{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Yoneda where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (ua)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function renaming (_∘_ to _◍_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Lift
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Functors
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Base
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open NatTrans
open NatTransP
open Functor
open Iso
module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
open Category
yoneda : (F : Functor C (SET ℓ'))
→ (c : C .ob)
→ Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET ℓ')) [ C [ c ,-] , F ]) (fst (F ⟅ c ⟆))
yoneda F c = theIso
natType = (FUNCTOR C (SET ℓ')) [ C [ c ,-] , F ]
setType = fst (F ⟅ c ⟆)
ϕ : natType → setType
ϕ α = (α ⟦ _ ⟧) (C .id)
Ψ : setType → natType
Ψ x .N-ob c = λ f → (F ⟪ f ⟫) x
Ψ x .N-hom g
= funExt (λ f → (F ⟪ f ⋆⟨ C ⟩ g ⟫) x
≡[ i ]⟨ (F .F-seq f g) i x ⟩
(F ⟪ g ⟫) ((F ⟪ f ⟫) x)
theIso : Iso natType setType
theIso .fun = ϕ
theIso .inv = Ψ
theIso .rightInv x i = F .F-id i x
theIso .leftInv α@(natTrans αo αh) =
NatTrans-≡-intro (sym αo≡βo) (symP αh≡βh)
β = Ψ (ϕ α)
βo = β .N-ob
βh = β .N-hom
αo≡βo : αo ≡ βo
αo≡βo = funExt λ x → funExt λ f
→ αo x f
≡[ i ]⟨ αo x (C .⋆IdL f (~ i)) ⟩
αo x (C .id ⋆⟨ C ⟩ f)
≡[ i ]⟨ αh f i (C .id) ⟩
(F ⟪ f ⟫) ((αo _) (C .id))
NOType = N-ob-Type (C [ c ,-]) F
NHType = N-hom-Type (C [ c ,-]) F
αh≡βh : PathP (λ i → NHType (αo≡βo i)) αh βh
αh≡βh = isPropHomP αh βh αo≡βo
isProp-hom : (ϕ : NOType) → isProp (NHType ϕ)
isProp-hom γ = isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y → isPropΠ λ f →
isSetHom (SET _)
{x = (C [ c , x ]) , C .isSetHom } {F ⟅ y ⟆} _ _
isPropHomP : isOfHLevelDep 1 (λ ηo → NHType ηo)
isPropHomP = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 λ a → isProp-hom a
yonedaIsNaturalInFunctor : ∀ {F G : Functor C (SET ℓ')} (c : C .ob)
→ (β : F ⇒ G)
→ (fun (yoneda G c) ◍ compTrans β)
≡ (β ⟦ c ⟧ ◍ fun (yoneda F c))
yonedaIsNaturalInFunctor {F = F} {G} c β = funExt λ α → refl
yonedaIsNaturalInOb : ∀ {F : Functor C (SET ℓ')}
→ (c c' : C .ob)
→ (f : C [ c , c' ])
→ yoneda F c' .fun ◍ preComp f ≡ F ⟪ f ⟫ ◍ yoneda F c .fun
yonedaIsNaturalInOb {F = F} c c' f = funExt (λ α
→ (yoneda F c' .fun ◍ preComp f) α
≡⟨ refl ⟩
(α ⟦ c' ⟧) (f ⋆⟨ C ⟩ C .id)
≡[ i ]⟨ (α ⟦ c' ⟧) (C .⋆IdR f i) ⟩
(α ⟦ c' ⟧) f
≡[ i ]⟨ (α ⟦ c' ⟧) (C .⋆IdL f (~ i)) ⟩
(α ⟦ c' ⟧) (C .id ⋆⟨ C ⟩ f)
≡[ i ]⟨ (α .N-hom f i) (C .id) ⟩
(F ⟪ f ⟫) ((α ⟦ c ⟧) (C .id))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
((F ⟪ f ⟫) ◍ yoneda F c .fun) α
module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
open Category
import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open NatTrans
yonedaᴾ : (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ'))
→ (c : C .ob)
→ Iso ((FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) [ C [-, c ] , F ]) (fst (F ⟅ c ⟆))
yonedaᴾ F c =
((FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) [ C [-, c ] , F ]) Iso⟨ the-iso ⟩
FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ] Iso⟨ yoneda F c ⟩
(fst (F ⟅ c ⟆)) ∎Iso where
to : FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ]
→ FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ]
to α = natTrans (α .N-ob) (α .N-hom)
fro : FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ]
→ FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ]
fro β = natTrans (β .N-ob) (β .N-hom)
the-iso : Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ])
(FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ])
