -> Maybe QName -> QName
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe QName
forall a. HasCallStack => a
__IMPOSSIBLE__ (Maybe QName -> Expr) -> TCMT IO (Maybe QName) -> TCMT IO Expr
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> BuiltinId -> TCMT IO (Maybe QName)
forall (m :: * -> *). HasBuiltins m => BuiltinId -> m (Maybe QName)
getBuiltinName' BuiltinId
let contel = PiView -> Expr
A.unPiView (PiView -> Expr) -> (Expr -> PiView) -> Expr -> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (\ (A.PiView [(ExprInfo, Telescope1)]
tels Expr
_) -> [(ExprInfo, Telescope1)] -> Expr -> PiView
A.PiView [(ExprInfo, Telescope1)]
tels Expr
aType) (PiView -> PiView) -> (Expr -> PiView) -> Expr -> PiView
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Expr -> PiView
A.piView (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr
traceCall (CheckRecDef (getRange name) name ps fields) $ do
reportSDoc "tc.rec" 10 $ vcat
[ "checking record def" <+> prettyTCM name
, nest 2 $ "ps =" <+> prettyList (map prettyA ps)
, nest 2 $ "contel =" <+> prettyA contel
, nest 2 $ "fields =" <+> prettyA (map Constr fields)
def <- instantiateDef =<< getConstInfo name
t <- instantiateFull $ defType def
let npars =
case Definition -> Defn
theDef Definition
def of
DataOrRecSig Nat
n -> Nat
_ -> Nat
forall a. HasCallStack => a
setHardCompileTimeModeIfErased' def $ do
parNames <- getGeneralizedParameters gpars name
bindGeneralizedParameters parNames t $ \ Telescope
gtel Type
t0 ->
-> [LamBinding] -> Type -> (Telescope -> Type -> TCM ()) -> TCM ()
forall a.
-> [LamBinding] -> Type -> (Telescope -> Type -> TCM a) -> TCM a
bindParameters (Nat
npars Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- [Maybe Name] -> Nat
forall a. [a] -> Nat
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Nat
length [Maybe Name]
parNames) [LamBinding]
ps Type
t0 ((Telescope -> Type -> TCM ()) -> TCM ())
-> (Telescope -> Type -> TCM ()) -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ Telescope
ptel Type
t0 -> do
let tel :: Telescope
tel = Telescope -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall t. Abstract t => Telescope -> t -> t
abstract Telescope
gtel Telescope
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec" Nat
15 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
"checking fields"
contype <- TCMT IO Type -> TCMT IO Type
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTCEnv m, HasOptions m, MonadDebug m) =>
m a -> m a
workOnTypes (TCMT IO Type -> TCMT IO Type) -> TCMT IO Type -> TCMT IO Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> TCMT IO Type
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(InstantiateFull a, MonadReduce m) =>
a -> m a
instantiateFull (Type -> TCMT IO Type) -> TCMT IO Type -> TCMT IO Type
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< Expr -> TCMT IO Type
isType_ Expr
reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ vcat
[ "contype = " <+> prettyTCM contype ]
let TelV ftel _ = telView' contype
TelV idxTel s <- telView t0
unless (null idxTel) $ typeError $ ShouldBeASort t0
s <- forceSort s
reportSDoc "tc.rec" 20 $ do
gamma <- getContextTelescope
"gamma = " <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM gamma)
rect <- El s . Def name . map Apply <$> getContextArgs
let contype = Telescope -> Type -> Type
telePi_ Telescope
ftel (Nat -> Type -> Type
forall a. Subst a => Nat -> a -> a
raise (Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
ftel) Type
(hasNamedCon, conName) <- case con of
A.NamedRecCon QName
c -> (Bool, QName) -> TCMT IO (Bool, QName)
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
True, QName
A.FreshRecCon QName
c -> (Bool, QName) -> TCMT IO (Bool, QName)
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
False, QName
reportSDoc "tc.rec" 15 $ "adding record type to signature"
etaenabled <- etaEnabled
let getName :: A.Declaration -> [Dom QName]
getName (A.Field DefInfo
_ QName
x Arg Expr
arg) = [QName
x QName -> Dom' Term Expr -> Dom' Term QName
forall a b. a -> Dom' Term b -> Dom' Term a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Arg Expr -> Dom' Term Expr
forall a. Arg a -> Dom a
domFromArg Arg Expr
getName (A.ScopedDecl ScopeInfo
_ [Field
f]) = Field -> [Dom' Term QName]
getName Field
getName Field
_ = []
setTactic Dom' t e
dom Dom' t e
f = Dom' t e
f { domTactic = domTactic dom }
fs = (Dom ([Char], Type) -> Dom' Term QName -> Dom' Term QName)
-> [Dom ([Char], Type)] -> [Dom' Term QName] -> [Dom' Term QName]
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith Dom ([Char], Type) -> Dom' Term QName -> Dom' Term QName
forall {t} {e} {t} {e}. Dom' t e -> Dom' t e -> Dom' t e
setTactic (Telescope -> [Dom ([Char], Type)]
forall t. Tele (Dom t) -> [Dom ([Char], t)]
telToList Telescope
ftel) ([Dom' Term QName] -> [Dom' Term QName])
