
This module represents a path between categories (defined as records) as equivalent
to records of paths between fields.
It omits contractible fields for efficiency.

This helps greatly with efficiency in Cubical.Categories.Equivalence.WeakEquivalence.

This construction can be viewed as repeated application of `ΣPath≃PathΣ` and `Σ-contractSnd`.


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Category.Path where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base

open Category

     ℓ' : Level

record CategoryPath (C C' : Category  ℓ') : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
   ob≡ : C .ob  C' .ob
   Hom≡ : PathP  i  ob≡ i  ob≡ i  Type ℓ') (C .Hom[_,_]) (C' .Hom[_,_])
   id≡ : PathP  i  BinaryRelation.isRefl' (Hom≡ i)) (C .id) (C' .id)
   ⋆≡ : PathP  i  BinaryRelation.isTrans' (Hom≡ i)) (C ._⋆_) (C' ._⋆_)

 isSetHom≡ : PathP  i   {x y}  isSet (Hom≡ i x y))
   (C .isSetHom) (C' .isSetHom)
 isSetHom≡ = isProp→PathP  _  isPropImplicitΠ2 λ _ _  isPropIsSet) _ _

 mk≡ : C  C'
 ob (mk≡ i) = ob≡ i
 Hom[_,_] (mk≡ i) = Hom≡ i
 id (mk≡ i) = id≡ i
 _⋆_ (mk≡ i) = ⋆≡ i
 ⋆IdL (mk≡ i) =
    i  isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropΠ
    λ f  isOfHLevelPath' 1 (isSetHom≡ i {x} {y}) (⋆≡ i (id≡ i) f) f)
    (C .⋆IdL) (C' .⋆IdL) i
 ⋆IdR (mk≡ i) =
    i  isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropΠ
    λ f  isOfHLevelPath' 1 (isSetHom≡ i {x} {y}) (⋆≡ i f (id≡ i)) f)
    (C .⋆IdR) (C' .⋆IdR) i
 ⋆Assoc (mk≡ i) =
    i  isPropImplicitΠ4 λ x y z w  isPropΠ3
    λ f f' f''  isOfHLevelPath' 1 (isSetHom≡ i {x} {w})
     (⋆≡ i (⋆≡ i {x} {y} {z} f f') f'') (⋆≡ i f (⋆≡ i f' f'')))
    (C .⋆Assoc) (C' .⋆Assoc) i
 isSetHom (mk≡ i) = isSetHom≡ i

module _ {C C' : Category  ℓ'} where

 open CategoryPath

 ≡→CategoryPath : C  C'  CategoryPath C C'
 ≡→CategoryPath pa = c
  c : CategoryPath C C'
  ob≡ c = cong ob pa
  Hom≡ c = cong Hom[_,_] pa
  id≡ c = cong id pa
  ⋆≡ c = cong _⋆_ pa

 CategoryPathIso : Iso (CategoryPath C C') (C  C')
 Iso.fun CategoryPathIso = CategoryPath.mk≡
 Iso.inv CategoryPathIso = ≡→CategoryPath
 Iso.rightInv CategoryPathIso b i j = c
  cp = ≡→CategoryPath b
  b' = CategoryPath.mk≡ cp
  module _ (j : I) where
    module c' = Category (b j)

  c : Category  ℓ'
  ob c = c'.ob j
  Hom[_,_] c = c'.Hom[_,_] j
  id c = c'.id j
  _⋆_ c = c'._⋆_ j
  ⋆IdL c = isProp→SquareP  i j 
      isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropΠ λ f 
        (isSetHom≡ cp j {x} {y})
         (c'._⋆_ j (c'.id j) f) f)
      refl refl  j  b' j .⋆IdL)  j  c'.⋆IdL j) i j
  ⋆IdR c = isProp→SquareP  i j 
      isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropΠ λ f 
        (isSetHom≡ cp j {x} {y})
         (c'._⋆_ j f (c'.id j)) f)
      refl refl  j  b' j .⋆IdR)  j  c'.⋆IdR j) i j
  ⋆Assoc c = isProp→SquareP  i j 
      isPropImplicitΠ4 λ x y z w  isPropΠ3 λ f g h 
        (isSetHom≡ cp j {x} {w})
         (c'._⋆_ j (c'._⋆_ j {x} {y} {z} f g) h)
         (c'._⋆_ j f (c'._⋆_ j g h)))
      refl refl  j  b' j .⋆Assoc)  j  c'.⋆Assoc j) i j
  isSetHom c = isProp→SquareP  i j 
      isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropIsSet {A = c'.Hom[_,_] j x y})
      refl refl  j  b' j .isSetHom)  j  c'.isSetHom j) i j
 ob≡ (Iso.leftInv CategoryPathIso a i) = ob≡ a
 Hom≡ (Iso.leftInv CategoryPathIso a i) = Hom≡ a
 id≡ (Iso.leftInv CategoryPathIso a i) = id≡ a
 ⋆≡ (Iso.leftInv CategoryPathIso a i) = ⋆≡ a

 CategoryPath≡ : (cp cp' : CategoryPath C C') 
     (p≡ : ob≡ cp  ob≡ cp') 
     SquareP  i j  (p≡ i) j  (p≡ i) j  Type ℓ')
          (Hom≡ cp) (Hom≡ cp')  _  C .Hom[_,_])  _  C' .Hom[_,_])
           cp  cp'
 ob≡ (CategoryPath≡ _ _ p≡ _ i) = p≡ i
 Hom≡ (CategoryPath≡ _ _ p≡ h≡ i) = h≡ i
 id≡ (CategoryPath≡ cp cp' p≡ h≡ i) j {x} = isSet→SquareP
      i j  isProp→PathP  i 
       isPropIsSet {A = BinaryRelation.isRefl' (h≡ i j)})
       (isSetImplicitΠ λ x  isSetHom≡ cp  j {x} {x})
       (isSetImplicitΠ λ x  isSetHom≡ cp' j {x} {x}) i)
    (id≡ cp) (id≡ cp')  _  C .id)  _  C' .id)
    i j {x}
 ⋆≡ (CategoryPath≡ cp cp' p≡ h≡ i) j {x} {y} {z} = isSet→SquareP
     i j  isProp→PathP  i 
        isPropIsSet {A = BinaryRelation.isTrans' (h≡ i j)})
         (isSetImplicitΠ3  x _ z  isSetΠ2 λ _ _  isSetHom≡ cp  j {x} {z}))
         (isSetImplicitΠ3  x _ z  isSetΠ2 λ _ _  isSetHom≡ cp' j {x} {z})) i)
    (⋆≡ cp) (⋆≡ cp')  _  C ._⋆_)  _  C' ._⋆_)
    i j {x} {y} {z}