
  Definition of profunctors (https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/profunctor)
  and some basic facts about them.

  We define a profunctor C ⊶ D as a functor C^o x D -> Set. We pick
  the universe levels such that the hom sets of C and D match Set,
  which roughly matches the set-theoretic notion of "locally small"

  We give some convenient notation for thinking of profunctors as a
  notion of "heteromorphism" between objects of different categories,
  with appropriate composition.

  A main use of profunctors is in defining universal properties as
  profunctors representable as a functor. The first definition is the
  isomorphism Hom[ F - , = ] =~ R[ - , = ] and the second is a
  generalization of the definition of an adjoint by giving "universal
  morphisms". These notions are equivalent, though for now we have
  only shown logical equivalence.


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Profunctor.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude hiding (Path)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Graph.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Graph.Path

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Functors
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets
open import Cubical.Categories.Functors.HomFunctor

-- There are possibly 5 different levels to consider: the levels of
-- objects and arrows of the two different categories and the level of
-- the sets in the profunctor.

-- Here we formalize the most common case in category theory: the
-- categories have the same levels as each other and the profunctor
-- level is the same as the Hom sets, so that Hom itself is a
-- profunctor.
module _ ( ℓ' : Level) where
  Cat : Type _
  Cat = Cubical.Categories.Category.Category  ℓ'

  -- There are two common, but opposite conventions for what a
  --  profunctor "from C to D" means: either
  --  C^op × D → Set
  --  D^op × C → Set

  -- To avoid confusion, we use a notation that supports both
  -- (suggested by Mike Shulman):
  -- 1. C ⊶ D means C^op × D → Set
  -- 2. C ⊷ D means D^op × C → Set

  -- The mnemonic is that the open side of the symbol indicates the
  -- contravariant variable in that it is similar to an "op"
  PROF⊶ : (C D : Cat)  Category _ _
  PROF⊶ C D = FUNCTOR ((C ^op) ×C D) (SET ℓ')

  PROF⊷ : (C D : Cat)  Category _ _

  record Profunctor⊶ (C D : Cat) : Type (ℓ-max  (ℓ-suc ℓ')) where
    constructor fromFunc
      asFunc : Category.ob (PROF⊶ C D)

      R = asFunc

    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D
    _⋆C_ = C._⋆_
    _⋆D_ = D._⋆_

    Het[_,_] : C.ob  D.ob  Type ℓ'
    Het[ c , d ] =  asFunc  c , d  

    _⋆L⟨_⟩⋆R_ :  {c c' d' d}
               (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ])(r : Het[ c' , d' ])(g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
               Het[ c , d ]
    f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g = Functor.F-hom R (f , g) r

    ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc :  {c c' c'' d'' d' d}
                 (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ]) (f' : C.Hom[ c' , c'' ])
                  (r : Het[ c'' , d'' ])
                  (g' : D.Hom[ d'' , d' ]) (g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
                 (f ⋆C f') ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (g' ⋆D g)  f ⋆L⟨ f' ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g' ⟩⋆R g
    ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc f f' r g' g i = Functor.F-seq R (f' , g') (f , g) i r

    ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RId :  {c d}  (r : Het[ c , d ])
              C.id ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R D.id  r
    ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RId r i = Functor.F-id R i r

    _⋆L_ : {c c' : C.ob} {d : D.ob}
               C.Hom[ c , c' ]
               Het[ c' , d ]
               Het[ c  , d ]
    _⋆L_ f r = f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R D.id
    infixr 9 _⋆L_

    ⋆LId :  {c d}  (r : Het[ c , d ])  C.id ⋆L r  r
    ⋆LId = ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RId

    ⋆LAssoc :  {c c' c'' d}  (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ])(f' : C.Hom[ c' , c'' ])(r : Het[ c'' , d ])
             (f ⋆C f' ⋆L r)  (f ⋆L f' ⋆L r)
    ⋆LAssoc f f' r =
      ((f ⋆C f') ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R D.id)           ≡⟨  i  (f ⋆C f') ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R sym (D.⋆IdL D.id) i) 
      ((f ⋆C f') ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (D.id ⋆D D.id)) ≡⟨ ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc f f' r D.id D.id 
      f ⋆L f' ⋆L r 

    _⋆R_ : {c : C.ob} {d' d : D.ob}
          Het[ c , d' ]
          D [ d' , d ]
          Het[ c , d ]
    _⋆R_ r g = C.id ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g
    infixl 9 _⋆R_