-> [Dom' Term QName] -> [Dom' Term QName]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Field -> [Dom' Term QName]) -> [Field] -> [Dom' Term QName]
forall (t :: * -> *) a b. Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
concatMap Field -> [Dom' Term QName]
getName [Field]
indCo = Ranged Induction -> Induction
forall a. Ranged a -> a
rangedThing (Ranged Induction -> Induction)
-> Maybe (Ranged Induction) -> Maybe Induction
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe (Ranged Induction)
conInduction = Induction -> Maybe Induction -> Induction
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe Induction
Inductive Maybe Induction
noEta = HasEta -> EtaEquality
Inferred (HasEta -> EtaEquality) -> HasEta -> EtaEquality
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PatternOrCopattern -> HasEta
forall a. a -> HasEta' a
NoEta PatternOrCopattern
haveEta0 = EtaEquality
-> (HasEta -> EtaEquality) -> Maybe HasEta -> EtaEquality
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe EtaEquality
noEta HasEta -> EtaEquality
Specified Maybe HasEta
con = QName -> DataOrRecord -> Induction -> [Arg QName] -> ConHead
ConHead QName
conName (PatternOrCopattern -> DataOrRecord
forall p. p -> DataOrRecord' p
IsRecord PatternOrCopattern
patCopat) Induction
conInduction ([Arg QName] -> ConHead) -> [Arg QName] -> ConHead
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Dom' Term QName -> Arg QName) -> [Dom' Term QName] -> [Arg QName]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Dom' Term QName -> Arg QName
forall t a. Dom' t a -> Arg a
argFromDom [Dom' Term QName]
| Just NoEta{} <- Maybe HasEta
eta = Relevance
| Induction
CoInductive <- Induction
conInduction = Relevance
| [Dom ([Char], Type)] -> Bool
forall a. Null a => a -> Bool
null (Telescope -> [Dom ([Char], Type)]
forall t. Tele (Dom t) -> [Dom ([Char], t)]
telToList Telescope
ftel) = Relevance
| Bool
otherwise = [Relevance] -> Relevance
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> a
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a
minimum ([Relevance] -> Relevance) -> [Relevance] -> Relevance
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Relevance
irrelevant Relevance -> [Relevance] -> [Relevance]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: (Dom ([Char], Type) -> Relevance)
-> [Dom ([Char], Type)] -> [Relevance]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Dom ([Char], Type) -> Relevance
forall a. LensRelevance a => a -> Relevance
getRelevance (Telescope -> [Dom ([Char], Type)]
forall t. Tele (Dom t) -> [Dom ([Char], t)]
telToList Telescope
haveEta <-
if (conInduction == CoInductive && theEtaEquality haveEta0 == YesEta) then do
noEta <$ do
setCurrentRange eta0 $ warning $ CoinductiveEtaRecord name
else pure haveEta0
reportSDoc "tc.rec" 30 $ "record constructor is " <+> prettyTCM con
when (conInduction == CoInductive) $ do
unlessM ((optGuardedness || optSizedTypes) <$> pragmaOptions) $
warning $ NoGuardednessFlag name
let npars = Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
telh = (Dom Type -> Dom Type) -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Tele a -> Tele b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Dom Type -> Dom Type
forall a. (LensHiding a, LensRelevance a) => a -> a
hideAndRelParams Telescope
escapeContext impossible npars $ do
addConstant' name defaultArgInfo t $
{ recPars = npars
, recClause = Nothing
, recConHead = con
, recNamedCon = hasNamedCon
, recFields = fs
, recTel = telh `abstract` ftel
, recAbstr = Info.defAbstract i
, recEtaEquality' = haveEta
, recPatternMatching= patCopat
, recInduction = indCo
, recMutual = Nothing
, recTerminates = Nothing
, recComp = emptyCompKit
erasure <- optErasure <$> pragmaOptions
addConstant' conName defaultArgInfo
(applyWhen erasure (fmap $ applyQuantity zeroQuantity) telh
`abstract` contype) $
{ conPars = npars
, conArity = size fs
, conSrcCon = con
, conData = name
, conAbstr = Info.defAbstract i
, conComp = emptyCompKit
, conProj = Nothing
, conForced = []
, conErased = Nothing
, conErasure = erasure
, conInline = False
case Info.defInstance i of
InstanceDef KwRange
r -> KwRange -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *) x a.
(MonadTrace m, HasRange x) =>
x -> m a -> m a
setCurrentRange KwRange
r (TCM () -> TCM ()) -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
QName -> Type -> TCM ()
addTypedInstance QName
conName Type
NotInstanceDef -> () -> TCM ()
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
_ <- fitsIn conName uc [] contype s
checkDataSort name s
let info = Relevance -> ArgInfo -> ArgInfo
forall a. LensRelevance a => Relevance -> a -> a
setRelevance Relevance
recordRelevance ArgInfo
addRecordVar =
Dom Type -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *) b.
