{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Functions.Bundle where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Functions.Fibration

open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Structures.TypeEqvTo

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

module _ {ℓb ℓf} {B : Type ℓb} {F : Type ℓf} {} where

    A fiber bundle with base space B and fibers F is a map `p⁻¹ : B → TypeEqvTo F`
     taking points in the base space to their respective fibers.

    e.g. a double cover is a map `B → TypeEqvTo Bool`

  Total : (p⁻¹ : B  TypeEqvTo  F)  Type (ℓ-max ℓb )
  Total p⁻¹ = Σ[ x  B ] p⁻¹ x .fst

  pr : (p⁻¹ : B  TypeEqvTo  F)  Total p⁻¹  B
  pr p⁻¹ = fst

  inc : (p⁻¹ : B  TypeEqvTo  F) (x : B)  p⁻¹ x .fst  Total p⁻¹
  inc p⁻¹ x = (x ,_)

  fibPrEquiv : (p⁻¹ : B  TypeEqvTo  F) (x : B)  fiber (pr p⁻¹) x  p⁻¹ x .fst
  fibPrEquiv p⁻¹ x = fiberEquiv  x  typ (p⁻¹ x)) x

module _ {ℓb ℓf} (B : Type ℓb) ( : Level) (F : Type ℓf) where
    ℓ' = ℓ-max ℓb 

    Equivalently, a fiber bundle with base space B and fibers F is a type E and
     a map `p : E → B` with fibers merely equivalent to F.

  bundleEquiv : (B  TypeEqvTo ℓ' F)  (Σ[ E  Type ℓ' ] Σ[ p  (E  B) ]  x   fiber p x  F ∥₁)
  bundleEquiv = compEquiv (compEquiv Σ-Π-≃ (pathToEquiv p)) Σ-assoc-≃
    where e = fibrationEquiv B 
          p :   (Σ[ p⁻¹  (B  Type ℓ') ]             x   p⁻¹ x  F ∥₁)
               (Σ[ p  (Σ[ E  Type ℓ' ] (E  B)) ]  x   fiber (snd p) x  F ∥₁ )
          p i = Σ[ q  ua e (~ i) ]  x   ua-unglue e (~ i) q x  F ∥₁