    ⋆RId :  {c d}  (r : Het[ c , d ])  r ⋆R D.id  r
    ⋆RId = ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RId

    ⋆RAssoc :  {c d'' d' d}  (r : Het[ c , d'' ])(g' : D.Hom[ d'' , d' ])(g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
             (r ⋆R g' ⋆D g)  (r ⋆R g' ⋆R g)
    ⋆RAssoc r g' g =
      (C.id ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (g' ⋆D g))           ≡⟨  i  sym (C.⋆IdL C.id) i ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (g' ⋆D g) ) 
      ((C.id ⋆C C.id) ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (g' ⋆D g)) ≡⟨ ⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc C.id C.id r g' g 
      (r ⋆R g' ⋆R g) 

    ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryL :  {c c' d' d}
                        (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ]) (r : Het[ c' , d' ]) (g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
                        ((f ⋆L r) ⋆R g)  (f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g)
    ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryL f r g =
      ((f ⋆L r) ⋆R g) ≡⟨ sym (⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc C.id f r D.id g) 
      ((C.id ⋆C f) ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (D.id ⋆D g)) ≡⟨  i  C.⋆IdL f i ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R D.⋆IdL g i) 
      (f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g) 

    ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryR :  {c c' d' d}
                        (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ]) (r : Het[ c' , d' ]) (g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
                        (f ⋆L (r ⋆R g))  (f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g)
    ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryR f r g =
      (f ⋆L (r ⋆R g))                     ≡⟨ sym (⋆L⟨⟩⋆RAssoc f C.id r g D.id) 
      ((f ⋆C C.id) ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R (g ⋆D D.id)) ≡⟨  i  C.⋆IdR f i ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R D.⋆IdR g i) 
      (f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g) 

    ⋆L⋆RAssoc :  {c c' d' d}  (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ])(r : Het[ c' , d' ])(g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
               ((f ⋆L r) ⋆R g)  (f ⋆L (r ⋆R g))
    ⋆L⋆RAssoc f r g =
      ((f ⋆L r) ⋆R g) ≡⟨ ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryL f r g 
      f ⋆L⟨ r ⟩⋆R g   ≡⟨ sym (⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryR f r g) 
      (f ⋆L (r ⋆R g)) 

  _⊶_ = Profunctor⊶

  Profunctor⊷ :  (C D : Cat)  Type _
  Profunctor⊷ C D = Profunctor⊶ D C

  _⊷_ = Profunctor⊷

  record Homomorphism {C D : Cat} (P Q : C  D) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D
    module P = Profunctor⊶ P
    module Q = Profunctor⊶ Q

    _⋆LP⟨_⟩⋆R_ = P._⋆L⟨_⟩⋆R_
    _⋆LQ⟨_⟩⋆R_ = Q._⋆L⟨_⟩⋆R_

      asNatTrans : PROF⊶ C D [ P.asFunc , Q.asFunc ]

    app :  {c d}  P.Het[ c , d ]  Q.Het[ c , d ]
    app {c}{d} p = NatTrans.N-ob asNatTrans (c , d) p

    homomorphism :  {c c' d' d} (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ])(p : P.Het[ c' , d' ])(g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
                app (f ⋆LP⟨ p ⟩⋆R g)  (f ⋆LQ⟨ app p ⟩⋆R g)
    homomorphism f p g = λ i  NatTrans.N-hom asNatTrans (f , g) i p

  homomorphism : {C D : Cat}  C  D  C  D  Type _
  homomorphism {C} {D} P Q = PROF⊶ C D [ Profunctor⊶.asFunc P , Profunctor⊶.asFunc Q ]

  swap : {C D : Cat}  C  D  (D ^op)  (C ^op)
  swap R = fromFunc
    record { F-ob  = λ (d , c)  R.F-ob (c , d)
           ; F-hom = λ (f , g)  R.F-hom (g , f)
           ; F-id  = R.F-id
           ; F-seq = λ (fl , fr) (gl , gr)  R.F-seq (fr , fl) (gr , gl)
    where module R = Functor (Profunctor⊶.asFunc R)

  HomProf : (C : Cat)  C  C
  HomProf C = fromFunc (HomFunctor C)

  _profF⊶[_,_] : {B C D E : Cat}
              (R : D  E)
              (F : Functor B D)
              (G : Functor C E)
              B  C
  R profF⊶[ F , G ] = fromFunc ((Profunctor⊶.asFunc R) ∘F ((F ^opF) ×F G))