(MonadAddContext m, MonadFresh NameId m) =>
Dom Type -> m b -> m b
addRecordNameContext (ArgInfo -> Dom Type -> Dom Type
forall a. LensArgInfo a => ArgInfo -> a -> a
setArgInfo ArgInfo
info (Dom Type -> Dom Type) -> Dom Type -> Dom Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> Dom Type
forall a. a -> Dom a
defaultDom Type
let m = QName -> ModuleName
qnameToMName QName
eraseRecordParameters <- optEraseRecordParameters <$> pragmaOptions
let maybeErase :: forall a. LensQuantity a => a -> a
maybeErase | Bool
eraseRecordParameters = Quantity -> a -> a
forall a. LensQuantity a => Quantity -> a -> a
setQuantity Quantity
| Bool
otherwise = a -> a
forall a. a -> a
modifyContextInfo (hideOrKeepInstance . maybeErase) $ addRecordVar $ do
reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 10 $ sep
[ "record section:"
, nest 2 $ sep
[ prettyTCM m <+> (inTopContext . prettyTCM =<< getContextTelescope)
, fsep $ punctuate comma $ map (return . P.pretty . map argFromDom . getName) fields
reportSDoc "tc.rec.def" 15 $ nest 2 $ vcat
[ "field tel =" <+> escapeContext impossible 1 (prettyTCM ftel)
addSection m
modifyContextInfo (hideOrKeepInstance . maybeErase) $ do
erasure <- optErasure <$> pragmaOptions
params <- applyWhen erasure (fmap $ applyQuantity zeroQuantity) <$> getContext
addRecordVar $ withCurrentModule m $ do
tel' <- do
r <- headWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getContext
return $ contextToTel $ r : params
setModuleCheckpoint m
checkRecordProjections m name hasNamedCon con tel' ftel fields
whenM cubicalCompatibleOption do
escapeContext impossible npars do
addCompositionForRecord name haveEta con tel (map argFromDom fs) ftel rect
modifySignature $ updateDefinition conName $ \Definition
def ->
def { defMatchable = Set.fromList $ map unDom fs }
patCopat :: PatternOrCopattern
patCopat = PatternOrCopattern
-> (Range -> PatternOrCopattern)
-> Maybe Range
-> PatternOrCopattern
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe PatternOrCopattern
CopatternMatching (PatternOrCopattern -> Range -> PatternOrCopattern
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const PatternOrCopattern
PatternMatching) Maybe Range
eta :: Maybe HasEta
eta = ((PatternOrCopattern
patCopat PatternOrCopattern -> HasEta0 -> HasEta
forall a b. a -> HasEta' b -> HasEta' a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$) (HasEta0 -> HasEta)
-> (Ranged HasEta0 -> HasEta0) -> Ranged HasEta0 -> HasEta
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Ranged HasEta0 -> HasEta0
forall a. Ranged a -> a
rangedThing) (Ranged HasEta0 -> HasEta)
-> Maybe (Ranged HasEta0) -> Maybe HasEta
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe (Ranged HasEta0)
:: QName
-> EtaEquality
-> ConHead
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Telescope
-> Type
-> TCM ()
addCompositionForRecord :: QName
-> EtaEquality
-> ConHead
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Telescope
-> Type
-> TCM ()
addCompositionForRecord QName
name EtaEquality
eta ConHead
con Telescope
tel [Arg QName]
fs Telescope
ftel Type
rect = do
cxt <- TCMT IO Telescope
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadTCEnv m => m Telescope
inTopContext $ do
if null fs then do
kit <- defineCompData name con (abstract cxt tel) [] ftel rect []
modifySignature $ updateDefinition (conName con) $ updateTheDef $ \case
r :: Defn
r@Constructor{} -> Defn
r { conComp = kit, conProj = Just [] }
_ -> Defn
forall a. HasCallStack => a
else if theEtaEquality eta == NoEta PatternMatching then do
kit <- defineCompData name con (abstract cxt tel) (unArg <$> fs) ftel rect []
modifySignature $ updateDefinition name $ updateTheDef $ \case
r :: Defn
r@Record{} -> Defn
r { recComp = kit }
_ -> Defn
forall a. HasCallStack => a
else do
kit <- ifM (return (any isIrrelevant fs)
`and2M` do not . optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions)
(return emptyCompKit)
(defineCompKitR name (abstract cxt tel) ftel fs rect)
modifySignature $ updateDefinition name $ updateTheDef $ \case
r :: Defn
r@Record{} -> Defn
r { recComp = kit }
_ -> Defn
forall a. HasCallStack => a
defineCompKitR ::
-> Telescope
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Type
-> TCM CompKit
defineCompKitR :: QName
-> Telescope -> Telescope -> [Arg QName] -> Type -> TCM CompKit
defineCompKitR QName
name Telescope
params Telescope
fsT [Arg QName]
fns Type
rect = do
required <- (SomeBuiltin -> TCMT IO (Maybe Term))
-> [SomeBuiltin] -> TCMT IO [Maybe Term]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapM SomeBuiltin -> TCMT IO (Maybe Term)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasBuiltins m, IsBuiltin a) =>
a -> m (Maybe Term)
[ BuiltinId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin BuiltinId
, BuiltinId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin BuiltinId
, BuiltinId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin BuiltinId
, PrimitiveId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin PrimitiveId
, PrimitiveId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin PrimitiveId
, PrimitiveId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin PrimitiveId
, PrimitiveId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin PrimitiveId
, BuiltinId -> SomeBuiltin
forall a. IsBuiltin a => a -> SomeBuiltin
someBuiltin BuiltinId
reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ prettyTCM params
reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ prettyTCM fsT
reportSDoc "tc.rec.cxt" 30 $ pretty rect
if not $ all isJust required then return $ emptyCompKit else do
transp <- whenDefined [builtinTrans] (defineKanOperationR DoTransp name params fsT fns rect)
hcomp <- whenDefined [builtinTrans,builtinHComp] (defineKanOperationR DoHComp name params fsT fns rect)
return $ CompKit
{ nameOfTransp = transp
, nameOfHComp = hcomp
whenDefined :: t a -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
whenDefined t a
xs m (Maybe a)
m = do
xs <- (a -> m (Maybe Term)) -> t a -> m (t (Maybe Term))
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM a -> m (Maybe Term)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasBuiltins m, IsBuiltin a) =>
a -> m (Maybe Term)
getTerm' t a
if all isJust xs then m else return Nothing
:: Command
-> QName
-> Telescope
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Type
-> TCM (Maybe QName)
defineKanOperationR :: Command
-> QName
-> Telescope
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Type
-> TCMT IO (Maybe QName)
defineKanOperationR Command
cmd QName
name Telescope
params Telescope
fsT [Arg QName]
fns Type
rect = do
let project :: Term -> QName -> Term
project = (\ Term
t QName
fn -> Term
t Term -> Elims -> Term
forall t. Apply t => t -> Elims -> t
`applyE` [ProjOrigin -> QName -> Elim
forall a. ProjOrigin -> QName -> Elim' a
Proj ProjOrigin
ProjSystem QName
stuff <- (((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution)
-> (QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]))
-> Maybe
((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution)
-> Maybe (QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution)
-> (QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term])
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (Maybe ((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution)
-> Maybe (QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]))
((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution))
-> TCMT IO (Maybe (QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Command
-> Maybe Term
-> (Term -> QName -> Term)
-> QName
-> Telescope
-> Telescope
-> [Arg QName]
-> Type
((QName, Telescope, Type, [Dom Type], [Term]), Substitution))
defineKanOperationForFields Command
cmd Maybe Term
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Term -> QName -> Term
project QName
name Telescope
params Telescope
fsT [Arg QName]
fns Type
caseMaybe stuff (return Nothing) $ \ (QName
theName, Telescope
gamma, Type
rtype, [Dom Type]
clause_types, [Term]
bodies) -> do
c' <- do
io <- TCMT IO Term
forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasBuiltins m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadTCEnv m, ReadTCState m) =>
m Term
Just io_name <- getBuiltinName' builtinIOne
one <- primItIsOne
tInterval <- primIntervalType
(ix,rhs) =
case cmd of
DoTransp -> (Nat
1,Nat -> Elims -> Term
Var Nat
0 [])
DoHComp -> (Nat
2,Nat -> Elims -> Term
Var Nat
1 [] Term -> [Arg Term] -> Term
forall t. Apply t => t -> [Arg Term] -> t
`apply` [Term -> Arg Term
forall e. e -> Arg e
argN Term
io, Relevance -> Arg Term -> Arg Term
forall a. LensRelevance a => Relevance -> a -> a
setRelevance Relevance
irrelevant (Arg Term -> Arg Term) -> Arg Term -> Arg Term
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term -> Arg Term
forall e. e -> Arg e
argN Term
p = ConHead
-> ConPatternInfo
-> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
-> Pattern' DBPatVar
forall x.
ConHead -> ConPatternInfo -> [NamedArg (Pattern' x)] -> Pattern' x
ConP (QName -> DataOrRecord -> Induction -> [Arg QName] -> ConHead
ConHead QName
io_name DataOrRecord
forall p. DataOrRecord' p
IsData Induction
Inductive [])
noConPatternInfo { conPType = Just (Arg defaultArgInfo tInterval)
, conPFallThrough = True })
s = Nat -> Pattern' DBPatVar -> Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar)
forall a. DeBruijn a => Nat -> a -> Substitution' a
singletonS Nat
ix Pattern' DBPatVar
pats :: [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern]
pats = Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar)
Substitution' (SubstArg [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)])
s Substitution' (SubstArg [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)])
-> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)] -> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
forall a. Subst a => Substitution' (SubstArg a) -> a -> a
`applySubst` Telescope -> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
forall a t. DeBruijn a => Tele (Dom t) -> [NamedArg a]
teleNamedArgs Telescope
t :: Type
t = Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar)
s Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar) -> Type -> Type
forall a.
TermSubst a =>
Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar) -> a -> a
`applyPatSubst` Type
gamma' :: Telescope
gamma' = [[Char]] -> [Dom Type] -> Telescope
unflattenTel ([[Char]]
ns0 [[Char]] -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [[Char]]
ns1) ([Dom Type] -> Telescope) -> [Dom Type] -> Telescope
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar)
s Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar) -> [Dom Type] -> [Dom Type]
forall a.
