-- The Agda standard library
-- Monads on indexed sets (predicates)

-- Note that currently the monad laws are not included here.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Effect.Monad.Predicate where

open import Effect.Applicative.Indexed
open import Effect.Monad
open import Effect.Monad.Indexed
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base using (const; id; _∘_)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Unary.PredicateTransformer using (Pt)

    i  : Level


record RawPMonad {I : Set i} (M : Pt I (i  )) : Set (suc i  suc ) where

  infixl 1 _?>=_ _?>_ _>?>_ _?>=′_
  infixr 1 _=<?_ _<?<_

  -- ``Demonic'' operations (the opponent chooses the state).

    return? :  {P}  P  M P
    _=<?_   :  {P Q}  P  M Q  M P  M Q

  _?>=_ :  {P Q}  M P  const (P  M Q)  M Q
  m ?>= f = f =<? m

  _?>=′_ :  {P Q}  M P  const (∀ j  {_ : P j}  j  M Q)  M Q
  m ?>=′ f = m ?>= λ {j} p  f j {p}

  _?>_ :  {P Q}  M P  const (∀ {j}  j  M Q)  M Q
  m₁ ?> m₂ = m₁ ?>= λ _  m₂

  join? :  {P}  M (M P)  M P
  join? m = m ?>= id

  _>?>_ : {P Q R : _}  P  M Q  Q  M R  P  M R
  f >?> g = _=<?_ g  f

  _<?<_ :  {P Q R}  Q  M R  P  M Q  P  M R
  g <?< f = f >?> g

  -- ``Angelic'' operations (the player knows the state).

  rawIMonad : RawIMonad  i j A  i  M (const A   j ))
  rawIMonad = record
    { return = λ x  return? (x , refl)
    ; _>>=_  = λ m k  m ?>= λ { {._} (x , refl)  k x }

  open RawIMonad rawIMonad public