-- The Agda standard library
-- The state monad

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Monad.State where

open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_)
open import Effect.Choice
open import Effect.Empty
open import Effect.Functor
open import Effect.Applicative
open import Effect.Monad
open import Effect.Monad.Identity as Id using (Identity; runIdentity)
open import Function.Base
open import Level

import Effect.Monad.State.Transformer as Trans

    s : Level
    S A : Set s

-- Re-export the state monad operations

open Trans public
  using (RawMonadState)

-- State monad

State : (S : Set s) (A : Set s)  Set s
State S = Trans.StateT S Identity

runState : State S A  S  S × A
runState ma s = runIdentity (Trans.runStateT ma s)

evalState : State S A  S  A
evalState ma s = runIdentity (Trans.evalStateT Id.functor ma s)

execState : State S A  S  S
execState ma s = runIdentity (Trans.execStateT Id.functor ma s)

-- Structure

functor : RawFunctor (State S)
functor = Trans.functor Id.functor

applicative : RawApplicative (State S)
applicative = Trans.applicative Id.monad

monad : RawMonad (State S)
monad = Trans.monad Id.monad

join : State S (State S A)  State S A
join = Join.join monad

-- State monad specifics

monadState : RawMonadState S (State S)
monadState = Trans.monadState Id.monad