{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Displayed.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (pathToEquiv; univalence; ua-ungluePath-Equiv)

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open BinaryRelation

open import Cubical.Displayed.Base

     ℓA ℓA' ℓP ℓ≅A ℓ≅A' ℓB ℓB' ℓ≅B ℓ≅B' ℓC ℓ≅C : Level

-- induction principles

module _ {A : Type ℓA} (𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A) where
  open UARel 𝒮-A

  -- Contractibility of ≅-singletons

  𝒮-isContrSingl : (a : A)  isContr (Σ[ a'  A ] (a  a'))
  𝒮-isContrSingl a =
    isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0
      (Σ-cong-iso-snd λ _  uaIso _ _)
      (isContrSingl a)

  -- Sometimes we have a hard-coded a ≅ a we want to use as the reflexivity

  𝒮-J-customRefl≅ : {a : A} {myRefl : a  a}
    (P : (a' : A)  (p : a  a')  Type )
    (d : P a myRefl)
    {a' : A}
    (p : a  a')
     P a' p
  𝒮-J-customRefl≅ P d p =
    subst (uncurry P) (isContr→isProp (𝒮-isContrSingl _) _ _) d

  𝒮-J-≅ : {a : A}
    (P : (a' : A)  (p : a  a')  Type )
    (d : P a (ρ a))
    {a' : A}
    (p : a  a')
      P a' p
  𝒮-J-≅ = 𝒮-J-customRefl≅

-- constructors

module _ {A : Type ℓA} {𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A}
  {B : A  Type ℓB}
  (_≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_ : {a a' : A}  B a  UARel._≅_ 𝒮-A a a'  B a'  Type ℓ≅B)

    open UARel 𝒮-A

    -- constructor that reduces ua to the case where p = ρ a by induction on p
      𝒮ᴰ-make-aux : (uni : {a : A} (b b' : B a)  b ≅ᴰ⟨ ρ a  b'  (b  b'))
                     ({a a' : A} (b : B a) (p : a  a') (b' : B a')  (b ≅ᴰ⟨ p  b')  PathP  i  B (≅→≡ p i)) b b')
      𝒮ᴰ-make-aux uni {a} {a'} b p
        = 𝒮-J-≅ 𝒮-A
                     y q  (b' : B y)  (b ≅ᴰ⟨ q  b')  PathP  i  B (≅→≡ q i)) b b')
                     b'  uni' b')
          g : (b' : B a)  (b  b')  PathP  i  B (≅→≡ (ρ a) i)) b b'
          g b' = subst  r  (b  b')  PathP  i  B (r i)) b b')
                       (sym (Iso.rightInv (uaIso a a) refl))
          uni' : (b' : B a)  b ≅ᴰ⟨ ρ a  b'  PathP  i  B (≅→≡ (ρ a) i)) b b'
          uni' b' = compEquiv (uni b b') (pathToEquiv (g b'))

    𝒮ᴰ-make-1 : (uni : {a : A} (b b' : B a)  b ≅ᴰ⟨ ρ a  b'  (b  b'))
                 DUARel 𝒮-A B ℓ≅B
    DUARel._≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_ (𝒮ᴰ-make-1 uni) = _≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_
    DUARel.uaᴰ (𝒮ᴰ-make-1 uni) = 𝒮ᴰ-make-aux uni

    -- constructor that reduces univalence further to contractibility of relational singletons

    𝒮ᴰ-make-2 : (ρᴰ : {a : A}  isRefl _≅ᴰ⟨ ρ a ⟩_)
                (contrTotal : (a : A)  contrRelSingl _≅ᴰ⟨ ρ a ⟩_)
                 DUARel 𝒮-A B ℓ≅B
    𝒮ᴰ-make-2 ρᴰ contrTotal = 𝒮ᴰ-make-1 (contrRelSingl→isUnivalent _ ρᴰ (contrTotal _))

-- relational isomorphisms

𝒮-iso→iso : {A : Type ℓA} (𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A)
               {B : Type ℓB} (𝒮-B : UARel B ℓ≅B)
               (F : RelIso (UARel._≅_ 𝒮-A) (UARel._≅_ 𝒮-B))
                Iso A B
𝒮-iso→iso 𝒮-A 𝒮-B F
  = RelIso→Iso (UARel._≅_ 𝒮-A)
               (UARel._≅_ 𝒮-B)
               (UARel.≅→≡ 𝒮-A)
               (UARel.≅→≡ 𝒮-B)

-- fiberwise relational isomorphisms

module _ {A : Type ℓA} {𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A}
  {A' : Type ℓA'} {𝒮-A' : UARel A' ℓ≅A'}
  (F : Iso A A')
  {B : A  Type ℓB} (𝒮ᴰ-B : DUARel 𝒮-A B ℓ≅B)
  {B' : A'  Type ℓB'} (𝒮ᴰ-B' : DUARel 𝒮-A' B' ℓ≅B') where

  open UARel 𝒮-A
  open DUARel 𝒮ᴰ-B renaming (_≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_ to _≅B⟨_⟩_
                            ; uaᴰ to uaB
                            ; fiberRel to fiberRelB
                            ; uaᴰρ to uaᴰρB)
  open DUARel 𝒮ᴰ-B' renaming (_≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_ to _≅B'⟨_⟩_
                             ; uaᴰ to uaB'
                             ; fiberRel to fiberRelB'
                             ; uaᴰρ to uaᴰρB')

    f = Iso.fun F

    -- the following can of course be done slightly more generally
    -- for fiberwise binary relations

    F*fiberRelB' : (a : A)  Rel (B' (f a)) (B' (f a)) ℓ≅B'
    F*fiberRelB' a = fiberRelB' (f a)

  module _ (G : (a : A)  RelIso (fiberRelB a) (F*fiberRelB' a)) where
      fiberIsoOver : (a : A)  Iso (B a) (B' (f a))
      fiberIsoOver a
        = RelIso→Iso (fiberRelB a)
                     (F*fiberRelB' a)
                     (equivFun (uaᴰρB _ _))
                     (equivFun (uaᴰρB' _ _))
                     (G a)

    -- DUARelFiberIsoOver→TotalIso produces an isomorphism of total spaces
    -- from a relational isomorphism between B a and (F * B) a
    𝒮ᴰ-fiberIsoOver→totalIso : Iso (Σ A B) (Σ A' B')
    𝒮ᴰ-fiberIsoOver→totalIso = Σ-cong-iso F fiberIsoOver