-- The Agda standard library
-- The IO monad

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --guardedness #-}

open import Level

module Effect.Monad.IO where

open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Function.Base
open import IO.Base using (IO)
open import Effect.Functor
open import Effect.Monad

    f g : Level
    A : Set f
    M : Set f  Set g

-- IO monad operations

record RawMonadIO
       (M : Set f  Set (suc f))
       : Set (suc f) where
    liftIO : IO A  M A

-- IO monad specifics

monadIO : RawMonadIO {f} IO
monadIO = record { liftIO = id }

open import Effect.Monad.State.Transformer.Base using (StateT; mkStateT)

liftStateT :  {S}  RawFunctor M  RawMonadIO M  RawMonadIO (StateT S M)
liftStateT M MIO = record
  { liftIO = λ io  mkStateT  s  (s ,_) <$> liftIO io)
  } where open RawFunctor M; open RawMonadIO MIO

open import Effect.Monad.Reader.Transformer.Base using (ReaderT; mkReaderT)

liftReaderT :  {R}  RawMonadIO M  RawMonadIO (ReaderT R M)
liftReaderT MIO = record
  { liftIO = λ io  mkReaderT  r  liftIO io)
  } where open RawMonadIO MIO

open import Effect.Monad.Writer.Transformer.Base using (WriterT; mkWriterT)

liftWriterT :  {f 𝕎}  RawFunctor M  RawMonadIO M  RawMonadIO (WriterT {f = f} 𝕎 M)
liftWriterT M MIO = record
  { liftIO = λ io  mkWriterT  w  (w ,_) <$> liftIO io)
  } where open RawFunctor M; open RawMonadIO MIO