TermSubst a =>
Substitution' (Pattern' DBPatVar) -> a -> a
`applyPatSubst` ([Dom Type]
g0 [Dom Type] -> [Dom Type] -> [Dom Type]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Dom Type]
([Dom Type]
g0,Dom Type
_:[Dom Type]
g1) = Nat -> [Dom Type] -> ([Dom Type], [Dom Type])
forall a. Nat -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt (Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
gamma Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Nat
1 Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Nat
ix) ([Dom Type] -> ([Dom Type], [Dom Type]))
-> [Dom Type] -> ([Dom Type], [Dom Type])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope -> [Dom Type]
forall a. TermSubst a => Tele (Dom a) -> [Dom a]
flattenTel Telescope
ns1) = Nat -> [[Char]] -> ([[Char]], [[Char]])
forall a. Nat -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt (Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
gamma Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Nat
1 Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Nat
ix) ([[Char]] -> ([[Char]], [[Char]]))
-> [[Char]] -> ([[Char]], [[Char]])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope -> [[Char]]
teleNames Telescope
c = Clause { clauseFullRange :: Range
clauseFullRange = Range
forall a. Range' a
, clauseLHSRange :: Range
clauseLHSRange = Range
forall a. Range' a
, clauseTel :: Telescope
clauseTel = Telescope
, namedClausePats :: [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
namedClausePats = [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
, clauseBody :: Maybe Term
clauseBody = Term -> Maybe Term
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Term -> Maybe Term) -> Term -> Maybe Term
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term
, clauseType :: Maybe (Arg Type)
clauseType = Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)) -> Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> Arg Type
forall e. e -> Arg e
argN Type
, clauseCatchall :: Bool
clauseCatchall = Bool
, clauseRecursive :: Maybe Bool
clauseRecursive = Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
, clauseUnreachable :: Maybe Bool
clauseUnreachable = Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
, clauseEllipsis :: ExpandedEllipsis
clauseEllipsis = ExpandedEllipsis
, clauseWhereModule :: Maybe ModuleName
clauseWhereModule = Maybe ModuleName
forall a. Maybe a
reportSDoc "trans.rec.face" 17 $ text $ show c
return c
cs <- forM (zip3 fns clause_types bodies) $ \ (Arg QName
fname, Dom Type
clause_ty, Term
body) -> do
pats :: [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
pats = Telescope -> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
forall a t. DeBruijn a => Tele (Dom t) -> [NamedArg a]
teleNamedArgs Telescope
gamma [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
-> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)] -> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
forall a. a -> NamedArg a
defaultNamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar))
-> Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ProjOrigin -> QName -> Pattern' DBPatVar
forall x. ProjOrigin -> QName -> Pattern' x
ProjP ProjOrigin
ProjSystem (QName -> Pattern' DBPatVar) -> QName -> Pattern' DBPatVar
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Arg QName -> QName
forall e. Arg e -> e
unArg Arg QName
c :: Clause
c = Clause { clauseFullRange :: Range
clauseFullRange = Range
forall a. Range' a
, clauseLHSRange :: Range
clauseLHSRange = Range
forall a. Range' a
, clauseTel :: Telescope
clauseTel = Telescope
, namedClausePats :: [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
namedClausePats = [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
, clauseBody :: Maybe Term
clauseBody = Term -> Maybe Term
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Term
, clauseType :: Maybe (Arg Type)
clauseType = Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)) -> Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> Arg Type
forall e. e -> Arg e
argN (Dom Type -> Type
forall t e. Dom' t e -> e
unDom Dom Type
, clauseCatchall :: Bool
clauseCatchall = Bool
, clauseRecursive :: Maybe Bool
clauseRecursive = Maybe Bool
forall a. Maybe a
, clauseUnreachable :: Maybe Bool
clauseUnreachable = Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
, clauseEllipsis :: ExpandedEllipsis
clauseEllipsis = ExpandedEllipsis
, clauseWhereModule :: Maybe ModuleName
clauseWhereModule = Maybe ModuleName
forall a. Maybe a
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"trans.rec" Nat
17 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc) -> [Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Clause -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show Clause
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"trans.rec" Nat
16 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text [Char]
"type =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> [Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text (Maybe (Arg Type) -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show (Clause -> Maybe (Arg Type)
clauseType Clause
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"trans.rec" Nat
15 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Type -> m Doc
prettyTCM (Type -> TCMT IO Doc) -> Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope -> Type -> Type
forall t. Abstract t => Telescope -> t -> t
abstract Telescope
gamma (Dom Type -> Type
forall t e. Dom' t e -> e
unDom Dom Type
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"trans.rec" Nat
10 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text [Char]
"body =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Term -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Term -> m Doc
prettyTCM (Telescope -> Term -> Term
forall t. Abstract t => Telescope -> t -> t
abstract Telescope
gamma Term
Clause -> TCMT IO Clause
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Clause
addClauses theName $ c' : cs
reportSDoc "trans.rec" 15 $ text $ "compiling clauses for " ++ show theName
(mst, _, cc) <- inTopContext (compileClauses Nothing cs)
whenJust mst $ setSplitTree theName
setCompiledClauses theName cc
reportSDoc "trans.rec" 15 $ text $ "compiled"
return $ Just theName
checkRecordProjections ::
ModuleName -> QName -> Bool -> ConHead -> Telescope -> Telescope ->
[A.Declaration] -> TCM ()
checkRecordProjections :: ModuleName
-> QName
-> Bool
-> ConHead
-> Telescope
-> Telescope
-> [Field]
-> TCM ()
checkRecordProjections ModuleName
m QName
r Bool
hasNamedCon ConHead
con Telescope
tel Telescope
ftel [Field]
fs = do
Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [Field] -> TCM ()
checkProjs Telescope
forall a. Tele a
EmptyTel Telescope
ftel [] [Field]
checkProjs :: Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [A.Declaration] -> TCM ()
checkProjs :: Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [Field] -> TCM ()
checkProjs Telescope
_ Telescope
_ [Term]
_ [] = () -> TCM ()
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
checkProjs Telescope
ftel1 Telescope
ftel2 [Term]
vs (A.ScopedDecl ScopeInfo
scope [Field]
fs' : [Field]
fs) =
ScopeInfo -> TCM ()
setScope ScopeInfo
scope TCM () -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall a b. TCMT IO a -> TCMT IO b -> TCMT IO b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [Field] -> TCM ()
checkProjs Telescope
ftel1 Telescope
ftel2 [Term]
vs ([Field]
fs' [Field] -> [Field] -> [Field]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Field]
checkProjs Telescope
ftel1 (ExtendTel (dom :: Dom Type
dom@Dom{domInfo :: forall t e. Dom' t e -> ArgInfo
domInfo = ArgInfo
ai,unDom :: forall t e. Dom' t e -> e
unDom = Type
t}) Abs Telescope
ftel2) [Term]
vs (A.Field DefInfo
info QName
x Arg Expr
_ : [Field]
fs) =
Call -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall a. Call -> TCMT IO a -> TCMT IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadTrace m => Call -> m a -> m a
traceCall (Range -> QName -> Type -> Call
CheckProjection (DefInfo -> Range
forall a. HasRange a => a -> Range
getRange DefInfo
info) QName
x Type
t) (TCM () -> TCM ()) -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
5 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"checking projection" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> QName -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => QName -> m Doc
prettyTCM QName
, Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"top =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (tcm :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTCEnv tcm, ReadTCState tcm) =>
tcm a -> tcm a
inTopContext (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc)
-> (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc) -> Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Telescope -> m Doc
prettyTCM (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< TCMT IO Telescope
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadTCEnv m => m Telescope
"tel =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (tcm :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTCEnv tcm, ReadTCState tcm) =>
tcm a -> tcm a
inTopContext (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc)
-> (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc) -> Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Telescope -> m Doc
prettyTCM (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc) -> Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
5 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"ftel1 =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Impossible -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadAddContext m =>
Impossible -> Nat -> m a -> m a
escapeContext Impossible
HasCallStack => Impossible
impossible Nat
1 (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Telescope -> m Doc
prettyTCM Telescope
"t =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Impossible -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadAddContext m =>
Impossible -> Nat -> m a -> m a
escapeContext Impossible
HasCallStack => Impossible
impossible Nat
1 (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b (m :: * -> *) a.
