
This file contains:
    - the abelianization of groups as a HIT as proposed in https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.05833

The definition of the abelianization is not as a set-quotient, since the relation of
abelianization is cumbersome to work with.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
  using (isPropIsGroupHom; compGroupHom; idGroupHom)

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.Base

     : Level

module _ (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
      _ = snd G

  -- Some helpful lemmas, similar to those in Cubical/HITs/SetQuotients/Properties.agda
  elimProp : {B : Abelianization G  Type }
         (Bprop : (x : Abelianization G)  isProp (B x))
         (f : (g : fst G)  B (η g))
         (x : Abelianization G)
         B x
  elimProp Bprop f (η g) = f g
  elimProp {B = B} Bprop f (comm a b c i) =
    isProp→PathP  i  Bprop (comm a b c i)) (f (a · (b · c))) (f (a · (c · b))) i
  elimProp Bprop f (isset x y p q i j) =
      2  x  isProp→isSet (Bprop x)) (g x) (g y) (cong g p) (cong g q) (isset x y p q) i j
    g = elimProp Bprop f

  elimProp2 : {C : Abelianization G  Abelianization G  Type }
         (Cprop : (x y : Abelianization G)  isProp (C x y))
         (f : (a b : fst G)  C (η a) (η b))
         (x y : Abelianization G)
         C x y
  elimProp2 Cprop f = elimProp  x  isPropΠ  y  Cprop x y))
                                x  elimProp  y  Cprop (η x) y) (f x))

  elimProp3 : {D : Abelianization G  Abelianization G  Abelianization G  Type }
         (Dprop : (x y z : Abelianization G)  isProp (D x y z))
         ((a b c : fst G)  D (η a) (η b) (η c))
         (x y z : Abelianization G)
         D x y z
  elimProp3 Dprop f = elimProp  x  isPropΠ2  y z  Dprop x y z))
                                x  elimProp2  y z  Dprop (η x) y z) (f x))

  elimContr : {B : Abelianization G  Type }
         (Bcontr :  (a : fst G)  isContr (B (η a)))
         (x : Abelianization G)
         B x
  elimContr Bcontr = elimProp (elimProp  _  isPropIsProp) λ _  isContr→isProp (Bcontr _))
                              λ _  Bcontr _ .fst

  elimContr2 : {C : Abelianization G  Abelianization G  Type }
         (Ccontr :  (a b : fst G)  isContr (C (η a) (η b)))
         (x y : Abelianization G)
         C x y
  elimContr2 Ccontr = elimContr λ _  isOfHLevelΠ 0
                     (elimContr λ _  inhProp→isContr (Ccontr _ _) isPropIsContr)

  rec : {M : Type }
        (Mset : isSet M)
        (f : fst G  M)
        (fcomm : (a b c : fst G)  f (a · (b · c))  f (a · (c · b)))
       Abelianization G  M
  rec Mset f fcomm (η g) = f g
  rec Mset f fcomm (comm a b c i) = fcomm a b c i
  rec Mset f fcomm (isset a b p q i j) = Mset (g a) (g b) (cong g p) (cong g q) i j
    g = rec Mset f fcomm

  rec2 : {M : Type }
        (Mset : isSet M)
        (f : fst G  fst G  M)
        (fcomml : (a b c d : fst G)  f (a · (b · c)) d  f (a · (c · b)) d)
        (fcommr : (a b c d : fst G)  f a (b · (c · d))  f a (b · (d · c)))
       Abelianization G  Abelianization G  M
  rec2 Mset f fcomml fcommr =
      (isSetΠ  _  Mset))
       g  rec Mset  h  f g h) (fcommr g))
       a b c  funExt (elimProp  _  Mset _ _)  d  fcomml a b c d)))

module AbelianizationGroupStructure (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
      _ = snd G

