This is a rather literal translation of Martin Hötzel-Escardó's structure identity principle into cubical Agda. See

All the needed preliminary results from the lecture notes are stated and proven in this file.
It would be interesting to compare the proves with the one in Cubical.Foundations.SIP
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Experiments.EscardoSIP where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
    S : Type   Type ℓ'

-- We prove several useful equalities and equivalences between Σ-types all the proofs are taken from
-- Martin Hötzel-Escardó's lecture notes.

-- The next result is just a reformulation of pathSigma≡sigmaPath from Sigma.Properties.

Σ-≡-≃ : {X : Type } {A : X  Type ℓ'}
        (σ τ : Σ X A)  ((σ  τ)  (Σ[ p  (σ .fst)  (τ .fst) ] (subst A p (σ .snd)  (τ .snd))))
Σ-≡-≃ {A = A} σ τ = invEquiv (ΣPathTransport≃PathΣ σ τ)

-- This cubical proof is much shorter than in HoTT but requires that A, B live in the same universe.
Σ-cong : {X : Type } {A B : X  Type ℓ'} 
         ((x : X)  (A x  B x))  (Σ X A  Σ X B)
Σ-cong {X = X} p i = Σ[ x  X ] (p x i)

-- Two lemmas for the more general formulation using equivalences
NatΣ : {X : Type } {A : X  Type ℓ'} {B : X  Type ℓ''}
       ((x : X)  (A x)  (B x))  (Σ X A)  (Σ X B)
NatΣ τ (x , a) = (x , τ x a)

Σ-to-PathP : {X : Type } {A : X  Type ℓ'} {x : X} {a b : A x}
           (a  b)  PathP  i  Σ X A) (x , a) (x , b)
Σ-to-PathP {x = x} p i = (x , p i)

Σ-cong-≃ :  {X : Type } {A : X  Type ℓ'} {B : X  Type ℓ''} 
         ((x : X)  (A x  B x))  (Σ X A  Σ X B)
Σ-cong-≃ {X = X} {A = A} {B = B} φ = isoToEquiv (iso (NatΣ f) (NatΣ g) NatΣ-ε NatΣ-η)
  f : (x : X)  (A x)  (B x)
  f x = equivFun (φ x)

  g : (x : X)  (B x)  (A x)
  g x = equivFun (invEquiv (φ x))

  η : (x : X)  (a : A x)  (g x) ((f x) a)  a
  η x = secEq (invEquiv (φ x))

  ε : (x : X)  (b : B x)  f x (g x b)  b
  ε x = retEq  (invEquiv (φ x))

  NatΣ-η : (w : Σ X A)  NatΣ g (NatΣ f w)  w
  NatΣ-η (x , a)  = (x , g x (f x a)) ≡⟨ Σ-to-PathP (η x a)  
                    (x , a)           

  NatΣ-ε : (u : Σ X B)  NatΣ f (NatΣ g u)  u
  NatΣ-ε (x , b) = (x , f x (g x b)) ≡⟨ Σ-to-PathP (ε x b) 
                   (x , b)           

-- The next result is stated a bit awkwardly but is rather straightforward to prove.
Σ-change-of-variable-Iso :  {X : Type } {Y : Type ℓ'} {A : Y  Type ℓ''} (f : X  Y)
                            (isHAEquiv f)  (Iso (Σ X (A  f)) (Σ Y A))
Σ-change-of-variable-Iso { = } {ℓ' = ℓ'} {X = X} {Y = Y} {A = A} f isHAEquivf = iso φ ψ φψ ψφ
   g : Y  X
   g = isHAEquiv.g isHAEquivf
   ε : (x : X)  (g (f x))  x
   ε = isHAEquiv.linv isHAEquivf
   η : (y : Y)  f (g y)  y
   η = isHAEquiv.rinv isHAEquivf
   τ :  (x : X)  cong f (ε x)  η (f x)
   τ = isHAEquiv.com isHAEquivf

   φ : (Σ X (A  f))  (Σ Y A)
   φ (x , a) = (f x , a)

   ψ : (Σ Y A)  (Σ X (A  f))
   ψ (y , a) = (g y , subst A (sym (η y)) a)

   φψ : (z : (Σ Y A))  φ (ψ z)  z
   φψ (y , a) =
     ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _ (η y ,  transportTransport⁻  i  A (η y i)) a)
     -- last term proves transp (λ i → A (η y i)) i0 (transp (λ i → A (η y (~ i))) i0 a) ≡ a

   ψφ : (z : (Σ X (A  f)))  ψ (φ z)  z
   ψφ (x , a) = ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _ (ε x , q)
      b : A (f (g (f x)))
      b = (transp  i  A (η (f x) (~ i))) i0 a)

      q : transp  i  A (f (ε x i))) i0 (transp  i  A (η (f x) (~ i))) i0 a)  a
      q =  transp  i  A (f (ε x i))) i0 b  ≡⟨ i 
           transp  i  A (η (f x) i)) i0 b  ≡⟨ transportTransport⁻  i  A (η (f x) i)) a 
        i : (transp  i  A (f (ε x i))) i0 b)   (transp  i  A (η (f x) i)) i0 b)
        i = subst  p  (transp  i  A (f (ε x i))) i0 b)   (transp  i  A (p i)) i0 b))
                 (τ x) refl

