
This file contains:
  - The reduced version gives the same type as James.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.HITs.James.Inductive.ColimitEquivalence where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed

open import Cubical.HITs.James.Base
  renaming (James to JamesConstruction)
open import Cubical.HITs.James.Inductive.Reduced
  renaming (𝕁Red to 𝕁RedConstruction ; 𝕁Red∞ to 𝕁amesConstruction)
open import Cubical.HITs.James.Inductive.Coherence

     : Level

module _
  ((X , x₀) : Pointed ) where

    James = JamesConstruction (X , x₀)
    𝕁ames = 𝕁amesConstruction (X , x₀)
    𝕁Red  =  𝕁RedConstruction (X , x₀)

  -- Mimicking the constructors in each other

  unit' : (x : X)(xs : James)  Path James (x₀  x  xs) (x  x₀  xs)
  unit' x xs = sym (unit (x  xs)) ∙∙ refl ∙∙  i  x  unit xs i)

  coh' : (xs : James)  refl  unit' x₀ xs
  coh' xs i j =
    coh-helper {A = James} (unit xs) (unit (x₀  xs))
       i  x₀  unit xs i)  i j  unit (unit xs j) i) i j

  _∷∞_ : X  𝕁ames  𝕁ames
  _∷∞_ x (incl xs)   = incl (x  xs)
  _∷∞_ x (push xs i) = (push (x  xs)   i  incl (unit x xs i))) i

  push∞ : (xs : 𝕁ames)  xs  x₀ ∷∞ xs
  push∞ (incl xs)     = push xs
  push∞ (push xs i) j =
    push-helper {A = 𝕁ames} (push xs) (push (x₀  xs))
       i  incl (unit x₀ xs i))  i j  incl (coh xs i j)) j i

  infixr 5 _∷∞_

  -- One side map

  𝕁→James-incl : 𝕁Red  James
  𝕁→James-incl [] = []
  𝕁→James-incl (x  xs) = x  𝕁→James-incl xs
  𝕁→James-incl (unit x xs i) = unit' x (𝕁→James-incl xs) i
  𝕁→James-incl (coh xs i j) = coh' (𝕁→James-incl xs) i j

  𝕁→James : 𝕁ames  James
  𝕁→James (incl xs)   = 𝕁→James-incl xs
  𝕁→James (push xs i) = unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) i

  -- Commutativity with pseudo-constructors

  𝕁→James-∷ : (x : X)(xs : 𝕁ames)  𝕁→James (x ∷∞ xs)  x  𝕁→James xs
  𝕁→James-∷ x (incl xs)     = refl
  𝕁→James-∷ x (push xs i) j = comp-cong-helper 𝕁→James (push (x  xs)) _  i  incl (unit x xs i)) refl j i

  𝕁→James-push : (xs : 𝕁ames)
     PathP  i  𝕁→James xs  𝕁→James-∷ x₀ xs i) (cong 𝕁→James (push∞ xs)) (unit (𝕁→James xs))
  𝕁→James-push (incl xs)       = refl
  𝕁→James-push (push xs i) j k =
    hcomp  l  λ
      { (i = i0)  unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) k
      ; (i = i1)  unit (x₀  𝕁→James-incl xs) k
      ; (j = i0) 
          push-helper-cong 𝕁→James (push xs) (push (x₀  xs))
             i  incl (unit x₀ xs i))  i j  incl (coh xs i j)) k i (~ l)
      ; (j = i1)  unit (unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) i) k
      ; (k = i0)  unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) i
      ; (k = i1) 
          comp-cong-helper-filler 𝕁→James (push (x₀  xs)) _
             i  incl (unit x₀ xs i)) refl j i l })
    (push-coh-helper _ _ _  i j  unit (unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) j) i) k i j)

  -- The other-side map

    push-square : (x : X)(xs : 𝕁Red)
       sym (push (x  xs)) ∙∙ refl ∙∙  i  x ∷∞ push xs i)   i  incl (unit x xs i))
    push-square x xs i j = push-square-helper (push (x  xs))  i  incl (unit x xs i)) i j

    coh-cube : (xs : 𝕁Red)
           i j  coh-helper _ _ _  i j  push∞ (push xs j) i) i j  incl (coh xs i j))
           i j  incl (x₀  x₀  xs))
           i j  push-square-helper (push (x₀  xs))
                     i  incl (unit x₀ xs i)) j i)
           i j  incl (x₀  x₀  xs))
           i j  incl (x₀  x₀  xs))
    coh-cube xs =
      coh-cube-helper {A = 𝕁ames} (push xs) (push (x₀  xs))
         i  incl (unit x₀ xs i))  i j  incl (coh xs i j))