    Definition of the group structure on the abelianization. Here the generality of the comm
    relation is used.
  _·Ab_ : Abelianization G  Abelianization G  Abelianization G
  _·Ab_ =
    (rec2 G)
       x y  η (x · y))
       a b c d  η ((a · (b · c)) · d) ≡⟨ cong η (cong  x  (x · d)) (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
                   η (((a · b) · c) · d) ≡⟨ cong η (sym (·Assoc (a · b) c d)) 
                   η ((a · b) · (c · d)) ≡⟨ comm (a · b) c d 
                   η ((a · b) · (d · c)) ≡⟨ cong η (sym (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
                   η (a · (b · (d · c))) ≡⟨ cong η (cong  x  (a · x)) (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
                   η (a · ((b · d) · c)) ≡⟨ comm a (b · d) c 
                   η (a · (c · (b · d))) ≡⟨ cong η (cong  x  (a · x)) (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
                   η (a · ((c · b) · d)) ≡⟨ cong η (·Assoc a (c · b) d) 
                   η ((a · (c · b)) · d) )
       a b c d  η (a · (b · (c · d))) ≡⟨ cong η (·Assoc _ _ _) 
                   η ((a · b) · (c · d)) ≡⟨ comm (a · b) c d 
                   η ((a · b) · (d · c)) ≡⟨ cong η (sym (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
                   η (a · (b · (d · c))) )

  1Ab : Abelianization G
  1Ab = η 1g

  invAb : Abelianization G  Abelianization G
  invAb =
    (rec G)
      ((λ x  η (inv x)))
       a b c  η (inv (a · (b · c)))         ≡⟨ cong η (invDistr a (b · c)) 
      η ((inv (b · c)) · (inv a))              ≡⟨ cong  x  η (x · (inv a))) (invDistr b c) 
      η (((inv c) · (inv b)) · (inv a))        ≡⟨ cong
                                                    ((sym (·IdL (((inv c) · (inv b)) · (inv a))))) 
      η (1g · (((inv c) · (inv b)) · (inv a))) ≡⟨ comm 1g ((inv c) · (inv b)) (inv a) 
      η (1g · ((inv a) · ((inv c) · (inv b)))) ≡⟨ cong η (·IdL ((inv a) · ((inv c) · (inv b)))) 
      η ((inv a) · ((inv c) · (inv b)))        ≡⟨ comm (inv a) (inv c) (inv b) 
      η ((inv a) · ((inv b) · (inv c)))        ≡⟨ cong
                                                    ((sym (·IdL ((inv a) · ((inv b) · (inv c)))))) 
      η (1g · ((inv a) · ((inv b) · (inv c)))) ≡⟨ comm 1g (inv a) ((inv b) · (inv c)) 
      η (1g · (((inv b) · (inv c)) · (inv a))) ≡⟨ cong η (·IdL (((inv b) · (inv c)) · (inv a))) 
      η (((inv b) · (inv c)) · (inv a))        ≡⟨ cong
                                                     x  η (x · (inv a)))
                                                    (sym (invDistr c b)) 
      η ((inv (c · b)) · (inv a))              ≡⟨ cong η (sym (invDistr a (c · b))) 
      η (inv (a · (c · b))) )

  assocAb : (x y z : Abelianization G)  x ·Ab (y ·Ab z)  (x ·Ab y) ·Ab z
  assocAb =
    (elimProp3 G)
       x y z  isset (x ·Ab (y ·Ab z)) ((x ·Ab y) ·Ab z))
       x y z  cong η (·Assoc x y z))

  ridAb : (x : Abelianization G)  x ·Ab 1Ab  x
  ridAb =
    (elimProp G)
       x  isset (x ·Ab 1Ab) x)
       x  cong η (·IdR x))

  rinvAb : (x : Abelianization G)  x ·Ab (invAb x)  1Ab
  rinvAb =
    (elimProp G)
       x  isset (x ·Ab (invAb x)) 1Ab)
       x  (η x) ·Ab (invAb (η x)) ≡⟨ refl 
             (η x) ·Ab (η (inv x))   ≡⟨ refl 
             η (x · (inv x))         ≡⟨ cong η (·InvR x) 
             η 1g                    ≡⟨ refl 
             1Ab )

  commAb : (x y : Abelianization G)  x ·Ab y  y ·Ab x
  commAb =
    (elimProp2 G)
       x y  isset (x ·Ab y) (y ·Ab x))
       x y  (η x) ·Ab (η y)  ≡⟨ refl 
               η (x · y)        ≡⟨ cong η (sym (·IdL (x · y))) 
               η (1g · (x · y)) ≡⟨ comm 1g x y 
               η (1g · (y · x)) ≡⟨ cong η (·IdL (y · x)) 
               η (y · x)        ≡⟨ refl 
               (η y) ·Ab (η x) )