-- Using the result above we can prove the following quite useful result.
Σ-change-of-variable-≃ : {X : Type } {Y : Type ℓ'} {A : Y  Type ℓ''} (f : X  Y)
                       (isEquiv f)  ((Σ X (A  f))  (Σ Y A))
Σ-change-of-variable-≃ f isEquivf =
                      isoToEquiv (Σ-change-of-variable-Iso f (equiv→HAEquiv (f , isEquivf) .snd))

-- A structure is a type-family S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ', i.e. for X : Type ℓ and s : S X, the pair (X , s)
-- means that X is equipped with a S-structure, which is witnessed by s.
-- An S-structure should have a notion of S-homomorphism, or rather S-isomorphism.
-- This will be implemented by a function ι
-- that gives us for any two types with S-structure (X , s) and (Y , t) a family:
--    ι (X , s) (Y , t) : (X ≃ Y) → Type ℓ''
-- Note that for any equivalence (f , e) : X ≃ Y the type  ι (X , s) (Y , t) (f , e) need not to be
-- a proposition. Indeed this type should correspond to the ways s and t can be identified
-- as S-structures. This we call a standard notion of structure.

SNS : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'')  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ) ℓ') ℓ'')
SNS  { = } S ι =  {X : (Type )} (s t : S X)  ((s  t)  ι (X , s) (X , t) (idEquiv X))

-- Escardo's ρ can actually be  defined from this:
ρ :  {ι : StrEquiv S ℓ''} (θ : SNS S ι) (A : TypeWithStr  S)  (ι A A (idEquiv (typ A)))
ρ θ A = equivFun (θ (str A) (str A)) refl

-- We introduce the notation a bit differently:
_≃[_]_ : (A : TypeWithStr  S) (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'') (B : TypeWithStr  S)  (Type (ℓ-max  ℓ''))
A ≃[ ι ] B = Σ[ f  ((typ A)  (typ B)) ] (ι A B f)

Id→homEq : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'')
           (ρ : (A : TypeWithStr  S)  ι A A (idEquiv (typ A)))
           (A B : TypeWithStr  S)  A  B  (A ≃[ ι ] B)
Id→homEq S ι ρ A B p = J  y x  A ≃[ ι ] y) (idEquiv (typ A) , ρ A) p

-- Use a PathP version of Escardó's homomorphism-lemma
hom-lemma-dep : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'') (θ : SNS S ι)
                (A B : TypeWithStr  S)
                (p : (typ A)  (typ B))
                (PathP  i  S (p i)) (str A) (str B))  (ι A B (pathToEquiv p))
hom-lemma-dep S ι θ A B p = (J P  s  γ s) p) (str B)
      P =  y x  (s : S y)  PathP  i  S (x i)) (str A) s  ι A (y , s) (pathToEquiv x))

      γ : (s : S (typ A))  ((str A)  s)  ι A ((typ A) , s) (pathToEquiv refl)
      γ s = subst  f  ((str A)  s)  ι A ((typ A) , s) f)  (sym pathToEquivRefl) (θ (str A) s)

-- Define the inverse of Id→homEq directly.
ua-lemma : (A B : Type ) (e : A  B)  (pathToEquiv (ua e))  e
ua-lemma A B e = EquivJ  A f  (pathToEquiv (ua f))  f)
                        (subst  r  pathToEquiv r  idEquiv B) (sym uaIdEquiv) pathToEquivRefl)

homEq→Id : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'') (θ : SNS S ι)
           (A B : TypeWithStr  S)  (A ≃[ ι ] B)  A  B
homEq→Id S ι θ A B (f , φ) = ΣPathP (p , q)
         p = ua f

         ψ : ι A B (pathToEquiv p)
         ψ = subst  g  ι A B g) (sym (ua-lemma (typ A) (typ B) f)) φ

         q : PathP  i  S (p i)) (str A) (str B)
         q = equivFun (invEquiv (hom-lemma-dep S ι θ A B p)) ψ

-- Proof of the SIP:
SIP : (S : Type   Type ℓ') (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ'') (θ : SNS S ι)
      (A B : TypeWithStr  S)  ((A  B)  (A ≃[ ι ] B))
SIP S ι θ A B =
            (A  B)                                                             ≃⟨ i 
            (Σ[ p  (typ A)  (typ B) ] PathP  i  S (p i)) (str A) (str B))  ≃⟨ ii 
            (Σ[ p  (typ A)  (typ B) ] (ι A B (pathToEquiv p)))                ≃⟨ iii 
            (A ≃[ ι ] B)                                                            
     i = invEquiv ΣPath≃PathΣ
     ii = Σ-cong-≃ (hom-lemma-dep S ι θ A B)
     iii = Σ-change-of-variable-≃ pathToEquiv (equivIsEquiv univalence)

-- A simple example: pointed types
pointed-structure : Type   Type 
pointed-structure X = X

Pointed-Type : Type (ℓ-suc )
Pointed-Type { = } = Σ (Type ) pointed-structure

pointed-ι : (A B : Pointed-Type)  (A .fst)  (B. fst)  Type 
pointed-ι (X , x) (Y , y) f = (equivFun f) x  y

pointed-is-sns : SNS { = } pointed-structure pointed-ι
pointed-is-sns s t = idEquiv (s  t)

pointed-type-sip : (X Y : Type ) (x : X) (y : Y)
                   (Σ[ f  X  Y ] (f .fst) x  y)  ((X , x)  (Y , y))
pointed-type-sip X Y x y = invEquiv (SIP pointed-structure pointed-ι pointed-is-sns (X , x) (Y , y))