(AddContext b, MonadAddContext m) =>
b -> m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadAddContext m =>
Telescope -> m a -> m a
addContext Telescope
ftel1 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Type -> m Doc
prettyTCM Type
"ftel2 =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Impossible -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadAddContext m =>
Impossible -> Nat -> m a -> m a
escapeContext Impossible
HasCallStack => Impossible
impossible Nat
1 (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b (m :: * -> *) a.
(AddContext b, MonadAddContext m) =>
b -> m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadAddContext m =>
Telescope -> m a -> m a
addContext Telescope
ftel1 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dom Type
-> Abs Telescope -> (Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *) b.
(Subst a, MonadAddContext m) =>
Dom Type -> Abs a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
underAbstraction Dom Type
dom Abs Telescope
ftel2 Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Telescope -> m Doc
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
55 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"ftel1 (raw) =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Applicative m, Pretty a) => a -> m Doc
pretty Telescope
"t (raw) =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Applicative m, Pretty a) => a -> m Doc
pretty Type
"ftel2 (raw) =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Abs Telescope -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Applicative m, Pretty a) => a -> m Doc
pretty Abs Telescope
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
5 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"vs =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Semigroup (m Doc), Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
prettyList_ ((Term -> TCMT IO Doc) -> [Term] -> [TCMT IO Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Term -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Term -> m Doc
prettyTCM [Term]
"abstr =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc)
-> (IsAbstract -> [Char]) -> IsAbstract -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. IsAbstract -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show) (DefInfo -> IsAbstract
forall t. DefInfo' t -> IsAbstract
Info.defAbstract DefInfo
"quant =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc)
-> (Quantity -> [Char]) -> Quantity -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Quantity -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show) (ArgInfo -> Quantity
forall a. LensQuantity a => a -> Quantity
getQuantity ArgInfo
"coh =" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => [Char] -> m Doc
text ([Char] -> TCMT IO Doc)
-> (Cohesion -> [Char]) -> Cohesion -> TCMT IO Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Cohesion -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show) (ArgInfo -> Cohesion
forall a. LensCohesion a => a -> Cohesion
getCohesion ArgInfo
if UnderComposition Cohesion -> Bool
forall a. LeftClosedPOMonoid a => a -> Bool
hasLeftAdjoint (Cohesion -> UnderComposition Cohesion
forall t. t -> UnderComposition t
UnderComposition (ArgInfo -> Cohesion
forall a. LensCohesion a => a -> Cohesion
getCohesion ArgInfo
then Bool -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall b (m :: * -> *). (IsBool b, Monad m) => b -> m () -> m ()
unless (ArgInfo -> Cohesion
forall a. LensCohesion a => a -> Cohesion
getCohesion ArgInfo
ai Cohesion -> Cohesion -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Cohesion
TCM ()
forall a. HasCallStack => a
else TypeError -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadTCError m) =>
TypeError -> m a
typeError (TypeError -> TCM ()) -> TypeError -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Cohesion -> TypeError
InvalidFieldModality (ArgInfo -> Cohesion
forall a. LensCohesion a => a -> Cohesion
getCohesion ArgInfo
Bool -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall b (m :: * -> *). (IsBool b, Monad m) => b -> m () -> m ()
unless (ArgInfo -> PolarityModality
forall a. LensModalPolarity a => a -> PolarityModality
getModalPolarity ArgInfo
ai PolarityModality -> PolarityModality -> Bool
`samePolarity` (ModalPolarity -> PolarityModality
withStandardLock ModalPolarity
MixedPolarity)) (TCM () -> TCM ()) -> TCM () -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Char] -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadTCError m) =>
[Char] -> m a
genericError ([Char] -> TCM ()) -> [Char] -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char]
"Cannot have record field with " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ PolarityModality -> [Char]
forall a. Verbalize a => a -> [Char]
verbalize (ArgInfo -> PolarityModality
forall a. LensModalPolarity a => a -> PolarityModality
getModalPolarity ArgInfo
ai) [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
" polarity"
let t' :: Type
t' = Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
forall a. Subst a => Nat -> Nat -> a -> a
raiseFrom (Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
