
This file contains:

- the coequalizer of sets as a HIT as performed in https://1lab.dev/Data.Set.Coequaliser.html

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.SetCoequalizer.Properties where

open import Cubical.HITs.SetCoequalizer.Base

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
    A : Type 
    B : Type ℓ'

-- Some helpful lemmas, similar to those in Cubical/HITs/SetQuotients/Properties.agda
elimProp : {f g : A  B} {C : SetCoequalizer f g  Type }
          (Cprop : (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  isProp (C x))
          (Cinc : (b : B)  C (inc b))
          (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  C x
elimProp Cprop Cinc (inc x) = Cinc x
elimProp {f = f} {g = g} Cprop Cinc (coeq a i) =
  isProp→PathP  i  Cprop (coeq a i)) (Cinc (f a)) (Cinc (g a)) i
elimProp Cprop Cinc (squash x y p q i j) =
    2  x  isProp→isSet (Cprop x)) (g x) (g y) (cong g p) (cong g q) (squash x y p q) i j
  g = elimProp Cprop Cinc

elimProp2 : {A' : Type } {B' : Type ℓ'} {f g : A  B} {f' g' : A'  B'}
            {C : SetCoequalizer f g  SetCoequalizer f' g'  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')}
           (Cprop : (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  (y : SetCoequalizer f' g')  isProp (C x y))
           (Cinc : (b : B)  (b' : B')  C (inc b) (inc b'))
           (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  (y : SetCoequalizer f' g')  C x y
elimProp2 Cprop Cinc = elimProp  x  isPropΠ  y  Cprop x y))
                                 x  elimProp  y  Cprop (inc x) y) (Cinc x))

elimProp3 : {A' A'' : Type } {B' B'' : Type ℓ'} {f g : A  B} {f' g' : A'  B'}
            {f'' g'' : A''  B''}
            {C : SetCoequalizer f g  SetCoequalizer f' g'  SetCoequalizer f'' g''
                Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')}
           (Cprop : (x : SetCoequalizer f g)
                    (y : SetCoequalizer f' g')
                    (z : SetCoequalizer f'' g'')
                    isProp (C x y z))
           (Cinc : (b : B)  (b' : B')  (b'' : B'')  C (inc b) (inc b') (inc b''))
           (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  (y : SetCoequalizer f' g')  (z : SetCoequalizer f'' g'')
           C x y z
elimProp3 Cprop Cinc = elimProp  x  isPropΠ2  y z  Cprop x y z))
                                 x  elimProp2  y z  Cprop (inc x) y z) (Cinc x))

rec : {C : Type ℓ''} {f g : A  B}
     (Cset : (x y : C)  (p q : x  y)  p  q)
     (h : B  C)
     (hcoeqs : (a : A)  h (f a)  h (g a))
     SetCoequalizer f g  C
rec Cset h hcoeqs (inc x) = h x
rec Cset h hcoeqs (coeq a i) = hcoeqs a i
rec Cset h hcoeqs (squash x y p q i j) =
    Cset (g x) (g y)  i  g (p i))  i  g (q i)) i j
  where g = rec Cset h hcoeqs

rec2 : {A' : Type } {B' : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''} {f g : A  B} {f' g' : A'  B'}
      (Cset : (x y : C)  (p q : x  y)  p  q)
      (h : B  B'  C)
      (hcoeqsl : (a : A) (b' : B')  h (f a) b'  h (g a) b')
      (hcoeqsr : (a' : A') (b : B)  h b (f' a')  h b (g' a'))
      SetCoequalizer f g  SetCoequalizer f' g'  C
rec2 Cset h hcoeqsl hcoeqsr =
    (isSetΠ  _  Cset))
     b  rec Cset  b'  h b b')  a'  hcoeqsr a' b))
     a  funExt (elimProp  _  Cset _ _)  b'  hcoeqsl a b')))

module UniversalProperty where
  {- The proof of the universal property of the coequalizer of sets.

  A ==f=g==> B --inc--> SetCoequalizer f g
              \         .
                \       .
                  h   ∃! inducedHom
                    \   .
                      \ .
  commuting diagram
  inducedHom : {C : Type ℓ''} {f g : A  B}
              (Cset : (x y : C)  (p q : x  y)  p  q)
              (h : B  C)
              (hcoeq : (a : A)  h (f a)  h (g a))
              SetCoequalizer f g  C
  inducedHom Cset h hcoeq = rec Cset h hcoeq

  commutativity : {C : Type ℓ''} {f g : A  B}
                 (Cset : (x y : C)  (p q : x  y)  p  q)
                 (h : B  C)
                 (hcoeq : (a : A)  h (f a)  h (g a))
                 ((b : B)  h b  inducedHom Cset h hcoeq (inc b))
  commutativity Cset h hcoeq = λ b  refl

  uniqueness : {C : Type ℓ''}
              (f g : A  B)
              (Cset : (x y : C)  (p q : x  y)  p  q)
              (h : B  C)
              (hcoeq : (a : A)  h (f a)  h (g a))
              (i : SetCoequalizer f g  C)
              (icommutativity : (b : B)  h b  i (inc b))
              (i  inducedHom Cset h hcoeq)
  uniqueness f g Cset h hcoeq i icommutativity = λ j x  q x j
    where q : (x : SetCoequalizer f g)  i x  inducedHom Cset h hcoeq x
          q = elimProp
                 _  Cset _ _)
                 b  i (inc b) ≡⟨ sym (icommutativity b) 
                      h b       ≡⟨ refl 
                      inducedHom Cset h hcoeq (inc b) )