
Pointed structure: X ↦ X

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Pointed where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Base

     : Level

-- Structured isomorphisms

PointedStructure : Type   Type 
PointedStructure X = X

PointedEquivStr : StrEquiv PointedStructure 
PointedEquivStr A B f = equivFun f (pt A)  pt B

pointedUnivalentStr : UnivalentStr {} PointedStructure PointedEquivStr
pointedUnivalentStr f = invEquiv (ua-ungluePath-Equiv f)

pointedSIP : (A B : Pointed )  A ≃[ PointedEquivStr ] B  (A  B)
pointedSIP = SIP pointedUnivalentStr

pointed-sip : (A B : Pointed )  A ≃[ PointedEquivStr ] B  (A  B)
pointed-sip A B = equivFun (pointedSIP A B) -- ≡ λ (e , p) i → ua e i , ua-gluePath e p i

pointed-sip-idEquiv∙ : (A : Pointed )  pointed-sip A A (idEquiv∙ A)  refl
fst (pointed-sip-idEquiv∙ A i j) = uaIdEquiv i j
snd (pointed-sip-idEquiv∙ A i j) = glue {φ = i  ~ j  j}  _  pt A) (pt A)

  The following terms have huge normal forms, so they are abstract to avoid
  type checking speed problems, for example in

  pointed-sip⁻ : (A B : Pointed )  (A  B)  A ≃[ PointedEquivStr ] B
  pointed-sip⁻ A B = invEq (pointedSIP A B)

  pointed-sip⁻-refl : (A : Pointed )  pointed-sip⁻ A A refl  idEquiv∙ A
  pointed-sip⁻-refl A = sym (invEq (equivAdjointEquiv (pointedSIP A A)) (pointed-sip-idEquiv∙ A))

pointedEquivAction : EquivAction {} PointedStructure
pointedEquivAction e = e

pointedTransportStr : TransportStr {} pointedEquivAction
pointedTransportStr e s = sym (transportRefl _)