ftel1) Nat
1 Type
t'' :: Type
t'' = Substitution' (SubstArg Type) -> Type -> Type
forall a. Subst a => Substitution' (SubstArg a) -> a -> a
applySubst ([Term] -> Substitution
forall a. DeBruijn a => [a] -> Substitution' a
parallelS [Term]
vs) Type
finalt :: Type
finalt = Telescope -> Type -> Type
telePi ([Char] -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall a. [Char] -> Tele a -> Tele a
replaceEmptyName [Char]
"r" Telescope
tel) Type
projname :: QName
projname = ModuleName -> Name -> QName
qualify ModuleName
m (Name -> QName) -> Name -> QName
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QName -> Name
qnameName QName
projcall :: ProjOrigin -> Term
projcall ProjOrigin
o = Nat -> Elims -> Term
Var Nat
0 [ProjOrigin -> QName -> Elim
forall a. ProjOrigin -> QName -> Elim' a
Proj ProjOrigin
o QName
rel :: Relevance
rel = ArgInfo -> Relevance
forall a. LensRelevance a => a -> Relevance
getRelevance ArgInfo
recurse :: TCM ()
recurse = Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [Field] -> TCM ()
checkProjs (Telescope -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall t. Abstract t => Telescope -> t -> t
abstract Telescope
ftel1 (Telescope -> Telescope) -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dom Type -> Abs Telescope -> Telescope
forall a. a -> Abs (Tele a) -> Tele a
ExtendTel Dom Type
(Abs Telescope -> Telescope) -> Abs Telescope -> Telescope
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char] -> Telescope -> Abs Telescope
forall a. [Char] -> a -> Abs a
Abs (Name -> [Char]
nameToArgName (Name -> [Char]) -> Name -> [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QName -> Name
qnameName QName
projname) Telescope
forall a. Tele a
(Abs Telescope -> Telescope
forall a. Subst a => Abs a -> a
absBody Abs Telescope
ftel2) (ProjOrigin -> Term
projcall ProjOrigin
ProjSystem Term -> [Term] -> [Term]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Term]
vs) [Field]
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
25 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
"finalt=" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> do
forall (tcm :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTCEnv tcm, ReadTCState tcm) =>
tcm a -> tcm a
inTopContext (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Type -> m Doc
prettyTCM Type
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
10 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"adding projection"
, Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QName -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => QName -> m Doc
prettyTCM QName
projname TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> TCMT IO Doc
":" TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (tcm :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTCEnv tcm, ReadTCState tcm) =>
tcm a -> tcm a
inTopContext (Type -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => Type -> m Doc
prettyTCM Type
let bodyMod :: Term -> Term
bodyMod = Bool -> (Term -> Term) -> Term -> Term
forall b a. IsBool b => b -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyWhen (Relevance -> Bool
forall a. LensRelevance a => a -> Bool
isIrrelevant Relevance
rel) Term -> Term
telList :: [Dom ([Char], Type)]
telList = Telescope -> [Dom ([Char], Type)]
forall t. Tele (Dom t) -> [Dom ([Char], t)]
telToList Telescope
([Dom ([Char], Type)]
ptelList,[Dom ([Char], Type)
rt]) = Nat
-> [Dom ([Char], Type)]
-> ([Dom ([Char], Type)], [Dom ([Char], Type)])
forall a. Nat -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt (Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
tel Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Nat
1) [Dom ([Char], Type)]
ptel :: Telescope
ptel = [Dom ([Char], Type)] -> Telescope
telFromList [Dom ([Char], Type)]
cpo :: PatOrigin
cpo = if Bool
hasNamedCon then PatOrigin
PatOCon else PatOrigin
cpi :: ConPatternInfo
cpi = ConPatternInfo { conPInfo :: PatternInfo
conPInfo = PatOrigin -> [Name] -> PatternInfo
PatternInfo PatOrigin
cpo []
, conPRecord :: Bool
conPRecord = Bool
, conPFallThrough :: Bool
conPFallThrough = Bool
, conPType :: Maybe (Arg Type)
conPType = Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)) -> Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dom Type -> Arg Type
forall t a. Dom' t a -> Arg a
argFromDom (Dom Type -> Arg Type) -> Dom Type -> Arg Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (([Char], Type) -> Type) -> Dom ([Char], Type) -> Dom Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dom' Term a -> Dom' Term b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ([Char], Type) -> Type
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd Dom ([Char], Type)
, conPLazy :: Bool
conPLazy = Bool
True }
conp :: NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
conp = Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
forall a. a -> NamedArg a
defaultNamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar))
-> Pattern' DBPatVar -> NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConHead
-> ConPatternInfo
-> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
-> Pattern' DBPatVar
forall x.