  _Represents_ : {C D : Cat} (F : Functor C D) (R : C  D)  Type _
  _Represents_ {C}{D} F R =
    NatIso (Profunctor⊶.asFunc (HomProf D profF⊶[ F , Id {C = D} ])) (Profunctor⊶.asFunc R)

  Representable : {C D : Cat}  C  D  Type _
  Representable {C}{D} R = Σ[ F  Functor C D ] (F Represents R)

  record Representable' {C D : Cat} (R : C  D) : Type (ℓ-max  (ℓ-suc ℓ')) where
    module R = Profunctor⊶ R
    open R
      F₀             : C.ob  D.ob
      -- aka the introduction rule(s)/constructor(s)
      unit           :  {c : C.ob}  Het[ c , F₀ c ]
      -- aka the elimination rule/pattern matching
      induction      :  {c : C.ob} {d : D.ob}  Het[ c , d ]  D.Hom[ F₀ c , d ]
      -- aka the β-reduction principle
      computation    :  {c : C.ob} {d : D.ob}  (r : Het[ c , d ])
                      (unit ⋆R induction r)  r
      -- aka the η-expansion principle
      extensionality :  {c d} (f : D.Hom[ F₀ c , d ])  f  induction (unit ⋆R f)

    weak-extensionality :  {c}  D.id  induction (unit {c = c})
    weak-extensionality =
      D.id                     ≡⟨ extensionality D.id 
      induction (unit ⋆R D.id) ≡⟨  i  induction (⋆RId unit i)) 
      induction unit 

    naturality :  {c : C.ob}{d d' : D.ob}(r : Het[ c , d' ]) (k : D.Hom[ d' , d ])
                (induction r ⋆D k)  induction (r ⋆R k)
    naturality r k =
      induction r ⋆D k                       ≡⟨ extensionality (induction r ⋆D k) 
      induction (unit ⋆R induction r ⋆D k)   ≡⟨  i  induction (⋆RAssoc unit (induction r) k i)) 
      induction ((unit ⋆R induction r) ⋆R k) ≡⟨  i  induction (computation r i ⋆R k)) 
      induction (r ⋆R k) 

    F : Functor C D
    F = record
      { F-ob = F₀
      ; F-hom = λ f  induction ( f ⋆L unit)
      ; F-id = induction (C.id ⋆L unit) ≡⟨  i  induction (⋆LId unit i)) 
               induction unit           ≡⟨ sym weak-extensionality 
      ; F-seq = λ f g 
        induction ((f ⋆C g) ⋆L unit)                        ≡⟨  i  induction (⋆LAssoc f g unit i)) 
        induction (f ⋆L (g ⋆L unit))                        ≡⟨  i  induction (f ⋆L sym (computation (g ⋆L unit)) i)) 
        induction (f ⋆L (unit ⋆R (induction (g ⋆L unit))))  ≡⟨  i  induction (sym (⋆L⋆RAssoc f unit (induction (g ⋆L unit))) i)) 
        induction ((f ⋆L unit) ⋆R (induction (g ⋆L unit)))  ≡⟨ sym (naturality (f ⋆L unit) (induction (g ⋆L unit))) 
        induction (f ⋆L unit) ⋆D induction (g ⋆L unit) 

    module F = Functor F

    unduction :  {c : C.ob} {d : D.ob}  D.Hom[ F₀ c , d ]  Het[ c , d ]
    unduction f = unit ⋆R f

    induction⁻¹ : homomorphism (HomProf D profF⊶[ F , Id ]) R
    induction⁻¹ = natTrans  x r  unduction r) λ f⋆g i r  unduction-is-natural (fst f⋆g) (snd f⋆g) r i
      unduction-is-natural :  {c c' d' d}
                            (f : C.Hom[ c , c' ])(g : D.Hom[ d' , d ])(IP : D.Hom[ F₀ c' , d' ])
                            unduction ((F  f  ⋆D IP) ⋆D g)  f ⋆L⟨ unduction IP ⟩⋆R g
      unduction-is-natural f g IP =
        unit ⋆R ((induction (f ⋆L unit) ⋆D IP) ⋆D g) ≡⟨  i  unit ⋆R D.⋆Assoc (induction (f ⋆L unit)) IP g i) 
        unit ⋆R (induction (f ⋆L unit) ⋆D (IP ⋆D g)) ≡⟨ ⋆RAssoc unit _ (IP ⋆D g) 
        (unit ⋆R induction (f ⋆L unit)) ⋆R (IP ⋆D g) ≡⟨  i  computation (f ⋆L unit) i ⋆R (IP ⋆D g)) 
        (f ⋆L unit) ⋆R IP ⋆D g                       ≡⟨ ⋆L⋆RAssoc f unit (IP ⋆D g) 
        f ⋆L (unit ⋆R IP ⋆D g)                       ≡⟨  i  f ⋆L ⋆RAssoc unit IP g i) 
        f ⋆L ((unit ⋆R IP) ⋆R g)                     ≡⟨ ⋆L⋆R-unary-binaryR f _ g 
        f ⋆L⟨ unit ⋆R IP ⟩⋆R g 

