{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Equality.Univalence where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
using ()
renaming ( refl to reflPath
; subst to substPath
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
using ()
renaming ( isPropIsEquiv to isPropIsEquivPath
; idEquiv to idEquivPath
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
using ()
renaming ( ua to uaPath
; uaβ to uaPathβ
; uaIdEquiv to uaIdEquivPath
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Conversion
a b ℓ ℓ' : Level
A : Type a
B : Type b
x y z : A
idToEquiv : A ≡ B → A ≃ B
idToEquiv {A = A} p = transport id p , J (λ B p → isEquiv {A = A} {B = B} (transport id p)) isEquivId p
ua : (A ≃ B) → (A ≡ B)
ua e = pathToEq (uaPath (equivToEquivPath e))
uaβ : (e : A ≃ B) → transport id (ua e) x ≡ equivFun e x
uaβ {x = x} e@(f , p) =
transport id (pathToEq (uaPath (equivToEquivPath e))) x ≡⟨ step1 ⟩
substPath id (uaPath (equivToEquivPath e)) x ≡⟨ step2 ⟩
f x ∎
step1 = transportPathToEq→transportPath id (uaPath (equivToEquivPath e)) x
step2 = pathToEq (uaPathβ (equivToEquivPath e) x)
uaId : ua (id , isEquivId) ≡ refl {x = A}
uaId =
pathToEq (uaPath (equivToEquivPath (id , isEquivId))) ≡⟨ step1 ⟩
pathToEq (uaPath (idEquivPath _)) ≡⟨ step2 ⟩
pathToEq reflPath ≡⟨ step3 ⟩
refl ∎
step1 = ap (λ t → pathToEq (uaPath t)) (Σ≡Prop (λ f g h → pathToEq (isPropIsEquivPath f g h)) refl)
step2 = ap pathToEq (pathToEq uaIdEquivPath)
step3 = pathToEq-reflPath
univalence : (A ≡ B) ≃ (A ≃ B)
univalence =
(iso idToEquiv ua
(λ e → Σ≡Prop (λ _ f g → pathToEq (isPropIsEquiv f g)) (funExt λ _ → uaβ e))
(λ where refl → uaId))