the-iso = iso to fro (λ b → refl) λ a → refl
yoneda* : {C : Category ℓ ℓ'}(F : Functor C (SET ℓ''))
→ (c : Category.ob C)
→ Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
(fst (F ⟅ c ⟆))
yoneda* {ℓ}{ℓ'}{ℓ''}{C} F c =
((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
Iso⟨ the-iso ⟩
((FUNCTOR (LiftHoms C ℓ'')
(SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ (LiftHoms C ℓ'' [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'') ])
Iso⟨ yoneda (LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'')) c ⟩
Lift {ℓ''}{ℓ'} (fst (F ⟅ c ⟆))
Iso⟨ invIso LiftIso ⟩
(fst (F ⟅ c ⟆)) ∎Iso where
the-iso : Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ'')))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
((FUNCTOR (LiftHoms C ℓ'') (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ'')))
[ (LiftHoms C ℓ'' [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'') ])
the-iso .fun α .N-ob d f = α .N-ob d f
the-iso .fun α .N-hom g = α .N-hom (g .lower)
the-iso .inv β .N-ob d f = β .N-ob d f
the-iso .inv β .N-hom g = β .N-hom (lift g)
the-iso .rightInv β = refl
the-iso .leftInv α = refl
yonedaᴾ* : {C : Category ℓ ℓ'}(F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ''))
→ (c : Category.ob C)
→ Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
(fst (F ⟅ c ⟆))
yonedaᴾ* {ℓ}{ℓ'}{ℓ''}{C} F c =
(FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ]) Iso⟨ the-iso ⟩
(FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F ((C ^op) [ c ,-])
, LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ]) Iso⟨ yoneda* F c ⟩
fst (F ⟅ c ⟆) ∎Iso where
the-iso :
Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
(FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
[ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F ((C ^op) [ c ,-]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
the-iso .fun α .N-ob = α .N-ob
the-iso .fun α .N-hom = α .N-hom
the-iso .inv β .N-ob = β .N-ob
the-iso .inv β .N-hom = β .N-hom
the-iso .rightInv = λ b → refl
the-iso .leftInv = λ a → refl
module _ {C : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
open Functor
open NatTrans
open Category C
yo : ob → Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ')
yo x = C [-, x ]
YO : Functor C (PresheafCategory C ℓ')
YO .F-ob = yo
YO .F-hom f .N-ob z g = g ⋆⟨ C ⟩ f
YO .F-hom f .N-hom g i h = ⋆Assoc g h f i
YO .F-id = makeNatTransPath λ i _ → λ f → ⋆IdR f i
YO .F-seq f g = makeNatTransPath λ i _ → λ h → ⋆Assoc h f g (~ i)
module _ {x} (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) where
yo-yo-yo : NatTrans (yo x) F → F .F-ob x .fst
yo-yo-yo α = α .N-ob _ id
no-no-no : F .F-ob x .fst → NatTrans (yo x) F
no-no-no a .N-ob y f = F .F-hom f a
no-no-no a .N-hom f = funExt λ g i → F .F-seq g f i a
yoIso : Iso (NatTrans (yo x) F) (F .F-ob x .fst)
yoIso .Iso.fun = yo-yo-yo
yoIso .Iso.inv = no-no-no
yoIso .Iso.rightInv b i = F .F-id i b
yoIso .Iso.leftInv a = makeNatTransPath (funExt λ _ → funExt rem)
rem : ∀ {z} (x₁ : C [ z , x ]) → F .F-hom x₁ (yo-yo-yo a) ≡ (a .N-ob z) x₁
rem g =
F .F-hom g (yo-yo-yo a)
≡[ i ]⟨ a .N-hom g (~ i) id ⟩
a .N-hom g i0 id
≡[ i ]⟨ a .N-ob _ (⋆IdR g i) ⟩
(a .N-ob _) g
yoEquiv : NatTrans (yo x) F ≃ F .F-ob x .fst
yoEquiv = isoToEquiv yoIso
isFullYO : isFull YO
isFullYO x y F[f] = ∣ yo-yo-yo _ F[f] , yoIso {x} (yo y) .Iso.leftInv F[f] ∣₁
isFaithfulYO : isFaithful YO
isFaithfulYO x y f g p i =
(λ j → λ{ (i = i0) → ⋆IdL f j; (i = i1) → ⋆IdL g j})
(yo-yo-yo _ (p i))
isFullyFaithfulYO : isFullyFaithful YO
isFullyFaithfulYO =
isFull+Faithful→isFullyFaithful {F = YO} isFullYO isFaithfulYO