
- Function Extensionality stated in terms of the inductively defined equality type

- Function Extensionality is stated as in the book: the function happly is defined
  in terms of J and satisfies happly refl = refl by definition

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Equality.FunctionExtensionality where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
  hiding (_≡_ ; step-≡ ; _∎ ; isPropIsContr)
  renaming ( refl      to reflPath
           ; transport to transportPath
           ; J         to JPath
           ; JRefl     to JPathRefl
           ; sym       to symPath
           ; _∙_       to compPath
           ; cong      to congPath
           ; subst     to substPath
           ; substRefl to substPathReflPath
           ; funExt    to funExtPath
           ; isContr   to isContrPath
           ; isProp    to isPropPath

open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Conversion

    a  : Level
    A : Type a
    P : A  Type 

happlyFunExt : (f g : (x : A)  P x) (p : (x : A)  f x  g x)  happly (funExt p)  p
happlyFunExt f g p = funExt λ x 
    happly (pathToEq  i x  eqToPath (p x) i)) x   ≡⟨ lem f g  i x  eqToPath (p x) i) x 
    pathToEq (eqToPath (p x))                        ≡⟨ pathToEq (pathToEq-eqToPath (p x)) 
    p x                                              
    lem : (f g : (x : A)  P x) (p : Path _ f g) (x : A)  happly (pathToEq p) x  pathToEq  i  p i x)
    lem f g = JPath  g p   x  happly (pathToEq p) x  pathToEq  i  p i x)) λ x 
      happly (pathToEq λ i  f) x   ≡⟨ ap  p  happly {f = f} p x) pathToEq-reflPath 
      happly (refl {x = f}) x       ≡⟨ sym pathToEq-reflPath 
      pathToEq reflPath             

funExtHapply : (f g : (x : A)  P x) (p : f  g)  funExt (happly p)  p
funExtHapply f .f refl = funExtRefl

functionExtensionality : {f g : (x : A)  P x}  (f  g)  ((x : A)  f x  g x)
functionExtensionality = isoToEquiv (iso happly funExt (happlyFunExt _ _) (funExtHapply _ _))