ConHead -> ConPatternInfo -> [NamedArg (Pattern' x)] -> Pattern' x
ConP ConHead
con ConPatternInfo
cpi ([NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)] -> Pattern' DBPatVar)
-> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)] -> Pattern' DBPatVar
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Telescope -> [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
forall a t. DeBruijn a => Tele (Dom t) -> [NamedArg a]
teleNamedArgs Telescope
body :: Maybe Term
body = Term -> Maybe Term
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Term -> Maybe Term) -> Term -> Maybe Term
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term -> Term
bodyMod (Term -> Term) -> Term -> Term
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> Term
var (Abs Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Abs Telescope
cltel :: Telescope
cltel = Telescope
ptel Telescope -> Telescope -> Telescope
forall t. Abstract t => Telescope -> t -> t
`abstract` Telescope
cltype :: Maybe (Arg Type)
cltype = Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)) -> Arg Type -> Maybe (Arg Type)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ArgInfo -> Type -> Arg Type
forall e. ArgInfo -> e -> Arg e
Arg ArgInfo
ai (Type -> Arg Type) -> Type -> Arg Type
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Nat -> Type -> Type
forall a. Subst a => Nat -> a -> a
raise (Nat
1 Nat -> Nat -> Nat
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Abs Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Abs Telescope
ftel2) Type
clause :: Clause
clause = Clause { clauseLHSRange :: Range
clauseLHSRange = DefInfo -> Range
forall a. HasRange a => a -> Range
getRange DefInfo
, clauseFullRange :: Range
clauseFullRange = DefInfo -> Range
forall a. HasRange a => a -> Range
getRange DefInfo
, clauseTel :: Telescope
clauseTel = Telescope -> Telescope
forall a. KillRange a => KillRangeT a
killRange Telescope
, namedClausePats :: [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)]
namedClausePats = [NamedArg (Pattern' DBPatVar)
, clauseBody :: Maybe Term
clauseBody = Maybe Term
, clauseType :: Maybe (Arg Type)
clauseType = Maybe (Arg Type)
, clauseCatchall :: Bool
clauseCatchall = Bool
, clauseRecursive :: Maybe Bool
clauseRecursive = Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
, clauseUnreachable :: Maybe Bool
clauseUnreachable = Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
, clauseEllipsis :: ExpandedEllipsis
clauseEllipsis = ExpandedEllipsis
, clauseWhereModule :: Maybe ModuleName
clauseWhereModule = Maybe ModuleName
forall a. Maybe a
let projection :: Projection
projection = Projection
{ projProper :: Maybe QName
projProper = QName -> Maybe QName
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just QName
, projOrig :: QName
projOrig = QName
, projFromType :: Arg QName
projFromType = QName -> Arg QName
forall e. e -> Arg e
defaultArg QName
, projIndex :: Nat
projIndex = Telescope -> Nat
forall a. Sized a => a -> Nat
size Telescope
, projLams :: ProjLams
projLams = [Arg [Char]] -> ProjLams
ProjLams ([Arg [Char]] -> ProjLams) -> [Arg [Char]] -> ProjLams
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Dom ([Char], Type) -> Arg [Char])
-> [Dom ([Char], Type)] -> [Arg [Char]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Dom' Term [Char] -> Arg [Char]
forall t a. Dom' t a -> Arg a
argFromDom (Dom' Term [Char] -> Arg [Char])
-> (Dom ([Char], Type) -> Dom' Term [Char])
-> Dom ([Char], Type)
-> Arg [Char]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (([Char], Type) -> [Char])
-> Dom ([Char], Type) -> Dom' Term [Char]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dom' Term a -> Dom' Term b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ([Char], Type) -> [Char]
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst) [Dom ([Char], Type)]
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
70 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"adding projection"
, Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QName -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => QName -> m Doc
prettyTCM QName
projname TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
<+> Clause -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Applicative m, Pretty a) => a -> m Doc
pretty Clause
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadDebug m =>
[Char] -> Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> m ()
reportSDoc [Char]
"tc.rec.proj" Nat
10 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCM ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TCMT IO Doc] -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
(Applicative m, Foldable t) =>
t (m Doc) -> m Doc
"adding projection"
, Nat -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). Functor m => Nat -> m Doc -> m Doc
nest Nat
2 (TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc) -> TCMT IO Doc -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ QNamed Clause -> TCMT IO Doc
forall a (m :: * -> *). (PrettyTCM a, MonadPretty m) => a -> m Doc
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadPretty m => QNamed Clause -> m Doc
prettyTCM (QName -> Clause -> QNamed Clause
forall a. QName -> a -> QNamed a
QNamed QName
projname Clause
(mst, _, cc) <- Maybe (QName, Type)
-> [Clause] -> TCMT IO (Maybe SplitTree, Bool, CompiledClauses)
compileClauses Maybe (QName, Type)
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing [Clause
reportSDoc "tc.cc" 60 $ do
sep [ "compiled clauses of " <+> prettyTCM projname
, nest 2 $ text (show cc)
escapeContext impossible (size tel) $ do
lang <- getLanguage
fun <- emptyFunctionData
ai' = ((Quantity -> Quantity) -> ArgInfo -> ArgInfo)
-> ArgInfo -> (Quantity -> Quantity) -> ArgInfo
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip (Quantity -> Quantity) -> ArgInfo -> ArgInfo
forall a. LensQuantity a => (Quantity -> Quantity) -> a -> a
mapQuantity ArgInfo
ai ((Quantity -> Quantity) -> ArgInfo)
-> (Quantity -> Quantity) -> ArgInfo
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
Quantityω QωOrigin
_ -> QωOrigin -> Quantity
Quantityω QωOrigin
q -> Quantity
addConstant projname $
(defaultDefn ai' projname (killRange finalt) lang $ FunctionDefn $
set funProj_ True $
{ _funClauses = [clause]
, _funCompiled = Just cc
, _funSplitTree = mst
, _funProjection = Right projection
, _funMutual = Just []
, _funTerminates = Just True
{ defArgOccurrences = [StrictPos]
, defCopatternLHS = hasProjectionPatterns cc
computePolarity [projname]
addContext ftel1 case Info.defInstance info of
InstanceDef KwRange
_r -> QName -> Type -> TCM ()
addTypedInstance QName
projname Type
NotInstanceDef -> () -> TCM ()
forall a. a -> TCMT IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
checkProjs Telescope
ftel1 Telescope
ftel2 [Term]
vs (Field
d : [Field]
fs) = do
Field -> TCM ()
checkDecl Field
Telescope -> Telescope -> [Term] -> [Field] -> TCM ()
checkProjs Telescope
ftel1 Telescope
ftel2 [Term]
vs [Field]