  J→𝕁ames : James  𝕁ames
  J→𝕁ames [] = incl []
  J→𝕁ames (x  xs) = x ∷∞ (J→𝕁ames xs)
  J→𝕁ames (unit xs i) = push∞ (J→𝕁ames xs) i

  -- The following is the most complicated part.
  -- It seems horrible but mainly it's due to correction of boudaries.

  𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl : (xs : 𝕁Red)  J→𝕁ames (𝕁→James (incl xs))  incl xs
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl [] = refl
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl (x  xs) t = x ∷∞ 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs t
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl (unit x xs i) j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  square-helper (j  ~ k) i0
      ; (i = i1)  square-helper (j  ~ k) i1
      ; (j = i0)  square-helper (~ k) i
      ; (j = i1)  incl (unit x xs i) })
    (push-square x xs j i)
      square-helper : (i j : I)  𝕁ames
      square-helper i j =
        doubleCompPath-cong-filler J→𝕁ames
          (sym (unit (x  𝕁→James-incl xs))) refl  i  x  unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) i)
           i j  push∞ (x ∷∞ 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i) (~ j))
           i j  x ∷∞ 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i)
           i j  x ∷∞ push∞ (𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i) j) i j i1
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl (coh xs i j) k =
    hcomp  l  λ
      { (i = i0)  cube-helper i0 j (k  ~ l)
      ; (i = i1)  incl-filler j k l
      ; (j = i0)  cube-helper i i0 (k  ~ l)
      ; (j = i1)  cube-helper i i1 (k  ~ l)
      ; (k = i0)  cube-helper i j (~ l)
      ; (k = i1)  incl (coh xs i j) })
    (coh-cube xs i j k)
      cube-helper : (i j k : I)  𝕁ames
      cube-helper i j k =
        coh-helper-cong J→𝕁ames _ _ _
           i j  unit (unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) j) i)
           i j k  push∞ (push∞ (𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs k) j) i) i j k

      incl-filler : (i j k : I)  𝕁ames
      incl-filler i j k =
        hfill  k  λ
          { (i = i0)  square-helper (j  ~ k) i0
          ; (i = i1)  square-helper (j  ~ k) i1
          ; (j = i0)  square-helper (~ k) i
          ; (j = i1)  incl (unit x₀ xs i) })
        (inS (push-square x₀ xs j i)) k
          square-helper : (i j : I)  𝕁ames
          square-helper i j =
            doubleCompPath-cong-filler J→𝕁ames
              (sym (unit (x₀  𝕁→James-incl xs))) refl  i  x₀  unit (𝕁→James-incl xs) i)
               i j  push∞ (x₀ ∷∞ 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i) (~ j))
               i j  x₀ ∷∞ 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i)
               i j  x₀ ∷∞ push∞ (𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs i) j) i j i1

  -- The main equivalence

  𝕁→J→𝕁ames : (xs : 𝕁ames)  J→𝕁ames (𝕁→James xs)  xs
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames (incl xs)     = 𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs
  𝕁→J→𝕁ames (push xs i) j = push∞ (𝕁→J→𝕁ames-incl xs j) i

  J→𝕁→James : (xs : James)  𝕁→James (J→𝕁ames xs)  xs
  J→𝕁→James [] = refl
  J→𝕁→James (x  xs) = 𝕁→James-∷ x (J→𝕁ames xs)   i  x  J→𝕁→James xs i)
  J→𝕁→James (unit xs i) j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  J→𝕁→James xs (j  k)
      ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler (𝕁→James-∷ x₀ (J→𝕁ames xs))  i  x₀  J→𝕁→James xs i) k j
      ; (j = i0)  𝕁→James (J→𝕁ames (unit xs i))
      ; (j = i1)  unit (J→𝕁→James xs k) i })
    (𝕁→James-push (J→𝕁ames xs) j i)

  James≃𝕁Red∞ : James  𝕁ames
  James≃𝕁Red∞ = isoToEquiv (iso J→𝕁ames 𝕁→James 𝕁→J→𝕁ames J→𝕁→James)