
Basic properties of James construction

This file contains:

  - The type James X has h-monoid structure, namely being a monoid in "homotopy category".

  - The equivalence "James X₊ ≃ List X" for type X,
    where X₊ denotes the type formed by freely adjoining a base point to X.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.James.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed

open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding (_++_)

open import Cubical.HITs.James.Base

     : Level

-- The h-monoid structure on James X

module _
  (X∙@(X , x₀) : Pointed ) where

  ++lUnit : (xs : James X∙)  xs  [] ++ xs
  ++lUnit _ = refl

  ++rUnit : (xs : James X∙)  xs  xs ++ []
  ++rUnit [] = refl
  ++rUnit (x  xs) t = x  ++rUnit xs t
  ++rUnit (unit xs i) t = unit (++rUnit xs t) i

  ++Assoc :  (xs ys zs : James X∙)  (xs ++ ys) ++ zs  xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
  ++Assoc [] _ _ = refl
  ++Assoc (x  xs) ys zs t = x  ++Assoc xs ys zs t
  ++Assoc (unit xs i) ys zs t = unit (++Assoc xs ys zs t) i

-- Freely adjoining a point

module _
  (X : Type ) where

    X₊ = Maybe∙ X

  J₊→List : James X₊  List X
  J₊→List [] = []
  J₊→List (just x   xs) = x  J₊→List xs
  J₊→List (nothing  xs) = J₊→List xs
  J₊→List (unit xs i) = J₊→List xs

  List→J₊ : List X  James X₊
  List→J₊ [] = []
  List→J₊ (x  xs) = just x  List→J₊ xs

  List→J₊→List : (xs : List X)  J₊→List (List→J₊ xs)  xs
  List→J₊→List [] = refl
  List→J₊→List (x  xs) i = x  List→J₊→List xs i

  J₊→List→J₊ : (xs : James X₊)  List→J₊ (J₊→List xs)  xs
  J₊→List→J₊ [] = refl
  J₊→List→J₊ (just x   xs) i = just x  J₊→List→J₊ xs i
  J₊→List→J₊ (nothing  xs) = J₊→List→J₊ xs  unit xs
  J₊→List→J₊ (unit xs i) j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  J₊→List→J₊ xs j
      ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler (J₊→List→J₊ xs) (unit xs) k j
      ; (j = i0)  List→J₊ (J₊→List xs)
      ; (j = i1)  unit xs (i  k) })
    (J₊→List→J₊ xs j)

  J₊≃List : James X₊  List X
  J₊≃List = isoToEquiv (iso J₊→List List→J₊ List→J₊→List J₊→List→J₊)