    F-represents-R : F Represents R
    F-represents-R = record
                   { trans = induction⁻¹
                   ; nIso =  inductionIso }
      induction-induction⁻¹≡id :  {c d}(IP : D.Hom[ F₀ c , d ])  induction (unduction IP)  IP
      induction-induction⁻¹≡id IP =
        induction (unit ⋆R IP) ≡⟨ sym (naturality unit IP) 
        induction unit ⋆D IP ≡⟨  i  sym weak-extensionality i ⋆D IP) 
        D.id ⋆D IP               ≡⟨ D.⋆IdL _ 

      induction⁻¹-induction≡id :  {c d}(r : Het[ c , d ])  unduction (induction r)  r
      induction⁻¹-induction≡id r = computation r

      inductionIso = λ x 
        isiso induction
               i r  induction⁻¹-induction≡id r i)
               i IP  induction-induction⁻¹≡id IP i)

  Repr⇒Repr' :  {C D} (R : C  D)  Representable R  Representable' R
  Repr⇒Repr' {C}{D} R (F , F-repr-R) = record
                                     { F₀ = F.F-ob
                                     ; unit = unduction D.id
                                     ; induction = induction
                                     ; computation = computation
                                     ; extensionality = extensionality
    module R = Profunctor⊶ R
    open R
    module F = Functor F
    module F-repr-R = NatIso F-repr-R
    induction :  {c d}  Het[ c , d ]  D.Hom[ F.F-ob c , d ]
    induction r = isIso.inv (NatIso.nIso F-repr-R (_ , _)) r

    unduction-homo : Homomorphism (HomProf D profF⊶[ F , Id ]) R
    unduction-homo = record { asNatTrans = F-repr-R.trans }

    module unduction-homo = Homomorphism unduction-homo

    unduction :  {c d}  D.Hom[ F.F-ob c , d ]  Het[ c , d ]
    unduction = Homomorphism.app unduction-homo

    computation :  {c d} (r : Het[ c , d ])  unduction D.id ⋆R induction r  r
    computation r =
      (C.id ⋆L⟨ unduction D.id ⟩⋆R induction r)         ≡⟨ sym (unduction-homo.homomorphism C.id  D.id (induction r)) 
      unduction ((F.F-hom C.id ⋆D D.id) ⋆D induction r) ≡⟨  i  unduction (D.⋆IdR (F.F-hom C.id) i ⋆D induction r)) 
      unduction (F.F-hom C.id ⋆D induction r)           ≡⟨  i  unduction (F.F-id i ⋆D induction r)) 
      unduction (D.id ⋆D (induction r))                 ≡⟨  i  unduction (D.⋆IdL (induction r) i)) 
      unduction (induction r) ≡⟨  i  isIso.sec (NatIso.nIso F-repr-R _) i r) 

    extensionality :  {c d} (f : D.Hom[ F.F-ob c , d ])  f  induction (unduction D.id ⋆R f)
    extensionality f =
      f ≡⟨ sym  i  isIso.ret (NatIso.nIso F-repr-R _) i f) 
      induction (unduction f)                             ≡⟨  i  induction (unduction (sym (D.⋆IdL f) i))) 
      induction (unduction (D.id ⋆D f))                   ≡⟨  i  induction (unduction (sym (D.⋆IdL D.id) i ⋆D f))) 
      induction (unduction ((D.id ⋆D D.id) ⋆D f))         ≡⟨  i  induction (unduction ((sym F.F-id i ⋆D D.id) ⋆D f))) 
      induction (unduction ((F.F-hom C.id ⋆D D.id) ⋆D f)) ≡⟨  i  induction (unduction-homo.homomorphism C.id D.id f i)) 
      induction (C.id ⋆L⟨ unduction D.id ⟩⋆R f) 

  Repr'⇒Repr :  {C D} (R : C  D)  Representable' R  Representable R
  Repr'⇒Repr R R-representable =
    (Representable'.F R-representable) , Representable'.F-represents-R R-representable