-- The Agda standard library
-- IO

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}

module IO where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Codata.Musical.Costring
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic.Base
open import Data.String.Base
import Data.Unit.Base as Unit0
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; flip)
import IO.Primitive as Prim
open import Level

    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Re-exporting the basic type and functions

open import IO.Base public

-- Utilities

module Colist where

  open import Codata.Musical.Colist.Base

  sequence : Colist (IO A)  IO (Colist A)
  sequence []       = pure []
  sequence (c  cs) = bind ( c)               λ x   
                      bind ( sequence ( cs)) λ xs  
                      pure (x   xs)

  -- The reason for not defining sequence′ in terms of sequence is
  -- efficiency (the unused results could cause unnecessary memory use).

  sequence′ : Colist (IO A)  IO 
  sequence′ []       = pure _
  sequence′ (c  cs) = seq ( c) ( sequence′ ( cs))

  mapM : (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO (Colist B)
  mapM f = sequence  map f

  mapM′ : (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO 
  mapM′ f = sequence′  map f

  forM : Colist A  (A  IO B)  IO (Colist B)
  forM = flip mapM

  forM′ : Colist A  (A  IO B)  IO 
  forM′ = flip mapM′

module List where

  open import Data.List.Base

  sequence : List (IO A)  IO (List A)
  sequence []       =  [] 
  sequence (c  cs) =  c  sequence cs 

  -- The reason for not defining sequence′ in terms of sequence is
  -- efficiency (the unused results could cause unnecessary memory use).

  sequence′ : List (IO A)  IO 
  sequence′ []       = pure _
  sequence′ (c  cs) = c >> sequence′ cs

  mapM : (A  IO B)  List A  IO (List B)
  mapM f = sequence  map f

  mapM′ : (A  IO B)  List A  IO 
  mapM′ f = sequence′  map f

  forM : List A  (A  IO B)  IO (List B)
  forM = flip mapM

  forM′ : List A  (A  IO B)  IO 
  forM′ = flip mapM′

-- Simple lazy IO

-- Note that the functions below produce commands which, when
-- executed, may raise exceptions.

-- Note also that the semantics of these functions depends on the
-- version of the Haskell base library. If the version is (or
-- later?), then the functions use the character encoding specified by
-- the locale. For older versions of the library (going back to at
-- least version 3) the functions use ISO-8859-1.

open import IO.Finite public
  renaming (readFile to readFiniteFile)

open import IO.Infinite public
  renaming ( writeFile  to writeFile∞
           ; appendFile to appendFile∞
           ; putStr     to putStr∞
           ; putStrLn   to putStrLn∞