  -- The proof that the abelianization is in fact an abelian group.
  asAbelianGroup : AbGroup 
  asAbelianGroup = makeAbGroup 1Ab _·Ab_ invAb isset assocAb ridAb rinvAb commAb

  -- The proof that η can be seen as a group homomorphism
  ηAsGroupHom : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup)
  ηAsGroupHom = f , fIsHom
    f = λ x  η x
    fIsHom : IsGroupHom (snd G) f (snd (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup))
    IsGroupHom.pres· fIsHom = λ x y  refl
    IsGroupHom.pres1 fIsHom = refl
    IsGroupHom.presinv fIsHom = λ x  refl

AbelianizationAbGroup : (G : Group )  AbGroup 
AbelianizationAbGroup G = AbelianizationGroupStructure.asAbelianGroup G

AbelianizationHom : (G : Group )  GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group (AbelianizationAbGroup G))
AbelianizationHom G = AbelianizationGroupStructure.ηAsGroupHom G

module UniversalProperty (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
  open AbelianizationGroupStructure G
      _ = snd G
    {- The proof of the universal property of the abelianization.

    G --η--> abelianization
    \         .
      \       .
        f   ∃! inducedHom
          \   .
            \ .
    commuting diagram
    inducedHom : (H : AbGroup )
                (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
                AbGroupHom asAbelianGroup H
    inducedHom H f = g , gIsHom
      where open IsGroupHom
              _ : GroupStr (fst H)
              _ = snd (AbGroup→Group H)
            f' : fst G  fst H
            f' = fst f
            g : Abelianization G  fst H
            g = (rec G)
                   x  (f') x)
                   a b c  f' (a · b · c)           ≡⟨ (snd f).pres· a (b · c) 
                             (f' a) · (f' (b · c))    ≡⟨ cong
                                                            x  (f' a) · x)
                                                           ((snd f).pres· b c) 
                             (f' a) · (f' b) · (f' c) ≡⟨ cong
                                                            x  (f' a) · x)
                                                           ((snd H).AbGroupStr.+Comm (f' b) (f' c)) 
                             (f' a) · (f' c) · (f' b) ≡⟨ cong
                                                            x  (f' a) · x)
                                                           (sym ((snd f).pres· c b)) 
                             (f' a) · (f' (c · b))    ≡⟨ sym ((snd f).pres· a (c · b)) 
                             f' (a · c · b) )
            gIsHom : IsGroupHom (snd (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup)) g (snd (AbGroup→Group H))
            pres· gIsHom =
              (elimProp2 G)
                 x y  is-set _ _)
                ((snd f).pres·)
            pres1 gIsHom = (snd f).pres1
            presinv gIsHom =
              (elimProp G)
                 x  is-set _ _)
                ((snd f).presinv)

    commutativity : (H : AbGroup )
                   (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
                   (compGroupHom ηAsGroupHom (inducedHom H f)  f)
    commutativity H f =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x  q x i)
      where q : (x : fst  G)
               fst (compGroupHom ηAsGroupHom (inducedHom H f)) x  fst f x
            q =  x  refl)

    uniqueness : (H : AbGroup )
                (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
                (g : AbGroupHom asAbelianGroup H)
                (p : compGroupHom ηAsGroupHom g  f)
                (g  inducedHom H f)
    uniqueness H f g p =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x   q x i)
      module H = AbGroupStr (str H)
      q : (x : Abelianization G)  fst g x  fst (inducedHom H f) x
      q = (elimProp G)
             _  H.is-set _ _)
             x  fst g (η x) ≡⟨ cong  f  f x) (cong fst p) 
                   (fst f) x   ≡⟨ refl 
                   fst (inducedHom H f) (η x))